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RULE §289.255Radiation Safety Requirements and Licensing and Registration Procedures for Industrial Radiography

      (ii) Tests for proper operation of interlocks shall be conducted and recorded at intervals not to exceed 12 months.

      (iii) The registrant shall perform an evaluation to determine compliance with §289.231(o)(1) - (3) of this title and Title 21, CFR, §1020.40 at intervals not to exceed one year.

    (B) Records of operating instructions in cabinet x-ray systems required by subparagraph (A)(i) of this paragraph and interlock tests required by subparagraph (A)(ii) of this paragraph shall be made and maintained in accordance with subsection (v)(1) of this section.

    (C) Records of the evaluation of certified cabinet x-ray systems required by subparagraph (A)(iii) of this paragraph shall be made and maintained in accordance with subsection (v)(1) of this section.

  (9) All reciprocal recognition of certificates of registration by the agency will be granted in accordance with §289.226(s) of this title.

(u) Radiation safety and licensing requirements for the use of sealed sources.

  (1) Licensing requirements for industrial radiographic operations.

    (A) Sealed sources used in industrial radiographic operations shall be licensed in accordance with §289.252 of this title.

    (B) In addition to the licensing requirements in §289.252 of this title, an application for a license shall include the following information.

      (i) A schedule or description of the program for training radiographic personnel that specifies:

        (I) initial training;

        (II) annual refresher training;

        (III) on-the-job training;

        (IV) procedures for administering the oral and written examinations to determine the knowledge, understanding, and ability of radiographic personnel to comply with the requirements of this chapter, the conditions of the license, and the licensee's operating, safety, and emergency procedures; and

        (V) procedures for administering the practical examination to demonstrate competence in the use of sources of radiation, radiographic exposure devices, related handling tools, and radiation survey instruments that may be employed in industrial radiographic assignments.

      (ii) Written operating, safety, and emergency procedures that are made available to each individual operating a sealed source in radiographic operations, including any restrictions of the operating technique required for the safe operation of the particular sealed source.

        (I) The licensee shall document that each individual operating a sealed source in radiographic operations has read the operating and safety procedures and shall maintain this documentation for inspection by the agency. The documentation shall include the following:

          (-a-) name and signature of individual;

          (-b-) date individual read the operating and safety procedures; and

          (-c-) initials of the RSO;

        (II) The operating and safety procedures shall include, but are not limited to, the items listed in subsection (x)(3) of this section;

      (iii) A description of the internal audit program to ensure that radiographic personnel follow the requirements of this chapter, the conditions of the license, and the licensee's operating, safety, and emergency procedures at intervals not to exceed six months.

      (iv) A list of permanent radiographic installations, descriptions of permanent storage and use sites, and the location(s) where all records required by this section and other sections of this chapter will be maintained. If records are to be maintained at a headquarters office in Texas and no use or storage is authorized for the site, this site will be designated as the main site. Radioactive material shall not be stored or used at a permanent use site unless such site is specifically authorized by the license. Any licensee conducting radiographic operations or storing radioactive material at any location not listed on the license for a period in excess of 180 days in a calendar year, shall notify the agency prior to exceeding the 180 days. A storage site is permanent if radioactive material is stored at that location and if any one or more of the following applies:

        (I) the licensee establishes telephone service that is used for contracting or providing industrial radiographic services for the licensee;

        (II) industrial radiographic services are advertised for or from the site;

        (III) radioactive material stored at that location is used for industrial radiographic operations conducted at other sites; or

        (IV) the licensee conducts radiographic operations or stores radioactive material at any location not listed on the license for a period in excess of 180 days in a calendar year.

      (v) A description of the organization of the industrial radiographic program, including delegations of authority and responsibility for operation of the radiation safety program.

      (vi) A description of the program for inspection and maintenance of radiographic exposure devices and transport and storage containers, including items in subsection (x)(2) of this section and the applicable items in subsection (m) of this section.

      (vii) If a license application includes underwater radiography, as a minimum a description of:

        (I) radiation safety procedures and radiographer responsibilities unique to the performance of underwater radiography;

        (II) radiographic equipment and radiation safety equipment unique to underwater radiography; and

        (III) methods for gas-tight encapsulation of equipment.

      (viii) If a license application includes offshore platform and/or lay-barge radiography, as a minimum a description of:

        (I) transport procedures for radioactive material to be used in industrial radiographic operations;

        (II) storage facilities for radioactive material; and

        (III) methods for restricting access to radiation areas;

      (ix) Procedures for verifying and documenting the certification status of radiographers and for ensuring that the certification of individuals acting as radiographers remains valid.

      (x) If the applicant intends to perform leak testing of sealed sources or exposure devices containing DU shielding, the applicant shall describe the procedures for performing the leak test and the qualifications of the person authorized to do the leak test.

      (xi) If the applicant intends to analyze its own wipe samples, the application shall include a description of the procedures to be followed. The description shall include at least the following:

        (I) instruments to be used;

        (II) methods of performing the analysis; and

        (III) pertinent experience of the person(s) who will analyze the wipe samples; and

      (xii) If the applicant intends to perform "in-house" calibrations of survey instruments, the applicant shall describe methods to be used and the relevant experience of the person(s) who will perform the calibrations. All calibrations shall be performed in accordance with subsection (j) of this section.

    (C) A license will be issued if the requirements of this paragraph of this subsection and §289.252 of this title are met.

  (2) Limits on external radiation levels from storage containers and source changers. The maximum exposure rate limits for storage containers and source changers are 200 mrem/hr (2 mSv/hr) at any exterior surface, and 10 mrem/hr (0.1 mSv/hr) at 1 meter from any exterior surface with the sealed source in the shielded position.

  (3) Locking of radiographic exposure devices, storage containers and source changers.

    (A) Each radiographic exposure device, storage container, and source changer shall have a lock or outer locked container designed to prevent unauthorized or accidental removal or exposure of a sealed source. Each exposure device and source changer shall be kept locked and, if a keyed lock, the key removed at all times except when under the direct visual surveillance of a radiographer or an individual specifically authorized by the agency, except at a permanent radiographic installation.

    (B) Each radiographic exposure device, storage container, and source changer shall be locked and the key removed from any keyed lock prior to being transported from one location to another and also prior to being stored at a given location.

  (4) Permanent storage precautions for the use of sealed sources.

    (A) Radiographic exposure devices, source changers, and transport containers that contain sealed sources shall be secured while in storage to prevent tampering or removal by unauthorized individuals.


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