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RULE §289.256Medical and Veterinary Use of Radioactive Material

    (A) When removing temporary implants from storage, the licensee shall record the number and activity of sources, time and date the sources were removed, the name of the individual who removed the sources, and the location of use. When temporary implants are returned to storage, record the number and activity of sources, the time and date, and the name of the individual who returned them.

    (B) When removing permanent implants from storage, the licensee shall record the number and activity of sources, date, the name of the individual who removed the sources, and the number and activity of sources permanently implanted in the patient or human research subject. Record the number and activity of sources not implanted and returned to storage, the date, and the name of the individual who returned them to storage.

(uu) Safety instruction to personnel. The licensee shall provide radiation safety instruction, initially and at least annually, to personnel caring for patients or human or animal research subjects who are receiving brachytherapy and who cannot be released in accordance with subsection (cc) of this section or animals that are confined.

  (1) The instruction shall be appropriate to the personnel's assigned duties and include the following:

    (A) size and appearance of brachytherapy sources;

    (B) safe handling and shielding instructions;

    (C) patient or human research subject control;

    (D) visitor control to include visitation to hospitalized individuals in accordance with §289.202(n) of this title; and

    (E) notification of the RSO, or his or her designee, and an authorized user if the patient or the human or animal research subject has a medical emergency or dies.

  (2) A licensee shall maintain a record, for inspection by the department, in accordance with subsection (xxx) of this section, of individuals receiving instruction. The record shall include the following:

    (A) list of the topics covered;

    (B) date of the instruction or training;

    (C) name(s) of the attendee(s); and

    (D) name(s) of the individual(s) who provided the instruction.

(vv) Safety precautions for the use of brachytherapy.

  (1) For each patient or human research subject who is receiving brachytherapy and cannot be released in accordance with subsection (cc) of this section the licensee shall:

    (A) provide a private room with a private sanitary facility;

    (B) post the patient's or the research subject's room with a "Radioactive Materials" sign and note on the door or in the patient's or research subject's chart where and how long visitors may stay in the patient's or the research subject's room; and

    (C) have available near each treatment room applicable emergency response equipment to respond to a sealed source that is inadvertently dislodged from the patient or inadvertently lodged within the patient following removal of the sealed source applicators.

  (2) The RSO, or his or her designee, and the authorized user shall be notified if the patient or research subject has a medical emergency and, immediately, if the patient dies.

(ww) Calibration measurements of brachytherapy sealed sources.

  (1) Before the first medical use of a brachytherapy sealed source on or after October 1, 2000, the licensee shall do the following:

    (A) determine the sealed source output or activity using a dosimetry system that meets the requirements of subsection (iii)(1) of this section;

    (B) determine sealed source positioning accuracy within applicators; and

    (C) use published protocols accepted by nationally recognized bodies to meet the requirements of subparagraphs (A) and (B) of this paragraph.

  (2) Instead of the licensee making its own measurements as required in paragraph (1) of this subsection, the licensee may use measurements provided by the source manufacturer or by a calibration laboratory accredited by the American Association of Physicists in Medicine that are made in accordance with paragraph (1) of this subsection.

  (3) The licensee shall mathematically correct the outputs or activities determined in paragraph (1) of this subsection for physical decay at intervals consistent with one percent physical decay.

  (4) The licensee shall retain a record of each calibration in accordance with subsection (xxx) of this section for inspection by the department. The record shall include the following:

    (A) complete date of the calibration including the month, day, and year;

    (B) manufacturer's name and model and serial number for the sealed source and instruments used to calibrate the sealed source;

    (C) sealed source output or activity;

    (D) sealed source positioning accuracy within applicators; and

    (E) name of the individual, the source manufacturer, or the calibration laboratory that performed the calibration.

(xx) Strontium-90 sources for ophthalmic treatments.

  (1) A licensee who uses strontium-90 for ophthalmic treatments must ensure that certain activities as specified in paragraph (2) of this subsection are performed by either:

    (A) an authorized medical physicist; or

    (B) an individual who:

      (i) is identified as an ophthalmic physicist on a specific medical use license issued by the department, the NRC, or an agreement state; permit issued by the department, the NRC, or an agreement state broad scope medical use licensee; medical use permit issued by an NRC master material licensee; or permit issued by an NRC master material licensee broad scope medical use permittee; and

      (ii) holds a master's or doctor's degree in physics, medical physics, other physical sciences, engineering, or applied mathematics from an accredited college or university; and

      (iii) has successfully completed one year of full-time training in medical physics and an additional year of full-time work experience under the supervision of a medical physicist; and

      (iv) has documented training in:

        (I) the creation, modification, and completion of written directives;

        (II) procedures for administrations requiring a written directive; and

        (III) performing the calibration measurements of brachytherapy sources as detailed in subsection (ww) of this section.

  (2) The individual who is identified in paragraph (1) of this subsection must:

    (A) calculate the activity of each strontium-90 source that is used to determine the treatment times for ophthalmic treatments, and the decay must be based on the activity determined under subsection (ww) of this section; and

    (B) assist the licensee in developing, implementing, and maintaining written procedures to provide high confidence that the administration is in accordance with the written directive. These procedures must include the frequencies that the individual meeting the requirements in paragraph (1) of this subsection will observe treatments, review the treatment methodology, calculate treatment time for the prescribed dose, and review records to verify that the administrations were in accordance with the written directives.

  (3) A licensee shall maintain a record of the activity of a strontium-90 source in accordance with subsection (xxx) of this section for inspection by the department. The record shall include the following:

    (A) date and initial activity of the source as determined under subsection (ww) of this section; and

    (B) for each decay calculation, the date and the source activity as determined under this subsection.

(yy) Therapy-related computer systems for manual brachytherapy. The licensee shall perform acceptance testing on the treatment planning system of therapy-related computer systems in accordance with published protocols accepted by nationally recognized bodies. At a minimum, the acceptance testing shall include, as applicable, verification of the following:

  (1) the sealed source-specific input parameters required by the dose calculation algorithm;

  (2) the accuracy of dose, dwell time, and treatment time calculations at representative points;

  (3) the accuracy of isodose plots and graphic displays; and

  (4) the accuracy of the software used to determine radioactive sealed source positions from radiographic images.

(zz) Training for use of manual brachytherapy sealed sources. Except as provided in subsection (l) of this section, the licensee shall require an authorized user of a manual brachytherapy source for the uses authorized in subsection (rr) of this section to be a physician who:


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