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RULE §289.202Standards for Protection Against Radiation from Radioactive Materials

    (B) accept, as a record of the occupational dose that the individual received during the current year, a written signed statement from the individual, or from the individual's prior or other current employer(s) for work involving radiation exposure, that discloses the nature and the amount of any occupational dose that the individual received during the current year; or

    (C) obtain reports of the individual's dose equivalent from prior or other current employer(s) for work involving radiation exposure, or the individual's current employer, if the individual is not employed by the licensee, by telephone, facsimile, letter, or other electronic media transmission. The licensee shall request a written verification of the dose data if the authenticity of the transmitted report cannot be established.

  (3) The licensee shall record the exposure data for the current year, as required by paragraph (1) of this subsection, on RC Form 202-3, or other clear and legible record, of all the information required on that form.

  (4) If the licensee is unable to obtain a complete record of an individual's current occupational dose while employed by any other licensee, the licensee shall assume in establishing administrative controls in accordance with subsection (f)(7) of this section for the current year, that the allowable dose limit for the individual is reduced by 1.25 rems (12.5 mSv) for each quarter; or 416 mrem (4.16 mSv) for each month for which records were unavailable and the individual was engaged in activities that could have resulted in occupational radiation exposure.

  (5) If an individual has incomplete (e.g., a lost or damaged personnel monitoring device) current occupational dose data for the current year and that individual is employed solely by the licensee during the current year, the licensee shall:

    (A) assume that the allowable dose limit for the individual is reduced by 1.25 rems (12.5 mSv) for each quarter;

    (B) assume that the allowable dose limit for the individual is reduced by 416 mrem (4.16 mSv) for each month; or

    (C) assess an occupational dose for the individual during the period of missing data using surveys, radiation measurements, or other comparable data for the purpose of demonstrating compliance with the occupational dose limits.

  (6) Administrative controls established in accordance with paragraph (4) of this subsection shall be documented and maintained for inspection by the agency. Occupational dose assessments made in accordance with paragraph (5) of this subsection and records of data used to make the assessment shall be maintained for inspection by the agency. The licensee shall retain the records in accordance with subsection (rr) of this section.

(k) Planned special exposures. A licensee may authorize an adult worker to receive doses in addition to and accounted for separately from the doses received under the limits specified in subsection (f) of this section provided that each of the following conditions is satisfied.

  (1) The licensee authorizes a planned special exposure only in an exceptional situation when alternatives that might avoid the doses estimated to result from the planned special exposure are unavailable or impractical.

  (2) The licensee and employer, if the employer is not the licensee, specifically authorizes the planned special exposure, in writing, before the exposure occurs.

  (3) Before a planned special exposure, the licensee ensures that each individual involved is:

    (A) informed of the purpose of the planned operation;

    (B) informed of the estimated doses and associated potential risks and specific radiation levels or other conditions that might be involved in performing the task; and

    (C) instructed in the measures to be taken to keep the dose ALARA considering other risks that may be present.

  (4) Prior to permitting an individual to participate in a planned special exposure, the licensee shall determine:

    (A) the internal and external doses from all previous planned special exposures;

    (B) all doses in excess of the limits, including doses received during accidents and emergencies, received during the lifetime of the individual; and

    (C) all lifetime cumulative occupational radiation doses.

  (5) In complying with the requirements of paragraph (4)(C) of this subsection, a licensee may:

    (A) accept, as the record of lifetime cumulative radiation dose, an up-to-date RC Form 202-2 or equivalent, signed by the individual and countersigned by an appropriate official of the most recent employer for work involving radiation exposure, or the individual's current employer, if the individual is not employed by the licensee; and

    (B) obtain reports of the individual's dose equivalent from prior employer(s) for work involving radiation exposure, or the individual's current employer, if the individual is not employed by the licensee, by telephone, facsimile, letter, or other electronic media transmission. The licensee shall request a written verification of the dose data if the authenticity of the transmitted report cannot be established.

  (6) Subject to subsection (f)(2) of this section, the licensee shall not authorize a planned special exposure that would cause an individual to receive a dose from all planned special exposures and all doses in excess of the limits to exceed:

    (A) the numerical values of any of the dose limits in subsection (f)(1) of this section in any year; and

    (B) five times the annual dose limits in subsection (f)(1) of this section during the individual's lifetime.

  (7) The licensee maintains records of the conduct of a planned special exposure in accordance with subsection (qq) of this section and submits a written report to the agency in accordance with subsection (zz) of this section.

  (8) The licensee records the best estimate of the dose resulting from the planned special exposure in the individual's record and informs the individual, in writing, of the dose within 30 days from the date of the planned special exposure. The dose from planned special exposures shall not be considered in controlling future occupational dose of the individual in accordance with subsection (f)(1) of this section but shall be included in evaluations required by paragraphs (4) and (6) of this subsection.

  (9) The licensee shall record the exposure history, as required by paragraph (4) of this subsection, on RC Form 202-2, or other clear and legible record, of all the information required on that form. The form or record shall show each period in which the individual received occupational exposure to radiation or radioactive material and shall be signed by the individual who received the exposure. For each period for which the licensee obtains reports, the licensee shall use the dose shown in the report in preparing RC Form 202-2 or equivalent.

(l) Occupational dose limits for minors. The annual occupational dose limits for minors are 10% of the annual occupational dose limits specified for adult workers in subsection (f) of this section.

(m) Dose equivalent to an embryo/fetus.

  (1) If a woman declares her pregnancy, the licensee shall ensure that the dose equivalent to an embryo/fetus during the entire pregnancy, due to occupational exposure of a declared pregnant woman, does not exceed 0.5 rem (5 mSv). If a woman chooses not to declare pregnancy, the occupational dose limits specified in subsection (f)(1) of this section are applicable to the woman. See subsection (rr) of this section for recordkeeping requirements.

  (2) The licensee shall make efforts to avoid substantial variation above a uniform monthly exposure rate to a declared pregnant woman so as to satisfy the limit in paragraph (1) of this subsection. The National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP) recommended in NCRP Report No. 91 "Recommendations on Limits for Exposure to Ionizing Radiation" (June 1, 1987), that no more than 0.05 rem (0.5 mSv) to the embryo/fetus be received in any one month.

  (3) The dose equivalent to an embryo/fetus shall be taken as:

    (A) the dose equivalent to the embryo/fetus from radionuclides in the embryo/fetus and radionuclides in the declared pregnant woman; and

    (B) the dose equivalent that is most representative of the dose equivalent to the embryo/fetus from external radiation, that is, in the mother's lower torso region.

      (i) If multiple measurements have not been made, assignment of the highest deep dose equivalent for the declared pregnant woman shall be the dose equivalent to the embryo/fetus.


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