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RULE §289.201General Provisions for Radioactive Material

  (4) Test results shall be kept in units of microcurie or becquerel and maintained for inspection by the agency.

  (5) The following shall be considered evidence that a sealed source is leaking:

    (A) the presence of 0.005 µCi (185 Bq) or more of removable contamination on any test sample;

    (B) leakage of 0.001 µCi (37 Bq) of radon-222 per 24 hours for brachytherapy sources manufactured to contain radium; or

    (C) the presence of removable contamination resulting from the decay of 0.005 µCi (185 Bq) or more of radium.

  (6) The licensee shall immediately withdraw a leaking sealed source from use and shall take action to prevent the spread of contamination. Within two years of the determination that a sealed source is leaking, the leaking sealed source shall be repaired or transferred for disposal in accordance with §289.202 of this title. The licensee shall check the equipment associated with the leaking source for radioactive contamination and, if contaminated, have it decontaminated or disposed of in accordance with §289.202 of this title.

  (7) Reports of test results for leaking or contaminated sealed sources shall be made in accordance with §289.202(bbb) of this title.

(h) Additional requirements. The agency may, by rule, order, or condition of license or general license acknowledgment, impose upon any licensee such requirements in addition to those established in this chapter as it deems appropriate or necessary to minimize danger to public health and safety or property or the environment.

(i) Violations. An injunction or other court order may be obtained prohibiting any violation of any provision of the Act or any rule or order issued thereunder. Any person who willfully violates any provision of the Act or any rule or order issued thereunder may be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction, may be punished by fine or imprisonment or both, as provided by law.

(j) Impounding. Sources of radiation shall be subject to impounding in accordance with §401.068 of the Act and §289.205 of this title (relating to Hearing and Enforcement Procedures).

(k) Communications.

  (1) Except where otherwise specified, all communications and reports concerning this chapter and applications filed under them should be addressed to Radiation Control, Department of State Health Services, P.O. Box 149347, Austin, Texas, 78714-9347. Communications, reports, and applications may be delivered in person to the agency's office located at 8407 Wall Street, Austin, Texas.

  (2) Documents transmitted to the agency will be deemed submitted on the date of the postmark, facsimile, or other electronic media transmission.

(l) Interpretations. Except as specifically authorized by the agency in writing, no interpretation of the meaning of this chapter by any officer or employee of the agency other than a written interpretation by the Office of General Counsel, Department of State Health Services, will be considered binding upon the agency.

(m) Open records.

  (1) Subject to the limitations provided in the Texas Public Information Act, Government Code, Chapter 552, all information and data collected, assembled, or maintained by the agency are public records open to inspection and copying during regular office hours.

  (2) Any person who submits written information or data to the agency and requests that the information be considered confidential, privileged, or otherwise not available to the public under the Texas Public Information Act, shall justify such request in writing, including statutes and cases where applicable, addressed to the agency.

    (A) Documents containing information that is claimed to fall within an exception to the Texas Public Information Act shall be marked to indicate that fact. Markings shall be placed on the document on origination or submission.

      (i) The words "NOT AN OPEN RECORD" shall be placed conspicuously at the top and bottom of each page containing information claimed to fall within one of the exceptions.

      (ii) The following wording shall be placed at the bottom of the front cover and title page, or first page of text if there is no front cover or title page:

Attached Graphic

    (B) The agency requests, whenever possible, that all information submitted under the claim of an exception to the Texas Public Information Act be extracted from the main body of the application and submitted as a separate annex or appendix to the application.

    (C) Failure to comply with any of the procedures described in subparagraphs (A) and (B) of this paragraph may result in all information in the agency file being disclosed upon an open records request.

  (3) The agency will determine whether information falls within one of the exceptions to the Texas Public Information Act. The Office of General Counsel will be queried as to whether or not there has been a previous determination that the information falls within one of the exceptions to the Texas Public Information Act. If there has been no previous determination and the agency believes that the information falls within one of the exceptions, an opinion of the Attorney General will be requested. If the agency agrees in writing to the request, the information shall not be open for public inspection unless the Attorney General's office subsequently determines that it does not fall within an exception.

  (4) Requests for information.

    (A) All requests for open records information must be in writing and refer to documents currently in possession of the agency.

    (B) The agency will ascertain whether the information may be released or whether it falls within an exception to the Texas Public Information Act.

      (i) The agency may take a reasonable period of time to determine whether information falls within one of the exceptions to the Texas Public Information Act.

      (ii) If the information is determined to be public, it will be presented for inspection and/or copies of documents will be furnished within a reasonable period of time. A fee will be charged to recover agency costs for copies.

    (C) Original copies of public records may not be removed from the agency. Under no circumstances shall material be removed from existing records.

(n) Mean quality factors and absorbed dose equivalencies.

  (1) As used in this chapter, the quality factors for converting absorbed dose to dose equivalent are shown in the following table:

Attached Graphic

  (2) If it is more convenient to measure the neutron fluence rate than to determine the neutron dose equivalent rate in sievert per hour or rem per hour, as provided in paragraph (1) of this subsection, 1 rem (0.01 Sv) of neutron radiation of unknown energies may, for purposes of this section, be assumed to result from a total fluence of 25 million neutrons per square centimeter incident upon the body. If sufficient information exists to estimate the approximate energy distribution of the neutrons, the licensee may use the fluence rate per unit dose equivalent or the appropriate Q value from the following table to convert a measured tissue dose in rad (gray) to dose equivalent in rem (Sv).

Attached Graphic

(o) Units of activity. For purposes of this chapter, activity is expressed in the special unit of curie (Ci), (Bq), or its multiples, or disintegrations or transformations per second (dps or tps).

  (1) 1 Ci = 3.7 x 1010 dps or tps = 3.7 x 1010 Bq = 2.22 x 1012 disintegrations or transformations per minute (dpm or tpm).

  (2) 1 Bq = 1 dps or tps.

Source Note: The provisions of this §289.201 adopted to be effective October 1, 1995, 20 TexReg 6454; amended to be effective May 20, 1996, 21 TexReg 4051; amended to be effective March 1, 1998, 23 TexReg 1045; amended to be effective October 1, 2000, 25 TexReg 4825; amended to be effective April 29, 2003, 28 TexReg 3498; amended to be effective February 22, 2009, 34 TexReg 1065; amended to be effective February 18, 2010, 35 TexReg 1223; amended to be effective March 22, 2015, 40 TexReg 1386; amended to be effective March 1, 2016, 41 TexReg 1444

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