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RULE §289.255Radiation Safety Requirements and Licensing and Registration Procedures for Industrial Radiography

        (I) The registrant shall document that each individual operating a radiation machine has read the operating and safety procedures and shall maintain this documentation for inspection by the agency. The documentation shall include the following:

          (-a-) name and signature of individual;

          (-b-) date individual read the operating and safety procedures; and

          (-c-) initials of the RSO;

        (II) The operating and safety procedures shall include, but are not limited to, the items listed in subsection (x)(3) of this section;

      (iii) A description of the internal audit program to ensure that radiographic personnel follow the requirements of this chapter, the conditions of the certificate of registration, and the registrant's operating, safety, and emergency procedures at intervals not to exceed six months;

      (iv) A list of permanent radiographic installations, descriptions of permanent storage use sites, and the location(s) where all records required by this section and other sections of this chapter will be maintained. Radiographic equipment shall not be stored or used at a permanent site unless such site is specifically authorized by the certificate of registration. A storage site is permanent if radiation machines are stored at that location and if one or more of the following applies:

        (I) the registrant establishes telephone service that is used for contracting or providing industrial radiographic services for the registrant;

        (II) industrial radiographic services are advertised for or from the site;

        (III) radiation machines stored at that location are used for industrial radiographic operations conducted at other sites; or

        (IV) the registrant conducts radiographic operations or stores radiation machines at any location not listed on the certificate of registration for a period in excess of 90 days in a calendar year, in which case the registrant shall notify the agency prior to exceeding the 90 days;

      (v) A description of the organization of the industrial radiographic program, including delegations of authority and responsibility for operation of the radiation safety program; and

      (vi) Procedures for verifying and documenting the certification status of radiographers and for ensuring that the certification of individuals acting as radiographers remains valid.

    (C) A certificate of registration will be issued if the requirements of this paragraph of this subsection and §289.226(e) and (i) of this title are met.

  (2) Locking of radiation machines. The control panel of each radiation machine shall be equipped with a locking device that will prevent the unauthorized use of an x-ray system or the accidental production of radiation. The radiation machine shall be kept locked and the key removed at all times except when under the direct visual surveillance of a radiographer.

  (3) Permanent storage precautions for the use of radiation machines. Radiation machines shall be secured while in storage to prevent tampering or removal by unauthorized individuals.

  (4) Requirements for radiation machines used in industrial radiographic operations.

    (A) Equipment used in industrial radiographic operations involving radiation machines manufactured after October 1, 1987, shall be certified at the time of manufacture to meet the criteria set forth by ANSI N43.5 (relating to Radiological Safety Standards for the Design of Radiographic and Industrial X-Ray Equipment), except accelerators used in industrial radiography.

    (B) The registrant's name and city or town of an authorized use site listed on the certificate of registration shall be prominently displayed with a durable, legible, clearly visible label(s) on both sides of all vehicles used to transport radiation machines for temporary job site use.

  (5) Operating and internal audit requirements for the use of radiation machines.

    (A) Each registrant shall conduct an internal audit program to ensure that the requirements of this chapter, the conditions of the certificate of registration, and the registrant's operating, safety, and emergency procedures are followed by radiographic personnel.

    (B) Each radiographer's and radiographer trainee's performance during an actual radiographic operation shall be audited and documented at intervals not to exceed six months.

    (C) If a radiographer or a radiographer trainee has not participated in a radiographic operation during the six months since the last audit, the radiographer or the radiographer trainee shall demonstrate knowledge of the training requirements of subsection (f)(1) of this section by an oral or written and practical examination administered by the registrant before the individual can next participate in a radiographic operation.

    (D) The agency may consider alternatives in those situations where the individual serves as both radiographer and RSO.

    (E) In those operations where a single individual serves as both radiographer and RSO and performs all radiography operations, an audit program is not required.

    (F) The registrant shall provide annual refresher safety training, as defined in subsection (c) of this section, for each radiographer trainee, radiographer, or radiographer trainer at intervals not to exceed 12 months.

    (G) No individual, other than a radiographer or a radiographer trainee, who is under the personal supervision of a radiographer trainer, shall manipulate controls or operate radiation machines used in industrial radiographic operations. Only one radiographer is required to operate radiation machines during industrial radiography.

    (H) Radiographic operations shall not be conducted at storage sites unless specifically authorized by the certificate of registration.

    (I) Records of annual refresher training and audits of job performance specified in this subsection shall be made and maintained in accordance with subsection (v)(1) of this section.

    (J) Records of annual refresher safety training and audits of job performance made in accordance with this subsection shall include the following:

      (i) list of the topics discussed during the refresher safety training;

      (ii) dates the annual refresher safety training was conducted;

      (iii) names of the instructors and attendees; and

      (iv) for audits of job performance, the records shall also include a list showing the items checked and any non-compliance observed by the RSO or designee.

  (6) Radiation surveys for the use of radiation machines.

    (A) No industrial radiographic operation shall be conducted unless at least one calibrated and operable radiation survey instrument, as described in subsection (j) of this section, is used for each radiation machine energized.

    (B) A physical radiation survey shall be made after each radiographic exposure using radiation machines to determine that the machine is "off."

    (C) All potential radiation areas where industrial radiographic operations are to be performed shall be posted in accordance with subsection (r) of this section, based on estimated dose rates, before industrial radiographic operations begin. An area survey shall be performed during the first radiographic exposure to confirm that subsection (r) of this section requirements have been met and that unrestricted areas do not have radiation levels in excess of the limits specified in §289.231(o)(1)(B) of this title.

    (D) Records of the surveys required by subparagraph (C) of this paragraph shall be made and maintained in accordance with subsection (v)(1) of this section. If a survey was used to determine an individual's exposure due to loss of personnel monitoring data, the records of the survey shall be maintained for agency inspection until disposal is authorized by the agency.

  (7) Requirements for radiation machines in shielded rooms.

    (A) Radiation machines in shielded rooms, shall comply with all applicable requirements of this section.

    (B) Radiation machines in shielded rooms shall be evaluated at intervals not to exceed one year to ensure compliance with the applicable requirements of this section and §289.231(o)(1) - (3) of this title.

    (C) Records of the annual evaluation of radiation machines in shielded rooms required by subparagraph (B) of this paragraph shall be made and maintained in accordance with subsection (v)(1) of this section.

  (8) Requirements for certified and certifiable cabinet x-ray systems.

    (A) Certified and certifiable cabinet x-ray systems, including those designed to allow admittance of individuals, are exempt from the requirements of this section except that:

      (i) No registrant shall permit any individual to operate a cabinet x-ray system until the individual has received a copy of and instruction in the operating procedures for the unit.


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