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RULE §278.113Provider Responsibilities

  (1) inform the resident verbally and in writing, before or at the time of admission, of his rights and responsibilities. The rights and responsibilities include rules governing resident conduct, complaints, bedhold policies for hospital and personal leave, and eviction procedures. The policies must not violate the rules specified in this subchapter nor adversely affect the resident's health or safety. All policies must have an effective date. If the provider amends any policy, each resident must be informed before the change becomes effective. A written copy of these policies must be given to the resident to initial and date. This copy must be filed in the resident's casefolder. A copy of the policies must also be given to the resident. If the resident is unable to read or understand the policies, a copy must be given to the person responsible for him;

  (2) allow the resident to manage his finances or trust funds. The provider must assist the resident in managing his finances only if the resident requests assistance in writing. The resident may rescind this authorization at any time by doing so in writing;

  (3) investigate all problems, deficiencies, and non-compliance with policies, procedures, and standards which are reported by the resident or DADS staff within five workdays from receipt of the report. A copy of the documented complaint must be submitted to the adult protective services caseworker within 30 days of the receipt of the report;

  (4) provide each resident with a general orientation about his needs and the tasks to be provided before or at the time the service begins;

  (5) not require a resident to perform services for the provider or other residents; and

  (6) treat each resident with dignity and respect. The provider must guarantee certain basic rights to each resident living in his home. Such rights include the right to privacy, humane care and environment, safety of personal possessions and funds, receipt of visitors, confidentiality of personal records, freedom of religion, freedom from physical or mental abuse, neglect and exploitation, freedom from physical or chemical restraints, freedom from financial exploitation, and the right to voice grievances without retribution or intimidation.

(i) Transportation. Adult foster care providers must provide or make arrangements to meet the transportation needs of a resident for medical appointments/care, shopping for personal needs, and church activities as identified by the adult foster care caseworker. An escort must also be provided if specified in the individual service plan for a resident.

(j) Provider rights. Each provider must post a providers' bill of rights in a prominent place in the foster home. The bill of rights must state that the adult foster care provider has the right to:

  (1) be shown consideration and respect that recognizes the dignity and individuality of the provider;

  (2) terminate the client/provider agreement after a written 30-day notice;

  (3) terminate the client/provider agreement immediately, after notice to DADS, if the provider finds that a resident creates a serious or immediate threat to the health, safety, or welfare of the provider or the other residents of the foster home;

  (4) refuse to perform services for the resident or the resident's family other than those specified in the client/provider agreement;

  (5) refuse to accept a person referred to the foster home if the referral is inappropriate;

  (6) refuse to allow the presence of illegal drugs and weapons in the home; and

  (7) be made aware of a resident's problems, including aggressive or violent behavior, disease, alcoholism, or drug abuse.

(k) Termination of services. Adult foster care providers cannot terminate services to a resident without the prior approval of the adult foster care caseworker or supervisor, unless the resident creates a serious or immediate threat to the health, safety, or welfare of the provider or the other residents of the foster home.

Source Note: The provisions of this §278.113 adopted to be effective January 1, 1994, 18 TexReg 8232; amended to be effective November 1, 1994, 19 TexReg 8132; amended to be effective September 1, 2014, 39 TexReg 6637; transferred effective June 28, 2024, as published in the June 7, 2024, issue of the Texas Register, 49 TexReg 4061

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