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RULE §289.251Exemptions, General Licenses, and General License Acknowledgements

        (IX) transfer or dispose of the device containing radioactive material only by export in accordance with Title 10, CFR, Part 110, by transfer to another general licensee as authorized in subclauses (XII) and (XVI) of this clause or to a person authorized to receive the device by a specific license issued by the agency in accordance with §289.252(l) of this title, or an equivalent specific license issued by the NRC or any agreement state, or as otherwise approved under subclause (XI) of this clause;

        (X) furnish a report to the agency within 30 days after the transfer or export of a device to a specific licensee. The report must contain the following:

          (-a-) identification of the device by manufacturer's (or initial transferor's) name, model and serial number;

          (-b-) name, address, and license number of the person receiving the device; and

          (-c-) date of the transfer;

        (XI) obtain written agency approval before transferring the device to any other specific licensee not specifically identified in subclause (IX) of this clause; however, a holder of a specific license may transfer a device for possession and use in accordance with its own specific license without prior approval, if, the holder:

          (-a-) verifies that the specific license authorizes the possession and use, or applies for and obtains an amendment to the license authorizing the possession and use;

          (-b-) removes, alters, covers, or clearly and unambiguously augments the existing label (otherwise required by clause (iv)(I) of this subparagraph) so that the device is labeled in compliance with §289.202(cc) of this title; however the manufacturer, model number, and serial number must be retained;

          (-c-) obtains the manufacturer's or initial transferor's information concerning maintenance that would be applicable under the specific license (such as leak testing procedures); and

          (-d-) reports the transfer as specified in subclause (X) of this clause;

        (XII) transfer the device to another general licensee only if:

          (-a-) the device remains in use at a particular location. In such case, the transferor shall give the transferee a copy of this section and any safety documents identified in the label on the device. Within 30 days of the transfer, the transferor shall report the following to the agency:

            (-1-) manufacturer's (or initial transferor's) name;

            (-2-) model and serial number of the device transferred;

            (-3-) transferee's name and mailing address for the location of use; and

            (-4-) name, title, and phone number of the responsible individual identified by the transferee in accordance with subclause (XIII) of this clause to have knowledge of and authority to take actions to ensure compliance with the appropriate regulations and requirements; or

          (-b-) the device is held in storage by an intermediate person in the original shipping container at its intended location of use prior to initial use by a general licensee;

        (XIII) appoint an individual responsible for having knowledge of the appropriate agency requirements and the authority for taking required actions to comply with appropriate agency requirements. The general licensee, through this individual, shall ensure the day-to-day compliance with appropriate agency requirements. This appointment does not relieve the general licensee of any of its responsibility in this regard;

        (XIV) report changes to the mailing address for the location of use (including change in name of general licensee) to the agency within 30 days of the effective date of the change. If it is a portable device, a report of address change is only required for a change in the device's primary place of storage;

        (XV) not hold devices that are not in use for longer than 24 months following the last principal activity use.

          (-a-) If devices with shutters are not being used, the shutter shall be locked in the closed position. The testing required by clause (iv) of this subparagraph need not be performed during the period of storage only. However, when devices are put back into service or transferred to another person, and have not been tested within the required test interval, they shall be tested for leakage before use or transfer and the shutter tested before use.

          (-b-) Devices kept in standby for future use are excluded from the 24-month time limit if the agency approves a plan for future use submitted by the licensee. Licensees shall submit plans at least 30 days prior to the end of the 24 months of nonuse.

          (-c-) The general licensee shall perform quarterly physical inventories of these devices while they are in standby. The licensee shall make, maintain, and retain for intervals of 5 years, records of the quarterly physical inventories for inspection by the agency;

        (XVI) not export the device containing radioactive material except in accordance with Title 10, CFR, Part 110;

        (XVII) comply with the provisions of §289.202(ww) and (xx) of this title for reporting radiation incidents, theft or loss of licensed material, but shall be exempt from the other requirements of §289.202 and §289.203 of this title;

        (XVIII) respond to written requests from the agency to provide information relating to the general license within 30 calendar days of the date of the request, or other time specified in the request. If the general licensee cannot provide the requested information within the allotted time, it shall, within that same time period, request a longer period to supply the information by providing the agency a written justification for the request; and

        (XIX) assure that the device is used in accordance with information contained in the device safety evaluation.

    (I) The general license in subparagraph (H) of this paragraph does not authorize the manufacture or import of devices containing radioactive material.

    (J) The written instructions specified in subparagraph (H)(iv)(III)(-a-) and (-b-) of this paragraph shall be followed while performing the testing and the written instructions in subparagraph (H)(iv)(III)(-b-) of this paragraph shall be maintained for inspection by the agency.

    (K) General license for certain items and self-luminous products containing radium-226.

      (i) A general license is hereby issued to any person to acquire, receive, possess, use, or transfer radium-226 contained in the following products manufactured prior to November 30, 2007.

        (I) Antiquities originally intended for use by the general public. For purposes of this subclause, antiquities are products distributed for use by the general public in the late 19th and early 20th centuries; such as radium emanator jars, revigators, radium water jars, radon generators, refrigerator cards, radium bath salts, and healing pads.

        (II) Intact timepieces containing greater than 1 µCi (0.037 MBq), nonintact timepieces, and timepiece hands and dials no longer installed in timepieces.

        (III) Luminous items installed in air, marine, or land vehicles.

        (IV) All other luminous products, provided that no more than 100 items are used or stored at the same location at any one time.

        (V) Small radium sources containing no more than 1 µCi (0.037 MBq) of radium 226. For the purposes of this paragraph, "small radium sources" means discrete survey instrument check sources, sources contained in radiation measuring instruments, sources used in educational demonstrations (such as cloud chambers and spinthariscopes), electron tubes, lightning rods, ionization sources, static eliminators, or as designated by the NRC.

      (ii) Persons who acquire, receive, possess, use, or transfer byproduct material under the general license issued in clause (i) of this subparagraph are exempt from the provisions of §§289.201, 289.202, 289.203, and 289.252 of this title, to the extent that the receipt, possession, use, or transfer of byproduct material is within the terms of the general license; provided, however, that this exemption shall not be deemed to apply to any such person specifically licensed under §289.252 of this title.

      (iii) Any person who acquires, receives, possesses, uses, or transfers radioactive material in accordance with this subparagraph shall do the following.

        (I) Provide to the agency within 30 days of any indication of possible damage to the product that could result in a loss of the radioactive material. The report should include a brief description of the event, and the remedial action taken.

        (II) Not abandon products containing radium-226.

          (-a-) The product, and any radioactive material from the product, may only be disposed of according to §289.202 of this title or as otherwise approved by the agency.


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