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RULE §26.27Amy Young Barrier Removal Program Construction Requirements

(a) Inspections.

  (1) Initial inspection arranged by the Administrator is required and must identify the accessibility modifications needed by the Person with Disability; assess and document the condition of the property; and identify all deficiencies that constitute life-threatening hazards and unsafe conditions.

  (2) Final inspection arranged by the Administrator is required and must verify, assess, and document that all construction activities have been repaired, replaced, and/or installed in a professional manner consistent with all applicable building codes and Program requirements, and as required in the Work Write-Up as described in subsection (e) of this section.

(b) A Manufactured Housing Unit may be eligible for Program assistance if it was constructed on or after January 1, 1995. The Department may allow Manufactured Housing Units older than January 1, 1995, to receive only exterior accessibility modifications (i.e., ramps, handrails, concrete flatwork) as long as the Administrator can verify that the unit itself will be free of hazardous and unsafe conditions.

(c) Construction standards.

  (1) Administrator must follow all applicable sections of local building codes and ordinances, pursuant to Section 214.212 of the Local Government Code. Where local codes do not exist, the 2015 International Residential Code (IRC), including Appendix J for Existing Buildings and Structures, is the applicable code for the Program.

  (2) Accessibility modifications shall be made with consideration to 2010 American Disability Act (ADA) Standards, but may vary from the ADA Standards in order to meet specific accessibility needs of the household as requested and agreed to by the assisted household.

  (3) Administrators must adhere to Chapter 21 of this title, (relating to Minimum Energy Efficiency Requirements for Single Family Construction Activities).

  (4) Administrators and subcontractors must honor a twelve-month warranty on all completed items in their scope of work.

(d) Life-threatening hazards and unsafe conditions.

  (1) Administrators may make repairs to eliminate life-threatening hazards and correct unsafe conditions in the Single-Family Housing as long as no more than 25% of the Project Hard Costs budget is utilized for this purpose, unless otherwise approved by the Department.

  (2) Life-threatening hazards and unsafe conditions include, but are not limited to: faulty or damaged electrical systems; faulty or damaged gas-fueled systems; faulty, damaged or absent heating and cooling systems; faulty or damaged plumbing systems, including sanitary sewer systems; faulty, damaged or absent smoke, fire and carbon monoxide detection/alarm systems; structural systems on the verge of collapse or failure; environmental hazards such as mold, lead-based paint, asbestos or radon; serious pest infestation; absence of adequate emergency escape and rescue openings and fire egress; and the absence of ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCI) and arc fault circuit interrupters (AFCI) in applicable locations.

  (3) If the work write-up addresses any of the following line items, the percentage of Project Hard Costs devoted to eliminating substandard, unsafe conditions may only exceed 25% by the amount of the following line item's cost: emergency escape, rescue openings and fire egress; ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCI); arc fault circuit interrupters (AFCI); and smoke, fire, and carbon monoxide detection/alarm systems. The combination of these line items plus the correction of any other unsafe conditions cannot exceed 40% of Project Hard Costs budget.

  (4) All areas and components of the Single-Family Housing Unit must be free of life-threatening hazards and unsafe conditions at project completion.

(e) Work-Write Ups. The Department shall review work-write ups (also referred to as "scope of work") and cost estimates prior to the Administrator soliciting bids.

(f) Bids. The Department shall review all line item bids Administrator selects for award prior to the commencement of construction. Lump sum bids will not be accepted.

(g) Change orders. An Administrator seeking a change order must obtain written Department approval prior to the commencement of any work related to the proposed change. Failure to get prior Departmental approval may result in disallowed costs.

Source Note: The provisions of this §26.27 adopted to be effective July 4, 2024, 49 TexReg 4760

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