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RULE §289.229Radiation Safety Requirements for Accelerators, Therapeutic Radiation Machines, Simulators, and Electronic Brachytherapy Devices

        (I) Irradiation shall not be possible until a selection of energy has been made at the treatment console.

        (II) An interlock system shall be provided to prevent irradiation if any selected operations carried out in the treatment room do not agree with the selected operations carried out at the treatment console.

        (III) The nominal energy value selected shall be displayed at the treatment console before and during irradiation.

      (xiv) Equipment capable of both stationary beam therapy and moving beam therapy shall meet the following requirements.

        (I) Irradiation shall not be possible until a selection of stationary beam therapy or moving beam therapy has been made at the treatment console.

        (II) An interlock system shall be provided to prevent irradiation if any selected operations carried out in the treatment room do not agree with the selected operations carried out at the treatment console.

        (III) The selection of stationary or moving beam shall be displayed at the treatment console. An interlock system shall be provided to ensure that the equipment can only operate in the mode that has been selected.

        (IV) For equipment manufactured after March 1, 1989, an interlock system shall be provided to terminate irradiation if movement of the gantry occurs during stationary beam therapy or stops during moving beam therapy unless such stoppage is a preplanned function.

        (V) Moving beam therapy shall be controlled to obtain the selected relationships between incremental dose monitor units and incremental angle of movement.

          (-a-) For equipment manufactured after March 1, 1989, an interlock system shall be provided to terminate irradiation if the number of dose monitor units delivered in any 10 degrees of arc differs by more than 20% from the selected value.

          (-b-) For equipment manufactured after March 1, 1989, where gantry angle terminates the irradiation in arc therapy, the dose monitor units shall differ by less than 5.0% from the value calculated from the absorbed dose per unit angle relationship.

        (VI) Where the dose monitor system terminates the irradiation in moving beam therapy, the termination of irradiation shall be as required by clause (vii) of this subparagraph.

      (xv) For equipment manufactured after March 1, 1989, a system shall be provided from whose readings the absorbed dose rate at a reference point in the treatment volume can be calculated. The radiation detectors specified in subparagraph (iv) of this paragraph may form part of this system. In addition, the dose monitor unit rate shall be displayed at the treatment console. If the equipment can deliver under any conditions an absorbed dose rate at the normal treatment distance more than twice the maximum value specified by the manufacturer for any machine parameters utilized, a device shall be provided that terminates irradiation when the absorbed dose rate exceeds a value twice the specified maximum. The dose rate at which the irradiation will be terminated shall be in a record maintained by the registrant in accordance with subsection (l) of this section for agency inspection.

      (xvi) The registrant shall determine, or obtain from the manufacturer, the location with reference to an accessible point on the radiation head of the x-ray target or the virtual source of x-rays and the electron window or the virtual source of electrons if the system has electron beam capabilities.

      (xvii) Capabilities shall be provided so that all radiation safety interlocks can be checked for correct operation.

    (B) Facility and shielding requirements.

      (i) Each installation shall be provided with primary and/or secondary barriers as are necessary to assure compliance with §289.231(m) and (o) of this title.

      (ii) All protective barriers shall be fixed except for entrance doors or beam interceptors.

      (iii) The console shall be located outside the treatment room and all emergency buttons/switches shall be clearly labeled as to their functions.

      (iv) Windows, mirrors, closed-circuit television, or an equivalent system shall be provided to permit continuous observation of the patient following positioning and during irradiation and shall be so located that the operator may observe the patient from the console.

        (I) Should the viewing system described in clause (iv) of this subparagraph fail or be inoperative, treatment shall not be performed with the unit until the system is restored.

        (II) In a facility that has a primary viewing system by electronic means and an alternate viewing system, should both viewing systems described in clause (iv) of this subparagraph fail or be inoperative, treatment shall not be performed with the unit until one of the systems is restored.

      (v) Provision shall be made for continuous two-way aural communication between the patient and the operator at the console independent of the accelerator. However, where excessive noise levels or treatment requirements make aural communication impractical, other methods of communication shall be used. When this is the case, a description of the alternate method shall be submitted to and approved by the agency.

      (vi) Treatment room entrances shall be provided with a warning light in a readily observable position near the outside of all access doors to indicate when the useful beam is "on."

      (vii) Interlocks shall be provided such that all entrance doors shall be closed before treatment can be initiated or continued. If the radiation beam is interrupted by any door opening, it shall not be possible to restore the machine to operation without closing the door and reinitiating irradiation by manual action at the console.

    (C) Surveys, calibrations, spot checks, and operational requirements.

      (i) Surveys shall be performed as follows.

        (I) All new and existing facilities not previously surveyed shall have an initial survey made by a licensed medical physicist with a specialty in therapeutic radiological physics, who shall provide a written report of the survey to the registrant. The physicist who performs the survey shall be a person who did not consult in the design of the therapeutic radiation machine installation and is not employed by or within any corporation or partnership with the person who consulted in the design of the installation. In addition, such surveys shall be done after any change in the facility or equipment that might cause a significant increase in radiation hazard.

        (II) The survey report shall include, but not be limited to the following:

          (-a-) a diagram of the facility that details building structures and the position of the console, therapeutic radiation machine, and associated equipment;

          (-b-) a description of the therapeutic radiation system, including the manufacturer, model and serial number, beam type, and beam energy;

          (-c-) a description of the instrumentation used to determine radiation measurements, including the date and source of the most recent calibration for each instrument used;

          (-d-) conditions under which radiation measurements were taken; and

          (-e-) survey data including:

            (-1-) projected annual TEDE in areas adjacent to the therapy room; and

            (-2-) a description of workload, use, and occupancy factors employed in determining the projected annual TEDE.

        (III) The registrant shall maintain a copy of the survey report and a copy of the survey report shall be provided to the agency within 30 days of completion of the survey. Records of the survey report shall be maintained in accordance with subsection (l) of this section for inspection by the agency.

        (IV) The survey report shall include documentation of all instances where the installation is in violation of applicable regulations. Any deficiencies detected during the survey shall be corrected prior to using the machine.

      (ii) Calibrations of therapeutic systems shall be performed as follows.

        (I) The calibration of systems subject to this subsection shall be performed in accordance with an established calibration protocol before the system is first used for irradiation of a patient and thereafter at time intervals that do not exceed 12 months and after any change that might significantly alter the calibration, spatial distribution, or other characteristics of the therapy beam. The calibration procedures shall be in writing, or documented in an electronic reporting system, and shall have been developed by a licensed medical physicist with a specialty in therapeutic radiological physics. The calibration protocol entitled, "Protocol for Clinical Reference Dosimetry of High-Energy Photon and Electron Beams," Task Group 51, Radiation Therapy Committee, American Association of Physicists in Medicine, Medical Physics 26(9): 1847 - 1870, September 1999, would be accepted as an established protocol. At a minimum, the calibration protocol shall include items in subclauses Cont'd...

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