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RULE §289.230Certification of Mammography Systems and Mammography Machines Used for Interventional Breast Radiography

    (G) mammography machine identification if there is more than one machine in the facility.

  (6) Information shall also be maintained for each clinical image by utilizing a label on each film, recording on the film jacket, or maintaining a log or other means. The information shall include, but is not limited to, compressed breast thickness or degree of compression, and kVp.

(u) Quality assurance - general. Each registrant shall establish and maintain a written quality assurance program to ensure the safety, reliability, clarity, and accuracy of mammography services performed at the mammography facility, including corrective actions to be taken if images are of poor quality.

  (1) Responsible individuals. Responsibility for the quality assurance program and for each of its elements shall be assigned to individuals who are qualified for their assignments and who shall be allowed adequate time to perform these duties.

    (A) Lead interpreting physician. The registrant shall identify a lead interpreting physician who shall have the general responsibility of:

      (i) ensuring that the quality assurance program meets all requirements of this subsection and subsections (v) and (w) of this section;

      (ii) reviewing and documenting the technologists' quality control test results at least every three months or more frequently if consistency has not yet been achieved;

      (iii) reviewing the physicists' results within 60 days of the receipt of the results or more frequently when needed; and

      (iv) assigning and determining the individual's qualifications to perform the quality assurance tasks in subparagraphs (B) - (D) of this paragraph.

    (B) Interpreting physicians. All interpreting physicians interpreting mammograms for the registrant shall:

      (i) follow the registrant's procedures for corrective action when the images they are asked to interpret are of poor quality. These procedures shall be included in the facility's operating and safety procedures; and

      (ii) participate in the medical outcomes audit program.

    (C) Medical physicist. Each registrant shall use the services of a licensed medical physicist to survey mammography equipment and oversee the equipment-related quality assurance practices of the facility. At a minimum, the medical physicist shall be responsible for performing the surveys and the mammography equipment evaluations and providing the facility with the reports described in subsection (v)(10) and (11) of this section.

    (D) Quality control technologist. The quality control technologist, designated by the lead interpreting physician, shall ensure performance of the items designated in subsection (v)(1) - (4), (7) - (9), (12), and (14) of this section. If other personnel are assigned the quality assurance tasks in accordance with subparagraph (A)(iv) of this paragraph, the quality control technologist shall insure that the requirements of subsection (v)(1) - (4), (7) - (9), (12), and (14) of this section are met.

  (2) Quality assurance records. The lead interpreting physician, quality control technologist, and medical physicist shall ensure that records concerning mammography technique and procedures, quality control (include monitoring data, corrective actions, and the effectiveness of the corrective actions), safety, protection, and employee qualifications to meet assigned quality assurance tasks are properly maintained and updated. These quality control records shall be kept for each test specified in subsections (v) and (w) of this section, in accordance with subsection (ee) of this section.

(v) Quality assurance - equipment. Registrants with screen-film systems shall perform the following quality control tests at the intervals specified. In addition to the intervals specified in paragraphs (4)(B) and (5)(H) of this subsection, the tests shall be performed prior to initial use.

  (1) Daily quality control tests. Film processors used to develop mammograms shall be adjusted and maintained to meet the technical development specifications for the mammography film in use. A processor performance test shall be completed and the results charted on each day that clinical films are processed before any clinical films are processed that day.

    (A) Processor performance test. Using mammography film used clinically at the facility, sensitometer tests shall include assessment of the following:

      (i) base plus fog density that shall be within plus 0.03 of the established operating level;

      (ii) mid-density that shall be within plus or minus 0.15 of the established operating level; and

      (iii) density difference that shall be within plus or minus 0.15 of the established operating level.

    (B) Film processors being used for mammography at multiple locations, such as a mobile service operation, shall be subject to the requirements of this paragraph.

    (C) Film processors utilized for mammography shall be adjusted to and operated at the specifications recommended by the mammographic film manufacturer, or at other settings such that the sensitometric performance is at least equivalent.

    (D) Each registrant shall utilize the same film processor for clinical and phantom images. Clinical images shall be processed within an interval not to exceed 24 hours from the time the first clinical image is taken. Facilities utilizing batch processing shall do the following:

      (i) use a container to transport clinical images that will protect the film from exposure to light and radiation; and

      (ii) maintain a log to include each patient name and unique identification number, date, and time of the first exam of each batch, and date and time of batch development.

  (2) Weekly quality control tests. These tests shall be performed at an interval no greater than seven days. If mammography is not being performed on the date the test is due and more than seven days have past since the last test, the tests shall be performed prior to resuming mammography. An image quality evaluation test, using an FDA-accepted phantom, shall meet the following parameters.

    (A) The optical density of the film at the center of an image of a standard FDA-accepted phantom shall be at least 1.20 when exposed under a typical clinical condition and shall not change by more than plus or minus 0.20 from the established operating level.

    (B) The density difference between the background of the phantom and an added test object, used to assess image contrast, shall be measured and shall not vary by more than plus or minus 0.05 from the established operating level.

    (C) The phantom image shall be made on the standard mammographic film in use at the facility with techniques used for clinical images of a standard breast. The phantom image shall meet the requirements in subparagraphs (A) and (B) of this paragraph and clause (i) of this subparagraph. No mammograms shall be taken on patients if any of these minimums are not met.

      (i) The mammographic machine shall be capable of producing images of the mammographic phantom in accordance with the phantom image scoring protocol in subsection (hh)(4) of this section or paragraph (7) of this subsection.

      (ii) Each phantom image and a record of the evaluation of that image shall be maintained at the location where the mammography image was produced or with the radiographic equipment for mobile service operations.

  (3) Quarterly quality control tests. These tests shall be performed within the calender quarter at an interval not to exceed 90 days.

    (A) Fixer retention in film. The residual fixer shall be no more than 5 micrograms per square cm.

    (B) Repeat analysis. A repeat analysis on clinical images repeated or rejected shall be performed, analyzed, and documented. The total repeat or reject rate shall not exceed 5.0%. If the total repeat or reject rate changes from the previously determined rate by more than 2.0% of the total films included in the analysis, the reason(s) for the change shall be determined. Corrective action shall be taken and documented if the total repeat or reject rate for the facility exceeds 5.0% or changes from the previously determined rate by more than 2.0% of the total films included in the analysis. Test films, cleared films, or film processed as a result of exposure of a film bin are not to be included in the count for repeat analysis. Films included in the repeat analysis are not required to be kept after completion of the analysis.

  (4) Semiannual quality control tests. These tests shall be performed at an interval not to exceed six months.

    (A) Darkroom fog. The optical density attributable to darkroom fog shall not exceed 0.05 when a mammography film of the type used in the facility, which has a mid-density of no less than 1.2 OD, is exposed to typical darkroom conditions for two minutes while such film is placed on the counter top, emulsion side up. If the darkroom has a safelight used for mammography film, it shall be on during this test.


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