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RULE §289.233Radiation Control Regulations for Radiation Machines Used in Veterinary Medicine

        (VII) ensuring that personnel are adequately trained, complying with this section, the conditions of the certificate of registration, the operating and safety procedures of the registrant, and records maintained in accordance with subsection (k)(2) of this section.

    (F) The agency may, at any time after the filing of the original application, require further statements in order to enable the agency to determine whether the certificate of registration should be issued or denied.

    (G) An application for a certificate of registration may include a request for a certificate of registration authorizing one or more activities or radiation machine use locations. If an application includes a request for an additional authorization other than use of a veterinary radiation machine, compliance with other applicable sections of this chapter will be required.

    (H) Each application for a certificate of registration shall be accompanied by the fee specified in §289.204 of this title, as amended. No application will be accepted for filing or processed before payment of the full amount specified.

    (I) Each application shall be accompanied by a completed RC Form 226-1, Business Information Form that shall contain the legal name of the entity or business. Unless exempt in accordance with the Business and Commerce Code, Chapter 71, the applicant shall:

      (i) be authorized to conduct business in the State of Texas as listed on the Texas Secretary of State (SOS) website; and

      (ii) file an assumed name certificate with the Texas SOS if using an assumed name in their application.

    (J) An application for use of radiation machines for veterinary medicine shall be signed by a licensed veterinarian. The application shall also be signed by the RSO if the RSO is someone other than the veterinarian.

    (K) Applications and documents submitted to the agency may be made available for public inspection except that the agency may withhold any document or part thereof from public inspection in accordance with §289.231(aa) of this title.

    (L) The applicant's proposed radiation machines, facilities, and operating and safety procedures shall be adequate to minimize danger to occupational and public health and safety.

    (M) Each person possessing a therapeutic radiation machine capable of operating at or above 1 million electron volts (1 MeV) shall apply for and receive a certificate of registration from the agency before using the accelerator for veterinary use. A person may energize the accelerator for purposes of installation and acceptance testing before receiving a certificate of registration from the agency.

    (N) Each person possessing a simulator or a therapeutic radiation machine capable of operating below 1 MeV shall apply for a certificate of registration within 30 days after energizing the radiation machine.

  (2) Application for registration of mobile service operation used in veterinary medicine. In addition to the requirements of paragraph (1) of this subsection, each applicant shall apply for and receive authorization from the agency for mobile service operation before beginning mobile service operation. The following shall be submitted:

    (A) An established main location where the radiation machines and related compliance documents and records will be maintained for inspection. This shall be a street address, not a post office box number.

    (B) A sketch or description of the normal configuration of each radiation machine's use, including the operator's position and any ancillary personnel's position during exposures. If a mobile van is used with a fixed unit inside, furnish the floor plan indicating protective shielding and the operator's position.

    (C) A current copy of the applicant's operating and safety procedures regarding radiological practices for protection of operators, employees, and the general public.

  (3) Issuance of certificate of registration.

    (A) A certificate of registration will be approved if the agency determines that an application meets the requirements of the Act and the requirements of this chapter. The certificate of registration authorizes proposed activities and contains the conditions and limitations as the agency deems appropriate or necessary.

    (B) The agency may incorporate in the certificate of registration at the time of issuance, or thereafter by amendment, additional requirements and conditions concerning the registrant's possession, use, and transfer of radiation machines subject to this chapter as it deems appropriate or necessary in order to:

      (i) minimize danger to occupational and public health and safety;

      (ii) require additional reports and the keeping of additional records as may be appropriate or necessary; and

      (iii) prevent loss or theft of radiation machines subject to this chapter.

    (C) The agency may request, and the registrant shall provide, additional information after the certificate of registration has been issued to enable the agency to determine whether the certificate of registration should be modified in accordance with paragraph (7) of this subsection.

  (4) Terms and conditions of certificates of registration.

    (A) Each certificate of registration issued in accordance with this section shall be subject to the applicable provisions of the Act, now or hereafter in effect, and to the applicable requirements of this chapter and orders of the agency.

    (B) No certificate of registration issued or granted under this section shall be transferred, assigned, or in any manner disposed of, either voluntarily or involuntarily, to any person unless the agency authorizes the transfer in writing.

    (C) Each person registered by the agency for radiation machine use in accordance with this section shall confine use and possession of the radiation machine registered to the locations and purposes authorized in the certificate of registration.

    (D) In making a determination whether to grant, deny, amend, renew, revoke, suspend, or restrict a certificate of registration, the agency may consider the technical competence and compliance history of an applicant or holder of a certificate of registration. After an opportunity for a hearing, the agency shall deny an application for a certificate of registration, an amendment to a certificate of registration, or renewal of a certificate of registration if the applicant's compliance history reveals that at least three agency actions have been issued against the applicant, within the previous six years, that assess administrative or civil penalties against the applicant, or that revoke or suspend the certificate of registration.

  (5) Responsibilities of the registrant.

    (A) The registrant is responsible for complying with this section and the conditions of the certificate of registration.

    (B) The registrant shall designate an individual qualified in accordance with subsection (i)(1)(E) of this section as the RSO and shall ensure the individual continually performs the responsibilities of the RSO as identified in subsection (i)(1)(E)(iv) of this section.

    (C) Persons using radiation machines in accordance with subsection (i)(2) of this section, concerning application for mobile services, shall have a valid certificate of registration issued by the agency before initiation of the mobile services.

    (D) No person shall use a radiation machine unless the person has applied for registration within 30 days after beginning use of the radiation machine in accordance with subsection (i)(1)(A) of this section.

    (E) No registrant shall engage any person for services described in §289.226(b)(11) of this title until such person provides to the registrant evidence of registration with the agency.

    (F) No person shall provide radiation machine services for a person who cannot produce evidence of a completed application for registration or a valid certificate of registration issued by the agency except for:

      (i) the initial installation of the first radiation machine for a new certificate of registration; or

      (ii) the registrant authorized for demonstration and sale may demonstrate a radiation machine in accordance with subparagraph (K) of this paragraph.

    (G) The registrant shall notify the agency in writing of any changes that would render the information contained in the application for registration or the certificate of registration inaccurate. The notification shall be in writing and signed by an authorized representative. Notification is required within 30 days of the following changes:

      (i) name of business;

      (ii) mailing address;

      (iii) street address where radiation machine will be used;

      (iv) additional radiation machine site/location;

      (v) RSO;


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