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RULE §289.201General Provisions for Radioactive Material

    (A) prime contractors performing work for DOE at United States government-owned or controlled sites, including the transportation of sources of radiation to or from such sites and the performance of contract services during temporary interruptions of such transportation;

    (B) prime contractors of DOE performing research in, or development, manufacture, storage, testing, or transportation of, atomic weapons or components thereof;

    (C) prime contractors of DOE using or operating nuclear reactors or other nuclear devices in a United States government-owned vehicle or vessel; and

    (D) any other prime contractor or subcontractor of DOE or of NRC when the state and NRC jointly determine that:

      (i) the exemption of the prime contractor or subcontractor is authorized by law; and

      (ii) in accordance with the terms of the contract or subcontract, there is adequate assurance that the work thereunder can be accomplished without undue risk to the public health and safety and the environment.

(d) Records.

  (1) Each licensee shall maintain records showing the receipt, transfer, and disposal of all non-exempt sources of radiation.

    (A) Records of receipt, transfer, and disposal of sources of radiation shall include as a minimum, the following information:

      (i) a unique identification of each source of radiation, including:

        (I) manufacturer's name;

        (II) isotope;

        (III) activity; and

        (IV) if available, sealed source serial number;

      (ii) the date of receipt, transfer, or disposal of each source of radiation;

      (iii) for the licensee transferring the source of radiation, the name of the transferee, the number of the transferee's radioactive material license authorizing possession of the material, and the regulatory agency issuing the license to the transferee; and

      (iv) for the licensee receiving the source of radiation, the name of the transferor, the number of the transferor's radioactive material license authorizing possession of the material, and the regulatory agency issuing the license to the transferor.

    (B) Records of receipt, transfer, and disposal shall be maintained by the licensee until disposal is authorized by the agency.

  (2) Additional record requirements and retention periods are specified elsewhere in this chapter.

  (3) All records required by this chapter shall be accurate and factual.

  (4) Records are only valid if stamped, initialed, or signed and dated by authorized personnel or otherwise authenticated.

  (5) Each record required by this chapter must be legible throughout the retention period specified by the agency. The record may be the original or a reproduced copy or a microform provided that the copy or microform is authenticated by authorized personnel and that the microform is capable of producing a clear copy throughout the required retention period. The record may also be stored in electronic media with the capability for producing legible, accurate, and complete records during the required retention period. Records, such as letters, drawings, or specifications, must include all pertinent information such as stamps, initials, and signatures. The licensee shall maintain adequate safeguards against tampering with and loss of records.

(e) Inspections.

  (1) The agency may enter public or private property at reasonable times to determine whether, in a matter under the agency's jurisdiction, there is compliance with the Act, the agency's rules, license conditions, and orders issued by the agency.

  (2) Each licensee shall afford the agency, at all reasonable times, opportunity to inspect sources of radiation and the premises and facilities wherein such sources of radiation are used or stored.

  (3) Each licensee shall make available to the agency for inspection, upon reasonable notice, records maintained in accordance with this chapter.

(f) Tests.

  (1) Each licensee shall perform, upon instructions from the agency, or shall permit the agency to perform such reasonable tests as the agency deems appropriate or necessary including, but not limited to, tests of:

    (A) sources of radiation;

    (B) facilities wherein sources of radiation are used or stored;

    (C) radiation detection and monitoring instruments; and

    (D) other equipment and devices used in connection with utilization or storage of licensed sources of radiation.

  (2) Each licensee is required to accept from the agency, samples collected from its facility(ies) or from areas that are radioactive as a result of its licensed activities.

(g) Tests for leakage and/or contamination of sealed sources.

  (1) The licensee in possession of any sealed source shall assure that:

    (A) each sealed source, except as specified in paragraph (2) of this subsection and §289.253(i) of this title, is tested for leakage or contamination and the test results are received before the sealed source is put into use unless the licensee has a certificate from the transferor indicating that the sealed source was tested within 6 months before transfer to the licensee;

    (B) each sealed source that is not designed to emit alpha particles is tested for leakage or contamination at intervals not to exceed 6 months or at alternative intervals approved by the agency, the NRC, or any agreement state after evaluation of information specified in §289.252(v) of this title or equivalent regulations of the NRC or any agreement state;

    (C) each sealed source that is designed to emit alpha particles is tested for leakage or contamination at intervals not to exceed 3 months or at alternative intervals approved by the agency, the NRC, or any agreement state after evaluation of information specified in §289.252(v) of this title, or equivalent regulations of the NRC, or any agreement state;

    (D) for each sealed source that is required to be tested for leakage or contamination, at any other time there is reason to suspect that the sealed source might have been damaged or might be leaking, the licensee shall assure that the sealed source is tested for leakage or contamination before further use;

    (E) tests for leakage for all sealed sources, except brachytherapy sources manufactured to contain radium, shall be capable of detecting the presence of 0.005 µCi (185 Bq) of radioactive material on a test sample. Test samples shall be taken from the sealed source or from the surfaces of the container in which the sealed source is stored or mounted and at the nearest accessible point to the sealed source where contamination might accumulate. For a sealed source contained in a device, test samples are obtained when the source is in the "off" position;

    (F) the test for leakage for brachytherapy sources manufactured to contain radium shall be capable of detecting an absolute leakage rate of 0.001 µCi (37 Bq) of radon-222 in a 24-hour period when the collection efficiency for radon-222 and its daughters has been determined with respect to collection method, volume, and time;

    (G) tests for contamination from radium daughters shall be taken on the interior surface of brachytherapy source storage containers and shall be capable of detecting the presence of 0.005 µCi (185 Bq) of a radium daughter that has a half-life greater than 4 days; and

    (H) tests for leakage or contamination shall be performed using a leak test kit or method approved by the agency, the NRC, or any agreement state.

  (2) A licensee need not perform tests for leakage or contamination on the following sealed sources:

    (A) sealed sources containing only radioactive material with a half-life of less than 30 days;

    (B) sealed sources containing only radioactive material as a gas;

    (C) sealed sources containing 100 µCi (3.7 MBq) or less of beta or gamma-emitting material or 10 µCi (370 kBq) or less of alpha or neutron-emitting material;

    (D) sealed sources containing only hydrogen-3 (tritium);

    (E) seeds of iridium-192 encased in nylon ribbon; and

    (F) sealed sources, except teletherapy and brachytherapy sources, which are stored, not being used, and identified as in storage. The licensee shall, however, test each such sealed source for leakage or contamination and receive the test results before any use or transfer unless it has been tested for leakage or contamination within six months before the date of use or transfer.

  (3) Analysis of tests for leakage or contamination from sealed sources shall be performed by persons specifically authorized by the agency, the NRC, or any agreement state to perform such services.


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