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RULE §289.252Licensing of Radioactive Material

      (vi) Licensees shall maintain a list of persons currently approved for access to the security plan, implementing procedures, or the list of individuals that have been approved for unescorted access. When a licensee determines that a person no longer needs access to the security plan, implementing procedures, and the list of individuals that have been approved for unescorted access, or no longer meets the access authorization requirements for access to the information, the licensee shall:

        (I) remove the person from the approved list as soon as possible, but no later than 7 working days; and

        (II) take prompt measures to ensure that the individual is unable to obtain the security plan, implementing procedures, or the list of individuals that have been approved for unescorted access.

      (vii) When not in use, the licensee shall store its security plan, implementing procedures, and the list of individuals that have been approved for unescorted access in a manner to prevent unauthorized access. Information stored in nonremovable electronic form shall be password protected.

      (viii) The licensee shall make, maintain, and retain as a record for inspection by the department in accordance with subsection (mm) of this section:

        (I) a copy of the information protection procedures; and

        (II) the list of individuals approved for access to the security plan, implementing procedures, or the list of individuals that have been approved for unescorted access.

  (11) LLEA coordination.

    (A) A licensee subject to paragraphs (9) and (10), this paragraph, and paragraphs (12) - (17) of this subsection shall coordinate, to the extent practicable, with an LLEA for responding to threats to the licensee's facility, including any necessary armed response. The information provided to the LLEA must include:

      (i) a description of the facilities and the category 1 and category 2 quantities of radioactive materials along with a description of the licensee's security measures that have been implemented to comply with paragraphs (9) and (10), this paragraph, and paragraphs (12) - (17) of this subsection; and

      (ii) a notification that the licensee will request a timely armed response by the LLEA to any actual or attempted theft, sabotage, or diversion of category 1 or category 2 quantities of material.

    (B) The licensee shall notify the department within three business days if:

      (i) the LLEA has not responded to the request for coordination within 60 days of the coordination request; or

      (ii) the LLEA notifies the licensee that the LLEA does not plan to participate in coordination activities.

    (C) The licensee shall document its efforts to coordinate with the LLEA. The documentation must be kept for inspection by the department in accordance with subsection (mm) of this section.

    (D) The licensee shall coordinate with the LLEA at least every 12 months, or when changes to the facility design or operation adversely affect the potential vulnerability of the licensee's material to theft, sabotage, or diversion.

  (12) Security zones.

    (A) Licensees shall ensure that all aggregated category 1 and category 2 quantities of radioactive material are used or stored within licensee established security zones. Security zones may be permanent or temporary.

    (B) Temporary security zones shall be established as necessary to meet the licensee's transitory or intermittent business activities, such as periods of maintenance, source delivery, and source replacement.

    (C) Security zones must, at a minimum, allow unescorted access only to approved individuals through:

      (i) isolation of category 1 and category 2 quantities of radioactive materials by the use of continuous physical barriers that allow access to the security zone only through established access control points. A physical barrier is a natural or man-made structure or formation sufficient for the isolation of the category 1 or category 2 quantities of radioactive material within a security zone; or

      (ii) direct control of the security zone by approved individuals at all times; or

      (iii) a combination of continuous physical barriers and direct control.

    (D) For category 1 quantities of radioactive material during periods of maintenance, source receipt, preparation for shipment, installation, or source removal or exchange, the licensee shall, at a minimum, provide sufficient individuals approved for unescorted access to maintain continuous surveillance of sources in temporary security zones and in any security zone in which physical barriers or intrusion detection systems have been disabled to allow such activities.

    (E) Individuals not approved for unescorted access to category 1 or category 2 quantities of radioactive material must be escorted by an approved individual when in a security zone.

  (13) Monitoring, detection and assessment.

    (A) Monitoring and detection.

      (i) Licensees shall:

        (I) establish and maintain the capability to continuously monitor and detect without delay all unauthorized entries into its security zones;

        (II) provide the means to maintain continuous monitoring and detection capability in the event of a loss of the primary power source; or

        (III) provide for an alarm and response in the event of a loss of this capability to continuously monitor and detect unauthorized entries.

      (ii) Monitoring and detection must be performed by:

        (I) a monitored intrusion detection system that is linked to an onsite or offsite central monitoring facility;

        (II) electronic devices for intrusion detection alarms that will alert nearby facility personnel;

        (III) a monitored video surveillance system;

        (IV) direct visual surveillance by approved individuals located within the security zone; or

        (V) direct visual surveillance by a licensee designated individual located outside the security zone.

      (iii) A licensee subject to paragraphs (9) - (12), this paragraph, and paragraphs (14) - (17) of this subsection shall also have a means to detect unauthorized removal of the radioactive material from the security zone. This detection capability must provide:

        (I) for category 1 quantities of radioactive material, immediate detection of any attempted unauthorized removal of the radioactive material from the security zone. Such immediate detection capability must be provided by:

          (-a-) electronic sensors linked to an alarm;

          (-b-) continuous monitored video surveillance; or

          (-c-) direct visual surveillance; and

        (II) for category 2 quantities of radioactive material, weekly verification through physical checks, tamper indicating devices, use, or other means to ensure that the radioactive material is present.

    (B) Assessment. Licensees shall immediately assess each actual or attempted unauthorized entry into the security zone to determine whether the unauthorized access was an actual or attempted theft, sabotage, or diversion.

    (C) Personnel communications and data transmission. For personnel and automated or electronic systems supporting the licensee's monitoring, detection, and assessment systems, licensees shall:

      (i) maintain continuous capability for personnel communication and electronic data transmission and processing among site security systems; and

      (ii) provide an alternative communication capability for personnel, and an alternative data transmission and processing capability, in the event of a loss of the primary means of communication or data transmission and processing. Alternative communications and data transmission systems may not be subject to the same failure modes as the primary systems.

    (D) Response. Licensees shall immediately respond to any actual or attempted unauthorized access to the security zones, or actual or attempted theft, sabotage, or diversion of category 1 or category 2 quantities of radioactive material at licensee facilities or temporary job sites. For any unauthorized access involving an actual or attempted theft, sabotage, or diversion of category 1 or category 2 quantities of radioactive material, the licensee's response shall include requesting, without delay, an armed response from the LLEA.

  (14) Maintenance and testing.

    (A) Each licensee subject to paragraphs (9) - (13), this paragraph, and paragraphs (15) - (17) of this subsection shall implement a maintenance and testing program to ensure that intrusion alarms, associated communication systems, and other physical components of the systems used to secure or detect unauthorized access to radioactive material are maintained in operable condition and are capable of performing their intended function when needed. The equipment relied on to meet the security requirements Cont'd...

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