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RULE §289.252Licensing of Radioactive Material

        (II) an identifier that ensures that the syringe, vial, or other container can be correlated with the information on the transport radiation shield.

  (2) A licensee shall possess and use instrumentation to measure the radioactivity of radioactive drugs and shall have procedures for the use of the instrumentation. The licensee shall measure, by direct measurement or by a combination of measurements and calculations, the amount of radioactivity in dosages of alpha, beta, or photon-emitting radioactive drugs before transfer for commercial distribution. In addition, the licensee shall:

    (A) perform tests before initial use, periodically, and following repair, on each instrument for accuracy, linearity, and geometry dependence, as appropriate for the use of the instrument; and make adjustments when necessary;

    (B) check each instrument for constancy and proper operation at the beginning of each day of use; and

    (C) make, maintain, and retain records of the tests and checks required in this paragraph for inspection by the department in accordance with subsection (mm) of this section.

  (3) A licensee described in paragraph (1)(A)(iii) or (iv) of this subsection shall prepare radioactive drugs for medical use as defined in §289.256 of this title with the following provisions.

    (A) Radioactive drugs shall be prepared by either an authorized nuclear pharmacist, as specified in subparagraphs (B) and (D) of this paragraph, or an individual under the supervision of an authorized nuclear pharmacist as specified in §289.256(s) of this title.

    (B) A pharmacist shall be allowed to work as an authorized nuclear pharmacist if:

      (i) the individual qualifies as an authorized nuclear pharmacist as defined in §289.256 of this title;

      (ii) the individual meets the requirements specified in §289.256(k)(2) and (m) of this title, and the licensee has received from the department, an approved license amendment identifying this individual as an authorized nuclear pharmacist; or

      (iii) the individual is designated as an authorized nuclear pharmacist in accordance with subparagraph (D) of this paragraph.

    (C) The actions authorized in subparagraphs (A) and (B) of this paragraph are permitted in spite of more restrictive language in license conditions.

    (D) A licensee may designate a pharmacist, as defined in §289.256 of this title, as an authorized nuclear pharmacist if:

      (i) the individual was a nuclear pharmacist preparing only radioactive drugs containing accelerator-produced radioactive material; and

      (ii) the individual practiced at a pharmacy at a government agency or federally recognized Indian Tribe or at all other pharmacies before the effective date of this rule as noticed by the NRC or the department.

    (E) The licensee shall provide the following to the department:

      (i) a copy of each individual's certification by a specialty board whose certification process has been recognized by the NRC, the department, or an agreement state as specified in §289.256(k)(1) of this title; or

      (ii) the department, NRC, or another agreement state license; or

      (iii) the permit issued by a broad scope licensee or the authorization from a commercial nuclear pharmacy authorized to list its own authorized nuclear pharmacist; or

      (iv) documentation that only accelerator-produced radioactive materials were used in the practice of nuclear pharmacy at a government agency or federally recognized Indian Tribe or at all other locations of use before the effective date of this rule as noticed by the NRC or the department; and

      (v) a copy of the Texas State Board of Pharmacy licensure or registration, no later than 30 days after the date that the licensee allows, in accordance with subparagraph (B)(i) and (iii) of this paragraph, the individual to work as an authorized nuclear pharmacist.

    (F) The radiopharmaceuticals for human use shall be processed and prepared according to instructions that are furnished by the manufacturer on the label attached to or in the FDA-accepted instructions in the leaflet or brochure that accompanies the generator or reagent kit.

    (G) If the authorized nuclear pharmacist elutes generators or processes radioactive material with the reagent kit in a manner that deviates from instructions furnished by the manufacturer on the label attached to or in the leaflet or brochure that accompanies the generator or reagent kit or in the accompanying leaflet or brochure, a complete description of the deviation shall be made and maintained for inspection by the department in accordance with subsection (mm) of this section.

  (4) A licensee shall satisfy the labeling requirements in subsection (r)(1)(C) of this section.

  (5) Nothing in this subsection relieves the licensee from complying with applicable FDA, or other federal and state requirements governing radioactive drugs.

(s) Specific licenses for the manufacture and commercial distribution of products containing depleted uranium for mass-volume applications.

  (1) In addition to the requirements in subsection (e) of this section, a specific license to manufacture products and devices containing depleted uranium for use in accordance with §289.251(f)(3)(D) of this title or equivalent regulations of the NRC or an agreement state, will be issued if the department approves the following information submitted by the applicant:

    (A) the design, manufacture, prototype testing, quality control procedures, labeling or marking, proposed uses, and potential hazards of the product or device to provide reasonable assurance that possession, use, or commercial distribution of the depleted uranium in the product or device is not likely to cause any individual to receive in any period of one year a radiation dose in excess of ten percent of the limits specified in §289.202(f) of this title; and

    (B) reasonable assurance is provided that unique benefits will accrue to the public because of the usefulness of the product or device.

  (2) In the case of a product or device whose unique benefits are questionable, the department will issue a specific license in accordance with paragraph (1) of this subsection only if the product or device is found to combine a high degree of utility and low probability of uncontrolled disposal and dispersal of significant quantities of depleted uranium into the environment.

  (3) The department may deny any application for a specific license in accordance with this subsection if the end use(s) of the product or device cannot be reasonably foreseen.

  (4) Each person licensed in accordance with paragraph (1) of this subsection shall:

    (A) maintain the level of quality control required by the license in the manufacture of the product or device, and in the installation of the depleted uranium into the product or device;

    (B) label or mark each unit to:

      (i) identify the manufacturer of the product or device and the number of the license under which the product or device was manufactured, the fact that the product or device contains depleted uranium, and the quantity of depleted uranium in each product or device; and

      (ii) state that the receipt, possession, use, and commercial distribution of the product or device are subject to a general license or the equivalent and the requirements of the NRC or of an agreement state;

    (C) assure that before being installed in each product or device, the depleted uranium has been impressed with the following legend clearly legible through any plating or other covering: "Depleted Uranium";

    (D) furnish a copy of the following:

      (i) the general license in §289.251(f)(3)(D) of this title to each person to whom the licensee commercially distributes depleted uranium in a product or device for use in accordance with the general license in §289.251(f)(3)(D) of this title;

      (ii) the NRC's or agreement state's requirements equivalent to the general license in §289.251(f)(3)(D) of this title and a copy of the NRC's or agreement state's certificate; or

      (iii) alternately, a copy of the general license in §289.251(f)(3)(D) of this title to each person to whom the licensee commercially distributes depleted uranium in a product or device for use in accordance with the general license of the NRC or an agreement state;

    (E) report to the department all commercial distributions of products or devices to persons for use in accordance with the general license in §289.251(f)(3)(D) of this title.

      (i) The report shall be submitted within 30 days after the end of each calendar quarter in which such a product or device is commercially distributed to the generally licensed person and shall include the following:

        (I) identity of each general licensee by name and address;


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