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RULE §289.252Licensing of Radioactive Material

      (i) fingerprinting and an FBI identification and criminal history records check in accordance with paragraph (5) of this subsection;

      (ii) verification of true identity. Licensees shall:

        (I) verify the true identity of the individual who is applying for unescorted access authorization to ensure that the applicant is who he or she claims to be;

        (II) review official identification documents (e.g., driver's license; passport; government identification; certificate of birth issued by the state, province, or country of birth) and compare the documents to personal information data provided by the individual to identify any discrepancy in the information;

        (III) document the type, expiration, and identification number of the identification document, or maintain a photocopy of identifying documents on file in accordance with paragraph (7) of this subsection;

        (IV) certify in writing that the identification was properly reviewed; and

        (V) maintain the certification and all related documents for inspection by the department in accordance with subsection (mm) of this section;

      (iii) employment history verification. Licensees shall:

        (I) complete an employment history verification, including military history; and

        (II) verify the individual's employment with each previous employer for the most recent 7 years before the date of application;

      (iv) verification of education. Licensees shall verify that the individual participated in the education process during the claimed period;

      (v) character and reputation determination. Licensees shall complete reference checks to determine the character and reputation of the individual who has applied for unescorted access authorization. Unless other references are not available, reference checks may not be conducted with any person who is known to be a close member of the individual's family, including the individual's spouse, parents, siblings, or children, or any individual who resides in the individual's permanent household. Reference checks as specified in paragraphs (2) and (3), this paragraph, and paragraphs (5) - (8) of this subsection must be limited to whether the individual has been and continues to be trustworthy and reliable;

      (vi) the licensee shall also, to the extent possible, obtain independent information to corroborate that provided by the individual (e.g., seek references not supplied by the individual); and

      (vii) if a previous employer, educational institution, or any other entity with which the individual claims to have been engaged fails to provide information or indicates an inability or unwillingness to provide information within a time frame deemed appropriate by the licensee but at least after 10 business days of the request or if the licensee is unable to reach the entity, the licensee shall document the refusal, unwillingness, or inability in the record of investigation; and attempt to obtain the information from an alternate source.

    (B) Grandfathering.

      (i) Individuals who have been determined to be trustworthy and reliable for unescorted access to category 1 or category 2 quantities of radioactive material as specified in the fingerprint orders may continue to have unescorted access to category 1 and category 2 quantities of radioactive material without further investigation. These individuals shall be subject to the reinvestigation requirement.

      (ii) Individuals who have been determined to be trustworthy and reliable in accordance with Title 10, CFR, Part 73, or the security orders for access to safeguards information, safeguards information-modified handling, or risk-significant material may have unescorted access to category 1 and category 2 quantities of radioactive material without further investigation. The licensee shall document that the individual was determined to be trustworthy and reliable under Title 10, CFR, Part 73, or a security order. Security order, in this context, refers to any order that was issued by the NRC that required fingerprints and an FBI criminal history records check for access to safeguards information, safeguards information-modified handling, or risk significant material such as special nuclear material or large quantities of uranium hexafluoride. These individuals shall be subject to the reinvestigation requirement.

    (C) Reinvestigations. Licensees shall conduct a reinvestigation every 10 years for any individual with unescorted access to category 1 or category 2 quantities of radioactive material. The reinvestigation shall consist of fingerprinting and an FBI identification and criminal history records check in accordance with paragraph (5) of this subsection. The reinvestigations must be completed within 10 years of the date on which these elements were last completed.

  (5) Requirements for criminal history records checks of individuals granted unescorted access to category 1 or category 2 quantities of radioactive material.

    (A) General performance objective and requirements.

      (i) Except for those individuals listed in paragraph (6) of this subsection and those individuals grandfathered under paragraph (4)(B) of this subsection, each licensee subject to the requirements of paragraphs (2) - (4), this paragraph, and paragraphs (6) - (8) of this subsection shall:

        (I) fingerprint each individual who is to be permitted unescorted access to category 1 or category 2 quantities of radioactive material;

        (II) transmit all collected fingerprints to the NRC for transmission to the FBI; and

        (III) use the information received from the FBI as part of the required background investigation to determine whether to grant or deny further unescorted access to category 1 or category 2 quantities of radioactive materials for that individual.

      (ii) The licensee shall notify each affected individual that his or her fingerprints will be used to secure a review of his or her criminal history record, and shall inform him or her of the procedures for revising the record or adding explanations to the record.

      (iii) Fingerprinting is not required if a licensee is reinstating an individual's unescorted access authorization to category 1 or category 2 quantities of radioactive materials if:

        (I) the individual returns to the same facility that granted unescorted access authorization within 365 days of the termination of his or her unescorted access authorization; and

        (II) the previous access was terminated under favorable conditions.

      (iv) Fingerprints do not need to be taken if an individual who is an employee of a licensee, contractor, manufacturer, or supplier has been granted unescorted access to category 1 or category 2 quantities of radioactive material, access to safeguards information, or safeguards information-modified handling by another licensee, based upon a background investigation conducted in accordance with paragraphs (2) - (4), this paragraph, and paragraphs (6) - (8) of this subsection, the fingerprint orders, or Title 10, CFR, Part 73. An existing criminal history records check file may be transferred to the licensee asked to grant unescorted access in accordance with the requirements of paragraph (7)(C) of this subsection.

      (v) Licensees shall use the information obtained as part of a criminal history records check solely for the purpose of determining an individual's suitability for unescorted access authorization to category 1 or category 2 quantities of radioactive materials, access to safeguards information, or safeguards information-modified handling.

    (B) Prohibitions.

      (i) Licensees may not base a final determination to deny an individual unescorted access authorization to category 1 or category 2 quantities of radioactive material solely on the basis of information received from the FBI involving:

        (I) an arrest more than one year old for which there is no information of the disposition of the case; or

        (II) an arrest that resulted in dismissal of the charge or an acquittal.

      (ii) Licensees may not use information received from a criminal history records check obtained under paragraphs (2) - (4), this paragraph, and paragraphs (6) - (8) of this subsection in a manner that would infringe upon the rights of any individual under the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, nor shall licensees use the information in any way that would discriminate among individuals on the basis of race, religion, national origin, gender, or age.

    (C) Procedures for processing of fingerprint checks.

      (i) For the purpose of complying with paragraphs (2) - (4), this paragraph, and paragraphs (6) - (8) of this subsection, licensees shall use an appropriate method listed in Title 10, CFR, §37.7, to submit to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Director, Division of Physical and Cyber Security Policy, 11545 Rockville Pike, ATTN: Criminal History Program/Mail Stop T-07D04M, 11545 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland 20852, one completed, legible standard fingerprint card (Form Cont'd...

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