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RULE §289.256Medical and Veterinary Use of Radioactive Material

    (B) has obtained written attestation that the individual has satisfactorily completed the requirements of paragraph (3)(A) of this subsection, and is able to independently fulfill the radiation safety-related duties as an authorized user for oral administration of greater than 33 mCi (1.22 GBq) of sodium iodide I-131 for medical uses authorized under subsection (kk) of this section. The attestation must be obtained from either:

      (i) a preceptor authorized user who meets the requirements in subsections (l) or (nn) of this section, this subsection, or equivalent NRC or agreement state requirements, and has experience in administering dosages as specified in subsection (nn)(2)(A)(ii)(VI)(-b-) of this section; or

      (ii) a residency program director who affirms in writing that the attestation represents the consensus of the residency program faculty where at least one faculty member is an authorized user who meets the requirements in subsections (l), (nn), or (pp) of this section, or equivalent NRC, or agreement state requirements, has experience in administering dosages as specified in subsection (nn)(2)(A)(ii)(VI)(-b-) of this section, and concurs with the attestation provided by the residency program director. The residency training program must be approved by the Residency Review Committee of the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education or the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada or the Council on Postdoctoral Training of the American Osteopathic Association and must include training and experience specified in this paragraph.

(qq) Training for the parenteral administration of unsealed radioactive material requiring a written directive.

  (1) Except as provided in subsection (l) of this section, the licensee shall require an authorized user for the parenteral administration of unsealed radioactive materials requiring a written directive to be a physician who:

    (A) is an authorized user in accordance with subsection (nn) of this section for uses listed in subsection (nn)(2)(A)(ii)(VI)(-c-) of this section or equivalent NRC or agreement state requirements; or

    (B) is an authorized user under subsections (zz) or (ttt) of this section or equivalent NRC or agreement state requirements and who meets the requirements of paragraph (2) of this subsection; or

    (C) is certified by a medical specialty board whose certification process has been recognized by the department, the NRC, or an agreement state in accordance with subsections (zz) or (ttt) of this section, and who meets the requirements of paragraph (2) of this subsection.

  (2) The physician must also meet the following requirements:

    (A) has successfully completed 80 hours of classroom and laboratory training applicable to parenteral administrations listed in subsection (nn)(2)(A)(ii)(VI)(-c-) of this section.

    (B) has the training and experience that shall include the following:

      (i) classroom and laboratory training shall include the following:

        (I) radiation physics and instrumentation;

        (II) radiation protection;

        (III) mathematics pertaining to the use and measurement of radioactivity;

        (IV) chemistry of radioactive material for medical use; and

        (V) radiation biology; and

      (ii) work experience, under the supervision of an authorized user who meets the requirements of subsection (l) of this section, this subsection or subsection (nn) of this section or equivalent NRC or agreement state requirements in the parenteral administration listed in subsection (nn)(2)(A)(ii)(VI)(-c-) of this section. A supervising authorized user who meets the requirements of subsection (nn) of this section, this subsection, or equivalent NRC or agreement state requirements shall have experience in administering dosages in the same category or categories as the individual requesting authorized user status. The work experience shall involve the following:

        (I) ordering, receiving, and unpacking radioactive materials safely and performing the related radiation surveys;

        (II) performing quality control procedures on instruments used to determine the activity of dosages and performing checks for proper operation of survey meters;

        (III) calculating, measuring, and safely preparing patient or human research subject dosages;

        (IV) using administrative controls to prevent a medical event involving the use of unsealed radioactive material;

        (V) using procedures to contain spilled radioactive material safely and using proper decontamination procedures; and

        (VI) administering dosages to patients or human research subjects that include at least three cases involving the parenteral administration specified in subsection (nn)(2)(A)(ii)(VI)(-c-) of this section; and

    (C) has obtained written attestation that the individual has satisfactorily completed the requirements of paragraph (2)(A) and (B) of this subsection, and is able to independently fulfill the radiation safety-related duties as an authorized user for the parenteral administration of unsealed radioactive material requiring a written directive. The attestation must be obtained from either:

      (i) a preceptor authorized user who meets the requirements of subsection (l) of this section, subsection (nn) of this section, or this subsection, or equivalent NRC or agreement state requirements. A preceptor authorized user who meets the requirements in subsection (nn) of this section, this section, or equivalent Agreement State requirements, must have experience in administering dosages in the same category or categories as the individual requesting authorized user status; or, and shall have experience in administering dosages in the same category or categories as the individual requesting authorized user status; or

      (ii) A residency program director who affirms in writing that the attestation represents the consensus of the residency program faculty where at least one faculty member is an authorized user who meets the requirements in subsections (l), (nn) or (qq) of this section, or equivalent NRC or agreement state requirements, has experience in administering dosages in the same dosage category or categories as the individual requesting authorized user status, and concurs with the attestation provided by the residency program director. The residency training program must be approved by the Residency Review Committee of the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education or the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada or the Council on Postdoctoral Training of the American Osteopathic Association and must include training and experience specified in this paragraph.

(rr) Use of sealed sources for manual brachytherapy. The licensee shall use only brachytherapy sources as follows:

  (1) as approved in the Sealed Source and Device Registry for manual brachytherapy medical use. The manual brachytherapy sources may be used for manual brachytherapy uses that are not explicitly listed in the Sealed Source and Device Registry, but must be used in accordance with the radiation safety conditions and limitations described in the Sealed Source and Device Registry; or

  (2) in research to deliver therapeutic doses for medical use in accordance with an active Investigational Device Exemption application accepted by the FDA provided the requirements of subsection (u)(1) of this section are met.

(ss) Surveys after sealed source implants and removal.

  (1) Immediately after implanting sealed sources in a patient or a human or animal research subject, the licensee shall perform a survey to locate and account for all sealed sources that have not been implanted.

  (2) Immediately after removing the last temporary implant sealed source from a patient or a human or animal research subject, the licensee shall perform a survey of the patient or the human or animal research subject with a radiation detection survey instrument to confirm that all sealed sources have been removed.

  (3) A record of each survey shall be retained, for inspection by the department, in accordance with subsection (xxx) of this section. The record shall include the following:

    (A) date of the survey;

    (B) results of the survey;

    (C) manufacturer's name and model and serial number of the instrument used to make the survey; and

    (D) name of the individual who performed the survey.

(tt) Brachytherapy sealed sources accountability.

  (1) The licensee shall maintain accountability at all times for all brachytherapy sealed sources in storage or use.

  (2) Promptly after removing sealed sources from a patient or a human or animal research subject, the licensee shall return brachytherapy sealed sources to a secure storage area.

  (3) The licensee shall maintain a record of the brachytherapy sealed source accountability in accordance with subsection (xxx) of this section for inspection by the department.


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