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RULE §289.252Licensing of Radioactive Material

    (E) The licensee shall make, maintain, and retain a copy of the documentation for preplanning and coordination and any revision thereof, as a record for inspection by the department in accordance with subsection (mm) of this section.

  (21) Advance notification of shipment of category 1 quantities of radioactive material. As specified in subparagraphs (A) and (B) of this paragraph, for shipments initially made by an agreement state licensee, each licensee shall provide advance notification to the Texas Department of Public Safety and the governor of the State of Texas, or the governor's designee, of the shipment of licensed material in a category 1 quantity, through or across the boundary of the state, before the transport, or delivery to a carrier for transport of the licensed material outside the confines of the licensee's facility or other place of use or storage.

    (A) Procedures for submitting advance notification.

      (i) The notification must be made to the Texas Department of Public Safety and to the office of each appropriate governor or governor's designee.

        (I) The contact information, including telephone and mailing addresses, of governors and governors' designees, is available on the NRC's Web site at https://scp.nrc.gov/special/designee.pdf. A list of agreement state advance notification contact information is also available upon request from the Director, Division of Materials Safety, Security, State, and Tribal Programs, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001.

        (II) Notifications to the Texas Department of Public Safety must be to the Director, Texas Department of Public Safety, Office of Homeland Security, P.O. Box 4087, Austin, Texas 78773 or by fax to (512) 424-5708.

      (ii) A notification delivered by mail must be postmarked at least seven days before transport of the shipment commences at the shipping facility.

      (iii) A notification delivered by any means other than mail must reach the Texas Department of Public Safety at least four days before the transport of the shipment commences; and

      (iv) A notification delivered by any means other than mail must reach the office of the governor or the governor's designee at least four days before transport of a shipment within or through the state.

    (B) Information to be furnished in advance notification of shipment. Each advance notification of shipment of category 1 quantities of radioactive material must contain the following information, if available at the time of notification:

      (i) the name, address, and telephone number of the shipper, carrier, and receiver of the category 1 radioactive material;

      (ii) the license numbers of the shipper and receiver;

      (iii) a description of the radioactive material contained in the shipment, including the radionuclides and quantity;

      (iv) the point of origin of the shipment and the estimated time and date that shipment will commence;

      (v) the estimated time and date that the shipment is expected to enter each state along the route;

      (vi) the estimated time and date of arrival of the shipment at the destination; and

      (vii) a point of contact, with a telephone number, for current shipment information.

    (C) Revision notice.

      (i) The licensee shall provide any information not previously available at the time of the initial notification, as soon as the information becomes available but not later than commencement of the shipment, to the governor of the state or the governor's designee and to the Director, Texas Department of Public Safety, Office of Homeland Security, P.O. Box 4087, Austin, Texas 78773 or by fax to (512) 424-5708.

      (ii) A licensee shall provide notice as follows of any changes to the information provided in accordance with subparagraphs (B) and (C)(i) of this paragraph.

        (I) Promptly notify the governor of the state or the governor's designee.

        (II) Immediately notify the Director, Texas Department of Public Safety, Office of Homeland Security, P.O. Box 4087, Austin, Texas 78773 or by fax to (512) 424-5708.

    (D) Cancellation notice.

      (i) Each licensee who cancels a shipment for which advance notification has been sent shall send a cancellation notice to:

        (I) the governor of each state or to the governor's designee previously notified; and

        (II) the Director, Texas Department of Public Safety, Office of Homeland Security, P.O. Box 4087, Austin, Texas 78773 or by fax to (512) 424-5708.

      (ii) The licensee shall send the cancellation notice before the shipment would have commenced or as soon thereafter as possible.

      (iii) The licensee shall state in the notice that it is a cancellation and identify the advance notification that is being cancelled.

    (E) Records. The licensee shall make, maintain, and retain a copy of the advance notification and any revision and cancellation notices as a record for inspection by the department in accordance with subsection (mm) of this section.

    (F) Protection of information. State officials, state employees, and other individuals, whether or not licensees of the department, the NRC, or any agreement state, who receive schedule information of the kind specified in subparagraph (B) of this paragraph shall protect that information against unauthorized disclosure as specified in paragraph (10)(D) of this subsection.

  (22) Requirements for physical protection of category 1 or category 2 quantities of radioactive material during shipment.

    (A) Shipments by road.

      (i) Each licensee who transports, or delivers to a carrier for transport, in a single shipment, a category 1 quantity of radioactive material shall:

        (I) ensure that movement control centers are established that maintain position information from a remote location. These control centers shall monitor shipments 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and have the ability to communicate immediately, in an emergency, with the appropriate law enforcement agencies;

        (II) ensure that redundant communications are established that allow the transport to contact the escort vehicle (when used) and movement control center at all times. Redundant communications may not be subject to the same interference factors as the primary communication;

        (III) ensure that shipments are continuously and actively monitored by a telemetric position monitoring system or an alternative tracking system reporting to a movement control center. A movement control center shall provide positive confirmation of the location, status, and control over the shipment. The movement control center must be prepared to promptly implement preplanned procedures in response to deviations from the authorized route or a notification of actual, attempted, or suspicious activities related to the theft, loss, or diversion of a shipment. These procedures will include the identification of and contact information for the appropriate LLEA along the shipment route;

        (IV) provide an individual to accompany the driver for those highway shipments with a driving time period greater than the maximum number of allowable hours of service in a 24-hour duty day as established by the Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. The accompanying individual may be another driver; and

        (V) develop written normal and contingency procedures to address:

          (-a-) notifications to the communication center and law enforcement agencies;

          (-b-) communication protocols, which must include a strategy for the use of authentication codes and duress codes and provisions for refueling or other stops, detours, and locations where communication is expected to be temporarily lost;

          (-c-) loss of communications; and

          (-d-) responses to an actual or attempted theft or diversion of a shipment.

      (ii) Each licensee who makes arrangements for the shipment of category 1 quantities of radioactive material shall ensure that drivers, accompanying personnel, and movement control center personnel have access to the normal and contingency procedures.

      (iii) Each licensee that transports category 2 quantities of radioactive material shall maintain constant control and/or surveillance during transit and have the capability for immediate communication to summon appropriate response or assistance.

      (iv) Each licensee who delivers to a carrier for transport, in a single shipment, a category 2 quantity of radioactive material shall:


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