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RULE §289.252Licensing of Radioactive Material

    (C) the person assures that any labels required to be affixed to the device in accordance with requirements of the authority that licensed manufacture of the device bear a statement that "Removal of this label is prohibited"; and

    (D) the holder of the specific license furnishes to each general licensee to whom the holder of the specific license transfers the device, or on whose premises the holder of the specific license installs the device, a copy of the general license contained in §289.251(f)(4)(H) of this title.

  (3) The department may withdraw, limit, or qualify its acceptance of any specific license or equivalent licensing document issued by another agency, or any product distributed in accordance with the licensing document, upon determining that the action is necessary in order to prevent undue hazard to occupational and public health and safety and the environment.

(ff) Preparation of radioactive material for transport. Requirements for the preparation of radioactive material for transport are specified in §289.257 of this title.

(gg) Financial assurance and record keeping for decommissioning.

  (1) The applicant for a specific license or renewal of a specific license, or holder of a specific license, authorizing the possession and use of radioactive material shall submit and receive written authorization for a decommissioning funding plan as described in paragraph (4) of this subsection in an amount sufficient to allow the department to engage a third party to decommission the site(s) specified on the license for the following situations:

    (A) when unsealed radioactive material requested or authorized on the license, with a half-life greater than 120 days, is in quantities exceeding 105 times the applicable quantities set forth in subsection (jj)(2) of this section;

    (B) when a combination of the unsealed radionuclides requested or authorized on the license, with a half-life greater than 120 days, results in the R of the radionuclides divided by 105 being greater than 1 (unity rule), where R is defined as the sum of the ratios of the quantity of each radionuclide to the applicable value in subsection (jj)(2) of this section;

    (C) when sealed sources or plated foils requested or authorized on the license, with a half-life greater than 120 days and in quantities exceeding 1012 times the applicable quantities set forth in subsection (jj)(2) of this section (or when a combination of isotopes is involved if R, as defined in this subsection, divided by 1012 is greater than 1), shall submit a decommissioning funding plan as described in paragraph (4) of this subsection; or

    (D) when radioactive material requested or authorized on the license is in quantities more than 100 mCi (3.7 gigabecquerels (GBq)) of source material in a readily dispersible form.

  (2) The applicant for a specific license or renewal of a specific license or the holder of a specific license authorizing possession and use of radioactive material as specified in paragraph (3) of this subsection shall either:

    (A) submit a decommissioning funding plan as described in paragraph (4) of this subsection in an amount sufficient to allow the department to engage a third party to decommission the site(s) specified on the license; or

    (B) submit financial assurance for decommissioning in the amount in accordance with paragraph (3) of this subsection using one of the methods described in paragraph (6) of this subsection in an amount sufficient to allow the department to engage a third party to decommission the site(s) specified on the license.

  (3) The required amount of financial assurance for decommissioning is determined by the quantity of material authorized by the license and is determined as follows:

    (A) $1,125,000 for quantities of material greater than 104 but less than or equal to 105 times the applicable quantities in subsection (jj)(2) of this section in unsealed form. (For a combination of radionuclides, if R, as defined in paragraph (1) of this subsection, divided by 104 is greater than 1 but R divided by 105 is less than or equal to 1);

    (B) $225,000 for quantities of material greater than 103 but less than or equal to 104 times the applicable quantities in subsection (jj)(2) of this section in unsealed form. (For a combination of radionuclides, if R, as defined in paragraph (1) of this subsection, divided by 103 is greater than 1 but R divided by 104 if less than or equal to 1);

    (C) $113,000 for quantities of material greater than 1010 but less than or equal to 1012 times the applicable quantities in subsection (jj)(2) of this section in sealed sources or plated foils. (For a combination of radionuclides, if R, as defined in paragraph (1) of this subsection, divided by 1010 is greater than 1, but R divided by 1012 is less than or equal to 1); or

    (D) $225,000 for quantities of source material greater than 10 mCi (0.37 GBq) but less than or equal to 100 mCi (3.7 GBq) in a readily dispersible form.

  (4) Each decommissioning funding plan shall:

    (A) be submitted for review and approval and shall contain the following:

      (i) a detailed cost estimate for decommissioning in an amount reflecting:

        (I) the cost of an independent contractor to perform all decommissioning activities;

        (II) the cost of meeting the criteria of §289.202(ddd)(2) of this title for unrestricted use, provided that, if the applicant or licensee can demonstrate its ability to meet the provisions of §289.202(ddd)(3) of this title, the cost estimate may be based on meeting the criteria of §289.202(ddd)(3) of this title;

        (III) the volume of onsite subsurface material containing residual radioactivity that will require remediation to meet the criteria for license termination; and

        (IV) an adequate contingency factor.

      (ii) identification of and justification for using the key assumptions contained in the detailed cost estimate;

      (iii) a description of the method of assuring funds for decommissioning from paragraph (6) of this subsection, including means for adjusting cost estimates and associated funding levels periodically over the life of the facility;

      (iv) a certification by the licensee that financial assurance for decommissioning has been provided in the amount of the cost estimate for decommissioning; and

      (v) a signed original of the financial instrument obtained to satisfy the requirements of paragraph (6) of this subsection (unless a previously submitted and accepted financial instrument continues to cover the cost estimate for decommissioning); and

    (B) at the time of license renewal and at intervals not to exceed three years, the decommissioning funding plan, be resubmitted with adjustments as necessary to account for changes in costs and the extent of contamination. If the amount of financial assurance will be adjusted downward, this cannot be done until the updated decommissioning funding plan is approved. The decommissioning funding plan shall update the information submitted with the original or prior approved plan, and shall specifically consider the effect of the following events on decommissioning costs:

      (i) spills of radioactive material producing additional residual radioactivity in onsite subsurface material;

      (ii) waste inventory increasing above the amount previously estimated;

      (iii) waste disposal costs increasing above the amount previously estimated;

      (iv) facility modifications;

      (v) changes in authorized possession limits;

      (vi) actual remediation costs that exceed the previous cost estimate;

      (vii) onsite disposal; and

      (viii) use of a settling pond.

  (5) Financial assurance in conjunction with a decommissioning funding plan shall be submitted as follows:

    (A) for an applicant for a specific license, financial assurance as described in paragraph (6) of this subsection, may be obtained after the application has been approved and the license issued by the department, but shall be submitted to the department before receipt of licensed material; or

    (B) for an applicant for renewal of a specific license, or a holder of a specific license, a signed original of the financial instrument obtained to satisfy the requirements of paragraph (6) of this subsection shall be submitted with the decommissioning funding plan.

  (6) Financial assurance for decommissioning shall be provided by one or more of the following methods. The financial instrument obtained shall be continuous for the term of the license in a form prescribed by the department. The applicant or licensee shall obtain written approval of the financial instrument or any amendment to it from the department.


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