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RULE §289.231General Provisions and Standards for Protection Against Machine-Produced Radiation

      (ii) returning to the agency the completed remote inspection forms with documentation of the most recent equipment performance evaluation performed in accordance with §289.227(o) of this title and an inventory in accordance with §289.226(m)(1)(B) of this title, by the deadline indicated on the form.

    (E) The agency will conduct inspections of radiation machines or lasers in a manner designed to cause as little disruption of a healing arts practice as is practicable.

  (5) A person who inspects medical radiation machines or lasers will have training in the design and uses of the machines and will receive training specified in subsection (ll)(4) and/or (5) of this section.

  (6) Each registrant shall perform, upon instructions from the agency, or shall permit the agency to perform such reasonable surveys as the agency deems appropriate or necessary including, but not limited to, surveys of:

    (A) radiation machines;

    (B) facilities where radiation machines are used or stored;

    (C) radiation detection and monitoring instruments; and

    (D) other equipment and devices used in connection with utilization or storage of radiation machines.

(ll) Appendices.

  (1) Definitions of machine types and types of use. For the purposes of this section, the listed machine types and types of use have the following meanings:

    (A) CT--computerized tomography machines used for medical purposes;

    (B) fluoroscopy--fluoroscopic machines used for medical purposes;

    (C) accelerators, simulators other therapeutic machines, and electronic brachytherapy devices, used for medical purposes;

    (D) radiographic only--facilities possessing and using only radiographic machines for medical purposes, including but not limited to, tomography, chiropractic machines, and bone densitometers;

    (E) podiatric radiographic only--facilities possessing and using only radiographic machines for podiatry. This category may also include bone densitometers;

    (F) minimal threat only--facilities possessing and using only machines defined as minimal threat machines;

    (G) industrial radiography only--facilities possessing and using radiographic machines for industrial radiography, including accelerators. This category includes machines used at permanent and temporary job sites;

    (H) other industrial--facilities possessing and using radiation machines for other industrial purposes (non-human use), including diffraction, hand-held light intensifying imaging devices, flash radiography, accelerators, CT, and fluoroscopy;

    (I) services--persons providing the services listed in §289.226(b)(10) of this title;

    (J) laser (human use/research/academic)--lasers used for medical and/or research or academic purposes, including veterinary use; and

    (K) laser other (industrial/entertainment/services)--lasers used for industrial purposes, for demonstration/sales, and for stationary/mobile entertainment light shows. This category also includes facilities that provide calibration/repair services for lasers and that provide lasers to facilities for short periods of time.

  (2) Inspection intervals for registrants.

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  (3) Minimal threat radiation machines. Minimal threat radiation machines include, but are not limited to, the following:

    (A) x-ray fluorescence (machine);

    (B) x-ray gauges;

    (C) particle size analyzer (x-ray);

    (D) electron beam welding;

    (E) ion implantation devices;

    (F) cathodoluminescence devices;

    (G) package x-ray; and

    (H) certified cabinet x-ray.

  (4) Training for agency inspectors of radiation machines for human use.

    (A) Objectives. Training of agency individuals performing inspections of radiation machines for human use will be conducted by the agency. Upon completion of training, the inspector will be able to:

      (i) select and operate the necessary testing equipment used to perform an inspection of radiation machines;

      (ii) utilize radiation protection principles;

      (iii) operate radiation detection instruments;

      (iv) define basic regulatory terminology;

      (v) apply this section regarding radiation machines;

      (vi) perform routine agency inspections of radiation machines;

      (vii) complete agency inspection documentation;

      (viii) demonstrate knowledge of agency ethics, professional, and technical policies; and

      (ix) successfully achieve the objectives in this subparagraph.

    (B) Initial training program.

      (i) Initial training will be conducted during a six-month period.

      (ii) All training evaluation instruments will be developed by the agency.

      (iii) Instruments to be used in determining a proficiency level are as follows:

        (I) evaluation of each inspector's training needs prior to initial training;

        (II) evaluation of knowledge obtained and verification of tasks performed by each inspector subsequent to training received by the agency; and

        (III) evaluation of each inspector's task performance by the agency.

    (C) Continuing education.

      (i) The agency inspector of radiation machines for human use will accumulate 24 hours of continuing education regarding radiation machines for human use, at intervals not to exceed 24 months. These hours of continuing education may be acquired as follows:

        (I) documented continuing education earned in an agency-accepted training format; and

        (II) agency staff meetings.

      (ii) Failure to obtain 24 hours of continuing education within each 24-month interval may result in a reassessment by the agency of an agency inspector's proficiency level.

      (iii) After the initial training period, each inspector of radiation machines for human use will be evaluated by the agency, at intervals not to exceed 12 months.

    (D) Agency proficiency standards. The agency proficiency standards for agency inspectors of radiation machines for human use are as follows.

      (i) Level I. The agency inspector has not successfully achieved the objectives in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph after the initial training period. Additional training is required. Unsupervised inspections will not be performed.

      (ii) Level II. The agency inspector has partially achieved the objectives in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph, but has not achieved the objective in subparagraph (A)(ix) of this paragraph after the initial training period. Additional training is required. Unsupervised inspections are not permitted for the type of radiation machines for human use for which the objectives of subparagraph (A)(ix) of this paragraph have not been achieved. Unsupervised inspections may be performed for the type of radiation machines for human use for which the objectives in subparagraph (A)(ix) of this paragraph have been successfully achieved.

      (iii) Level III. The agency inspector has successfully achieved the objectives in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph. Supervision is not required for routine inspections.

  (5) Training for agency inspectors of lasers. Initial training will include an introduction to the requirements in this chapter and inspection forms. Inspections of 2 medical and 2 entertainment lasers, conducted by an inspector having completed the requirements of this paragraph, shall be observed before unsupervised inspection of lasers is permitted.

  (6) Time requirements for record keeping. The following are time requirements for record keeping.

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  (7) Occupational exposure form. The following, RC Form 231-3 is to be used to document occupational exposure record for a monitoring period.

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Source Note: The provisions of this §289.231 adopted to be effective October 1, 2000, 25 TexReg 4855; amended to be effective September 1, 2004, 29 TexReg 7334; amended to be effective December 29, 2011, 36 TexReg 8835

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