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RULE §289.226Registration of Radiation Machine Use and Services

      (ii) name and address of the customer; and

      (iii) customer's certificate of registration number unless the service provided is an initial installation as described in paragraph (6) of this subsection.

    (B) Records of all demonstrations and sales shall be made and maintained for inspection by the department per subsection (v) of this section.

    (C) Individuals must not be exposed to the useful beam except for healing arts purposes and unless such exposure has been specifically and individually ordered by a licensed practitioner of the healing arts. This provision specifically prohibits deliberate exposure for the following purposes:

      (i) exposure of an individual for training or demonstration;

      (ii) QA/QC testing; or

      (iii) other non-healing arts purposes.

    (D) Demonstration of radiation machines performed by the service provider shall be on phantoms only.

    (E) The registrant authorized for demonstration and sale of radiation machines is responsible for performing and documenting all tests required by §289.227 of this title when demonstration of a radiation machine involves exposure specifically and individually ordered by a licensed practitioner of the healing arts.

(n) Responsibilities of RSOs.

  (1) Duties of the RSO include:

    (A) establishing and overseeing operating and safety procedures that maintain radiation exposures as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA);

      (i) review them at intervals not to exceed 12 months to ensure that the procedures are current and conform with this chapter; and

      (ii) review and ensure that all actions required in this chapter are performed at the respective intervals to maintain compliance;

    (B) ensuring that individual monitoring devices are properly used by occupationally-exposed personnel, records are kept of the monitoring results, and timely notifications are made as required by §289.203 of this title;

    (C) investigating and reporting to the department each known or suspected case of radiation exposure to an individual or radiation level detected in excess of limits established by this chapter;

    (D) assuming control and having the authority to institute corrective actions including the shut-down of operations when necessary in an emergency or unsafe conditions;

    (E) ensuring that corrective actions for violations issued by the department are implemented to avoid a repeat violation; and

    (F) maintaining records as required by this chapter.

  (2) The RSO shall ensure that personnel are adequately trained and complying with this chapter, the conditions of the certificate of registration, and the operating and safety procedures of the registrant.

  (3) The RSO shall make entries of the records in paragraph (1) of this subsection at intervals not to exceed 30 days after receipt of a monitoring report.

(o) Responsibilities of assemblers and installers.

  (1) No person shall provide radiation machine services for a person who cannot produce evidence of a completed application for registration or a valid certificate of registration issued by the department except for the initial installation of the first machine(s) for a new certificate of registration.

  (2) Persons who assemble or install radiation machines shall notify the department of the following information within 30 days after assembly or installation:

    (A) the name, address, and certificate of registration number, except in the case of initial machine installation, of persons who have received the machines;

    (B) the type of radiation machine, the manufacturer's name, model number, and control panel serial number of each radiation machine; and

    (C) the date of transfer or disposal of each radiation machine.

  (3) Persons who assemble, install, or repair radiation machines, or components of the machines, shall ensure the radiation machines meet the applicable requirement of this chapter when the machines are placed in operation.

  (4) Persons assembling, installing, and repairing radiation machines shall keep a daily log to include the following information:

    (A) date of service;

    (B) name of customer;

    (C) customer's certificate of registration number unless the installation is an initial installation described in paragraph (1) of this subsection; and

    (D) records of assembling, installing and repairing of the machines shall be made and maintained for inspection by the department per subsection (v) of this section.

  (5) Equipment performance evaluations shall be performed as follows:

    (A) on all medical, chiropractic or podiatric radiation machines within 30 days after the initial installation, re-installation, and after repair of a machine component that would affect the radiation output that includes but is not limited to the timer, tube, and power supply, per §289.227(o)(2) of this title; and

    (B) on all dental radiation machines and radiation machines used in veterinary medicine within 30 days after the initial installation, re-installation, and after repair of a machine component that would affect the radiation output that includes the timer, tube, and power supply, per §289.232(j)(5)(J)(i) and §289.233(j)(5)(N)(i)(I) - (III) of this title, as applicable.

  (6) Radiation air kerma rate or dose measurements for fluoroscopy and computed tomography (CT) radiation machines, as required by §289.227 and §289.233 of this title shall be performed by a licensed medical physicist with a specialty in diagnostic medical physics.

  (7) Radiation entrance exposure data required during EPEs on general radiographic and special purpose radiation machines, as defined in §289.227(e) and §289.233(d) of this title, shall be performed by or under the supervision of a licensed medical physicist with a specialty in diagnostic medical physics. The physicist shall:

    (A) establish written procedures for non-physicists that document entrance exposure data;

    (B) calculate the entrance exposure;

    (C) verify the entrance exposure meets compliance with §289.227(j) of this title;

    (D) retest the machine, by measuring entrance exposure, at the facility's specified technique after repair or adjustment by a service technician;

    (E) submit any test or EPE results to the facility within 30 days after completion of testing. Documentation shall include:

      (i) name of the facility;

      (ii) address of facility; if satellite facility, address of where the radiation machine is located;

      (iii) business email address;

      (iv) registration number of the facility;

      (v) make, model, and serial number from the machine control panel;

      (vi) registration number of physicist and service company performing EPE;

      (vii) mailing/business address of physicist performing EPE;

      (viii) date of the last calibration of testing equipment;

      (ix) signature of physicist that performed the EPE;

    (F) retain documentation of subparagraph (E) of this paragraph according to subsection (v) of this section; and

    (G) maintain a calibrated dosimetry system available for use:

      (i) The system shall be calibrated by the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) or by an American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) Accredited Dosimetry Calibration Laboratory (ADCL).

      (ii) The calibration shall be performed within the previous 24 months and after any servicing that may have affected system calibration.

(p) Expiration of certificates of registration.

  (1) Except as provided by subsection (r) of this section, each certificate of registration expires at the end of the day, in the month and year stated in the certificate of registration.

  (2) If a registrant does not submit an application for renewal of the certificate of registration per subsection (r) of this section, as applicable, on or before the expiration date specified in the certificate of registration, the registrant shall:

    (A) terminate use of all radiation machines and terminate radiation machine servicing or radiation services as applicable; and


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