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RULE §289.227Use of Radiation Machines in the Healing Arts

      (ii) A signal audible to the fluoroscopist shall indicate the completion of any preset cumulative on-time. Such signal shall continue to sound while x rays are produced until the timing device is reset. In lieu of such signal, the timer shall terminate the beam after the preset cumulative on-time is completed.

    (B) Fluoroscopic systems manufactured on or after June 10, 2006 shall meet the following requirements.

      (i) A display of the irradiation time visible to the fluoroscopist shall meet the following requirements.

        (I) When the x-ray tube is activated, the fluoroscopic irradiation time in minutes and tenths of minutes shall be continuously displayed and updated at least every 6 seconds.

        (II) The fluoroscopic irradiation time shall also be displayed within 6 seconds of termination of an exposure, and remain displayed until reset.

      (ii) Means shall be provided to display the last-image-hold (LIH) image following the termination of the fluoroscopic exposure.

      (iii) A display of the exposure rate (air kerma rate) as well as the cumulative exposure (cumulative air kerma) shall be displayed at the fluoroscopist's working position and shall meet the following requirements.

        (I) The display of the exposure rate (air kerma rate) shall be clearly distinguishable from the cumulative exposure (cumulative air kerma).

        (II) Means shall be provided to reset to zero the display of cumulative exposure (cumulative air kerma) prior to the beginning of a new examination or procedure.

      (iv) A signal audible to the fluoroscopist shall sound for each passage of 5 minutes of irradiation time during an examination or procedure. The signal shall sound until manually reset, or if automatically reset, for at least 2 seconds.

  (8) Control of scattered radiation.

    (A) Fluoroscopic system configuration, including fluoroscopic table designs, shall not permit any portion of any individual's body, except the head, neck, and extremities, to be exposed to scattered radiation emanating from above or below the tabletop unless the radiation has passed through not less than a total of 0.25 mm lead equivalent material. The material may be, but is not limited to, drapes, self-supporting curtains, or viewing shields, in addition to any lead equivalency provided by a protective apron.

    (B) Where sterile fields or special procedures prohibit the use of normal protective barriers or drapes, all of the following conditions shall be met.

      (i) All persons, except the patient, in the room where fluoroscopy is performed shall wear protective aprons that provide a shielding equivalent of 0.35 mm of lead.

      (ii) The fluoroscopic field size shall be reduced to the absolute minimum required for the procedure being performed (area of clinical interest).

      (iii) Operating and safety procedures shall reflect the above conditions, and fluoroscopy personnel shall exhibit awareness of situations requiring the use and/or nonuse of the protective drapes.

    (C) For image-intensified fluoroscopic systems with only a manual mode of collimation, the x-ray field produced shall be limited to the area of the spot-film cassette at 16 inches above tabletop. Additionally, during fluoroscopy, the beam shall be restricted to the area of the input phosphor.

  (9) Radiation protocol committee (RPC) for fluoroscopically-guided interventional (FGI) procedures.

    (A) Development of a RPC.

      (i) Each registrant utilizing FGI procedures shall develop a RPC in accordance with the following.

        (I) The registrant may establish a system-wide committee if the registrant has more than one site.

        (II) One or more registrant may form a cooperative RPC as long as each facility has a representative on the committee.

        (III) If the registrant has already established a radiation safety committee, the requirements of this subsection may be delegated to that committee if the members meet the requirements of subparagraph (B) of this paragraph.

        (IV) The committee shall meet as often as necessary to conduct business but no less than once every 14 months.

        (V) Interim meetings may be conducted by electronic means.

      (ii) The registrant shall make a record of each RPC meeting to include the date, names of individuals in attendance, minutes of the meeting, and any actions taken. The registrant shall maintain the record in accordance with subsection (s)(1) of this section for inspection by the agency.

    (B) Members required for the RPC. Members shall include but not be limited to the following individuals:

      (i) a licensed physician of the healing arts who meets the requirements in subparagraph (E) of this paragraph;

      (ii) a licensed medical physicist;

      (iii) the RSO; and

      (iv) other individuals as deemed necessary by the registrant.

    (C) Establish and implement FGI procedure protocols.

      (i) The RPC shall establish and implement written protocols, or protocols documented in an electronic report system, that include but are not limited to the following.

        (I) A restriction of the use of fluoroscopic systems for interventional purposes to radiologists, radiation oncologists, physicians, as well as individuals to whom a physician has delegated authority pursuant to the Occupations Code, Chapter 601, and the applicable rules of the Texas Medical Board, who have completed the radiation safety awareness training as required in subparagraph (E) of this paragraph.

        (II) A method to be used to monitor the radiation exposure.

        (III) A recommended reference level for FGI procedures performed.

        (IV) Actions to be taken for cases when the reference level was exceeded which may include patient follow-up.

        (V) A review of the established protocol at an interval not to exceed 14 months.

      (ii) The registrant shall make and maintain a record of each RPC protocol in accordance with subsection (s)(1) of this section for inspection by the agency. If the RPC revises a protocol, the registrant shall maintain the previous documentation after the revision in accordance with subsection (s)(1) of this section for inspection by the agency.

    (D) Procedures for maintaining records.

      (i) The registrant shall make and maintain a record of radiation output information so the radiation dose to the skin may be estimated in accordance with established protocols. The record shall include the following:

        (I) patient identification;

        (II) type and date of examination;

        (III) identification of the fluoroscopic system used; and

        (IV) cumulative air kerma or dose area product used if the information is available on the fluoroscopic system.

      (ii) If the cumulative air kerma or dose area product are not displayed on the fluoroscopic system, records shall include other information necessary to estimate the radiation dose to the skin in accordance with established protocol or the following as necessary:

        (I) fluoroscopic mode, such as, high-level or pulsed mode of operation;

        (II) cumulative fluoroscopic exposure time; and

        (III) number of films or recorded exposures.

      (iii) The registrant shall maintain records required by this subparagraph in accordance with record retention policies of the facility.

    (E) Radiation safety awareness training. Physicians, other than radiologists and radiation oncologists, as well as individuals to whom a physician has delegated authority pursuant to the Occupations Code, Chapter 601, and the applicable rules of the Texas Medical Board, shall complete a minimum of 8 hours of Category 1 CMEU in radiation safety awareness training prior to performing FGI procedures.

      (i) The radiation safety awareness training shall include, but not be limited to the following topics:

        (I) principles of radiation protection;

        (II) biological effects of x-ray radiation;

        (III) principles of fluoroscopic systems;

        (IV) operation of fluoroscopic systems used for interventional purposes;

        (V) fluoroscopic exposure (air kerma) outputs;

        (VI) high level control options;

        (VII) dose reduction techniques; and

        (VIII) procedures for recording pertinent data specified in subparagraph (D) of this paragraph.

      (ii) In addition to the 8-hour Category 1 CMEU as required in this subparagraph, the radiation safety awareness training shall:


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