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RULE §289.258Licensing and Radiation Safety Requirements for Irradiators

  (8) records of the results of leak tests required by subsection (w)(1) of this section and the results of contamination checks required by subsection (w)(2) of this section for three years from the date of each test;

  (9) records of inspection and maintenance checks required by subsection (x) of this section for three years;

  (10) records of major malfunctions, significant defects, operating difficulties or irregularities, and major operating problems that involve required radiation safety equipment for three years after repairs are completed;

  (11) records of the receipt, transfer and disposal, of all licensed sealed sources as required by §289.201(d) and §289.252(x) and (cc) of this title;

  (12) records on the design checks required by subsection (q) of this section and the construction control checks as required by subsection (r) of this section until the license is terminated. The records shall be signed and dated. The title or qualification of the person signing shall be included; and

  (13) records related to decommissioning of the irradiator as required by §289.252(gg)(7) of this title.

(dd) Reports.

  (1) In addition to the reporting requirements in other sections of this title, the licensee shall report the following events if not reported in accordance with other sections of this title:

    (A) source stuck in an unshielded position;

    (B) any fire or explosion in a radiation room;

    (C) damage to the source racks;

    (D) failure of the cable or drive mechanism used to move the source racks;

    (E) inoperability of the access control system;

    (F) detection of radiation source by the product exit monitor;

    (G) detection of radioactive contamination attributable to licensed radioactive material;

    (H) structural damage to the pool liner or walls;

    (I) abnormal water loss or leakage from the source storage pool; and

    (J) pool water conductivity exceeding 100 microsiemens per centimeter during normal operations.

  (2) The report shall include a telephone report within 24 hours as described in §289.202(xx)(8)(A) of this title, and a written report within 30 days as described in §289.202(xx)(8)(B) of this title.

Source Note: The provisions of this §289.258 adopted to be effective August 1, 1996, 21 TexReg 6628; amended to be effective October 1, 2000, 25 TexReg 9618; amended to be effective May 1, 2008, 33 TexReg 3417

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