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RULE §289.232Radiation Control Regulations for Dental Radiation Machines

        (III) the cause of the elevated exposures, dose rates; and

        (IV) corrective steps taken or planned to ensure against a recurrence, including the schedule for achieving conformance with applicable limits, and associated registration conditions.

      (iii) Each report filed in accordance with clause (i) of this subparagraph shall include, for each individual exposed, the name, a unique identification number, and date of birth. With respect to the limit for the embryo/fetus in subsection (j)(3)(A)(i)(IV) and (V) of this section, the identifiers should be those of the declared pregnant woman. The report shall be prepared so that this information is stated in a separate and detachable portion of the report.

    (D) Reports to individuals of exposures.

      (i) If applicable, radiation exposure data for an individual shall be reported to the individual as specified in this paragraph. The information reported shall include data and results obtained in accordance with requirements of this section, orders, certificate of registration conditions, as shown in records made and maintained by the registrant in accordance with this subsection. Each notification and report shall:

        (I) be in writing;

        (II) include appropriate identifying data such as the name of the registrant, the name of the individual, and the individual's identification number;

        (III) include the individual's exposure information; and

        (IV) contain the following statement: "This report is furnished to you under the provisions of the Texas Regulations for Control of Radiation, 25 Texas Administrative Code §289.232(j)(3)(A) - (C). You should preserve this report for further reference."

      (ii) If applicable, each registrant shall provide an annual written report to advise each worker of the worker's estimated dose, received in that monitoring year, as shown in records made and maintained by the registrant in accordance with subparagraph (C) of this paragraph if:

        (I) the individual's occupational dose exceeds 100 mrem (1 mSv) total effective dose equivalent or 100 mrem (1 mSv) to any individual organ or tissue; or

        (II) the individual requests his or her annual dose report in writing.

      (iii) When a registrant is required in accordance with subparagraphs (B) and (C) of this paragraph to report to the agency any exposure of an identified occupationally exposed individual, or an identified member of the public, to radiation, the registrant shall also notify the individual and provide the individual with a copy of the report submitted to the agency, including the information required by clause (i) of this subparagraph. Such reports shall be transmitted no later than the transmittal to the agency.

(l) Compliance and hearing procedures.

  (1) Inspections. The agency may enter public or private property at reasonable times to determine whether, in a matter under the agency's jurisdiction, there is compliance with the Act, the requirements of this section, certificate of registration conditions, and orders issued by the agency.

    (A) Each registrant shall perform, upon instructions from the agency, or shall permit the agency to perform such reasonable surveys, as the agency deems appropriate or necessary, including, but not limited to, surveys of:

      (i) radiation machines;

      (ii) facilities where radiation machines are used; and

      (iii) other radiation machines and devices used in connection with utilization of radiation machines.

    (B) The routine inspection interval for dental facilities is four years. On-site inspections and remote inspections may be alternated as determined by the agency. The inspection interval specified is based upon the average number of health-related violations per inspection, as determined from compliance history data. Registrant's having certificates of registration authorizing multiple radiation machine use categories will be inspected on-site at the most frequent interval specified for the radiation machine uses authorized.

      (i) Notwithstanding the inspection interval specified in this subparagraph, the agency may inspect registrants more frequently due to:

        (I) the persistence or severity of violations found during an inspection;

        (II) investigation of an incident or complaint concerning the facility;

        (III) a request for an inspection by a worker in accordance with paragraph (2) of this subsection;

        (IV) any change in a facility or radiation machine that might cause a significant increase in radiation output or hazard; or

        (V) a mutual agreement between the agency and registrant.

      (ii) The agency will conduct inspections of dental radiation machines in a manner designed to cause as little disruption of a dental practice as is practicable.

    (C) On-site Inspections.

      (i) Each registrant shall afford to the agency at all reasonable times opportunity to inspect materials, radiation machines, activities, facilities, premises, and records in accordance with this section.

      (ii) During an inspection, agency inspectors may obtain and retain paper or electronic copies of requested documentation in accordance with this section.

      (iii) Each registrant shall make available to the agency for inspection records made and maintained in accordance with this section.

      (iv) Agency inspectors may consult privately with workers concerning matters of occupational radiation protection and other matters related to applicable provisions of agency regulations and certificates of registration to the extent the inspectors deem necessary for the conduct of an inspection.

      (v) An employee who routinely is engaged in work under control of the registrant, operating the radiation machines for healing arts purposes, shall be made available to operate the radiation machines at the time of the inspection and engage in the inspection process.

      (vi) Notwithstanding the other provisions of this section, agency inspectors are authorized to refuse to permit accompaniment by any individual who interferes, delays, or causes to be delayed an inspection.

    (D) For remote inspection of dental radiation machines, each registrant shall:

      (i) respond to a request from the agency for a remote inspection;

      (ii) complete the remote inspection forms in accordance with the instructions included with the forms; and

      (iii) return to the agency the completed remote inspection forms, including documentation of the most recent EPE performed in accordance with subsection (j)(5)(J) of this section and an inventory in accordance with subsection (i)(5)(I) of this section by the deadline indicated on the forms.

    (E) During the course of an inspection, any worker may privately inform the inspectors, either verbally or in writing, any past or present condition which that individual has reason to believe may have contributed to or caused any violation of the Act, the requirements in this section, certificate of registration conditions, or any unnecessary exposure of an individual to radiation from any radiation machine source of radiation under the registrant's control. Any such notice in writing shall comply with the requirements of paragraph (2) of this subsection.

    (F) The provisions of subparagraph (E) of this paragraph shall not be interpreted as authorization to disregard instructions in accordance with subsection (j)(3)(D) of this section.

  (2) Complaints. Any worker or representative of a worker who believes that a violation of the Act, the requirements of this section, or certificate of registration conditions exists or has occurred in work under a certificate of registration with regard to radiological working conditions in which the worker is engaged, may request an inspection by giving notice of the alleged violation to the agency. Any such notice shall be in writing, shall set forth the specific grounds for the notice, and the worker or representative of the worker shall sign the notice. A copy shall be provided to the registrant by the agency no later than at the time of inspection except that, upon the request of the worker giving such notice, the worker's name and the name of individual referred to therein shall not appear in such copy or on any record published, released, or made available by the agency, except for good cause shown.

    (A) If, upon receipt of such notice, the agency determines that the request meets the requirements set forth in this paragraph, and that there are reasonable grounds to believe that the alleged violation exists or has occurred, an inspection shall be made as soon as practicable to determine if such alleged violation exists or has occurred. Inspections in accordance with this section need not be limited to matters referred in the request.


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