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RULE §289.257Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Material

      (iii) the use of generic organizational charts to indicate functional relationships, authorities, and responsibilities, or alternatively, the use of descriptive text, provided that there is no substantive change to the functional relationships, authorities, or responsibilities;

      (iv) the elimination of quality assurance program information that duplicates language in quality assurance regulatory guides and quality assurance standards to which the quality assurance program approval holder has committed to on record; and

      (v) organizational revisions that ensure that persons and organizations performing quality assurance functions continue to have the requisite authority and organizational freedom, including sufficient independence from cost and schedule when opposed to safety considerations.

    (C) Each quality assurance program approval holder shall maintain records of quality assurance program changes.

(v) Quality control program. Each shipper shall adopt a quality control program to include verification of the following to ensure that shipping containers are suitable for shipments to a licensed disposal facility:

  (1) identification of appropriate container(s);

  (2) container testing documentation is adequate;

  (3) appropriate container used;

  (4) container packaged appropriately;

  (5) container labeled appropriately;

  (6) manifest filled out appropriately; and

  (7) documentation maintained of each step.

(w) Handling, storage, and shipping control. The licensee, certificate holder, and applicant for a CoC shall establish measures to control, in accordance with instructions, the handling, storage, shipping, cleaning, and preservation of materials and equipment to be used in packaging to prevent damage or deterioration. When necessary for particular products, special protective environments, such as inert gas atmosphere, and specific moisture content and temperature levels shall be specified and provided.

(x) Inspection, test, and operating status. Measures to track inspection, test and operating status shall be established as follows.

  (1) The licensee, certificate holder, and applicant for a CoC shall establish measures to indicate, by the use of markings such as stamps, tags, labels, routing cards, or other suitable means, the status of inspections and tests performed upon individual items of the packaging. These measures shall provide for the identification of items that have satisfactorily passed required inspections and tests, where necessary to preclude inadvertent bypassing of the inspections and tests; and

  (2) The licensee, shall establish measures to identify the operating status of components of the packaging, such as tagging valves and switches, to prevent inadvertent operation.

(y) Nonconforming materials, parts, or components. The licensee, certificate holder, and applicant for a CoC shall establish measures to control materials, parts, or components that do not conform to the licensee's requirements to prevent their inadvertent use or installation. These measures shall include the following, as appropriate:

  (1) procedures for identification, documentation, segregation, disposition, and notification to affected organizations; and

  (2) nonconforming items shall be reviewed and accepted, rejected, repaired, or reworked in accordance with documented procedures.

(z) Corrective action. The licensee, certificate holder, and applicant for a CoC shall establish measures to assure that conditions adverse to quality, such as deficiencies, deviations, defective material and equipment, and nonconformances, are promptly identified and corrected.

  (1) In the case of a significant condition adverse to quality, the measures shall assure that the cause of the condition is determined and corrective action taken to preclude repetition.

  (2) The identification of the significant condition adverse to quality, the cause of the condition, and the corrective action taken shall be documented and reported to appropriate levels of management.

(aa) Quality assurance records. The licensee, certificate holder, and applicant for a CoC shall maintain written records sufficient to describe the activities affecting quality for inspection by the department for three years beyond the date when the licensee, certificate holder, and applicant for a CoC last engage in the activity for which the quality assurance program was developed. If any portion of the written procedures or instructions is superseded, the licensee, certificate holder, and applicant for a CoC shall retain the superseded material for three years after it is superseded. The records must include the following:

  (1) instructions, procedures, and drawings to prescribe quality assurance activities, and closely related specifications such as required qualifications of personnel, procedures, and equipment;

  (2) instructions or procedures which establish a records retention program that is consistent with applicable regulations and designates factors such as duration, location, and assigned responsibility; and

  (3) changes to the quality assurance program as required by subsection (u)(6) of this section.

(bb) Audits. The licensee, certificate holder, and applicant for a CoC shall carry out a comprehensive system of planned and periodic audits, to verify compliance with all aspects of the quality assurance program, and to determine the effectiveness of the program. The audit program shall include:

  (1) performance in accordance with written procedures or checklists by appropriately trained personnel not having direct responsibilities in the area being audited;

  (2) documented results that are reviewed by management having responsibility in the area audited; and

  (3) follow-up action, including reaudit of deficient areas, shall be taken where indicated.

(cc) Transfer for disposal and manifests.

  (1) The requirements of this section and subsection (ff) of this section are designed to:

    (A) control transfers of LLRW by any waste generator, waste collector, or waste processor licensee, as defined in this section, who ships LLRW either directly, or indirectly through a waste collector or waste processor, to a licensed LLRW land disposal facility, as defined in §289.201(b) of this title;

    (B) establish a manifest tracking system; and

    (C) supplement existing requirements concerning transfers and recordkeeping for those wastes.

  (2) Beginning March 1, 1998, all affected licensees shall use subsection (ff) of this section.

  (3) Each shipment of LLRW intended for disposal at a licensed land disposal facility shall be accompanied by a shipment manifest in accordance with subsection (ff)(1) of this section.

  (4) Any licensee shipping LLRW intended for ultimate disposal at a licensed land disposal facility shall document the information required on the uniform manifest and transfer this recorded manifest information to the intended consignee in accordance with subsection (ff) of this section.

  (5) Each shipment manifest shall include a certification by the waste generator as specified in subsection (ff)(10) of this section, as appropriate.

  (6) Each person involved in the transfer for disposal and disposal of LLRW, including the waste generator, waste collector, waste processor, and disposal facility operator, shall comply with the requirements specified in subsection (ff) of this section, as appropriate.

  (7) Any licensee shipping LLRW to a licensed Texas LLRW disposal facility shall comply with the waste acceptance criteria in Title 30, Texas Administrative Code, Part 1, Chapter 336.

  (8) Each shipper shall submit a list for approval by the department of shipping containers that they intend to use to ship LLRW to the Texas LLRW site. If the shipper is licensed in Texas and is the holder of a CoC, the shipper shall also submit written documentation of its program for quality assurance and control and handling, shipping and control measures that comply with the requirements of subsections (s), (t), and (v) - (bb) of this section.

(dd) Fees.

  (1) Each shipper shall be assessed a fee for shipments of LLRW originating in Texas or originating out-of-state being shipped to a licensed Texas LLRW disposal facility and these fees shall:

    (A) be $10 per cubic foot of shipped LLRW;

    (B) be collected by the department and deposited to the credit of the department's Radiation and Perpetual Care Account;

    (C) be used by the department for emergency planning for and response to transportation accidents involving LLRW, including first responder training in counties through which transportation routes are designated in accordance with this section; and


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