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RULE §289.232Radiation Control Regulations for Dental Radiation Machines

      (i) Each registrant shall conduct operations so that:

        (I) the total effective dose equivalent to individual members of the public from exposure to radiation from radiation machines does not exceed 0.5 rem (5 millisieverts) in a year, exclusive of the dose contribution from background radiation, exposure of patients to radiation for medical diagnosis or therapy, or to voluntary participation in medical research programs; and

        (II) the dose in any unrestricted area from external sources does not exceed 0.002 rem (0.02 millisieverts) in any one hour.

      (ii) If the registrant permits members of the public to have access to restricted areas, the limits for members of the public continue to apply to those individuals.

      (iii) The agency may impose additional restrictions on radiation levels in unrestricted areas in order to restrict the collective dose.

    (C) Occupational doses from other sources of radiation. Individuals who receive occupational doses from sources of radiation other than dental radiation machines may be required to comply with the requirements of §289.231(n) and (q) - (s) of this title.

    (D) Instructions to workers. The registrant shall provide instructions to radiation workers before beginning initial work in restricted areas. These instructions shall include the following:

      (i) precautions or procedures to minimize exposure;

      (ii) the applicable provisions of agency requirements and certificates of registration for the protection of personnel from exposures to radiation occurring in such areas; and

      (iii) the radiation worker's responsibility to report promptly to the registrant any condition that may constitute, lead to, or cause a violation of agency requirements or certificate of registration conditions, or unnecessary exposure to radiation.

  (4) Facility requirements.

    (A) Caution signs. Unless otherwise authorized by the agency, the standard radiation symbol prescribed shall use the colors magenta, purple or black on yellow background. The standard radiation symbol prescribed is the three-bladed design as follows:

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      (i) the cross-hatched area of the symbol is to be magenta, purple, or black; and

      (ii) the background of the symbol is to be yellow.

    (B) Posting of notices to workers.

      (i) Each registrant shall post current copies of the following documents:

        (I) RC Form 232-1, "Notice to Employees," or an equivalent document containing at least the same wording as RC Form 232-1; and

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        (II) a notice that describes the following documents and states where the documents may be examined:

          (-a-) a copy of this section;

          (-b-) the certificate of registration and conditions or documents incorporated into the certificate of registration by reference and amendments thereto;

          (-c-) the operating procedures applicable to work under the certificate of registration; and

          (-d-) any notice of violation, if applicable, involving radiological working conditions, or order issued in accordance with subsections (b) and (l)(3) of this section and documentation of the corrections of any violations.

      (ii) Documents, notices, or forms posted in accordance with this subsection shall:

        (I) appear in an area visible to all workers to permit individuals engaged in work under the certificate of registration to observe the documents on the way to or from any particular work location to which the document applies;

        (II) be conspicuous; and

        (III) be replaced if defaced or altered.

    (C) Posting requirements. The registrant shall post each radiation area with a conspicuous sign or signs bearing the radiation symbol and the words "CAUTION, RADIATION AREA."

    (D) Exceptions to posting requirements. Registrants are exempt from the posting of the radiation area requirements in subparagraph (C) of this paragraph if the operator has continuous surveillance and access control of the radiation area.

    (E) Security and control of radiation machines.

      (i) The registrant shall establish a protocol to ensure radiation machines are secure from unauthorized removal.

      (ii) The registrant shall use devices and administrative procedures to prevent unauthorized use of radiation machines.

      (iii) Any person using hand-held dental radiation machines shall ensure proper storage of the unit to include:

        (I) securing the unit against theft or unauthorized use; and

        (II) storing the unit in locked cabinets, storage rooms or work areas when not under immediate supervision of authorized users.

  (5) Radiation machine requirements.

    (A) Technique chart.

      (i) A technique chart relevant to the particular radiation machine shall be provided or electronically displayed near the control panel and used by all operators.

      (ii) Technique and exposure indicators.

        (I) The technique factors to be used during an exposure shall be indicated before the exposure begins except:

          (-a-) when automatic exposure controls are used, in which case the technique factors that are set before the exposure shall be indicated; or

          (-b-) unless prevented by the design of the certified radiation machine.

        (II) On radiation machines having fixed technique factors, the requirement of subclause (I) of this clause may be met by permanent markings.

        (III) The x-ray control shall provide visual indication of the production of x-rays. In addition, a signal audible to the operator shall indicate that the exposure has terminated.

        (IV) The indicated technique factors shall be accurate to within manufacturer's specifications. If these specifications are not available from the manufacturer, the factors shall be accurate to within plus or minus 10% of the indicated setting.

    (B) Labeling radiation machines. Each registrant shall ensure that each radiation machine is labeled in a conspicuous manner that cautions individuals that radiation is produced when it is energized. This label shall be affixed in a clearly visible location on the face of the radiation machine.

    (C) Mechanical support of tube head. The tube housing assembly shall be adjusted to remain stable during an exposure unless tube housing movement is a designed function of the radiation machine.

    (D) Battery charge indicator. On battery-powered x-ray generators, visual means shall be provided on the control panel to indicate whether the battery is in a state of charge adequate for proper operation.

    (E) Beam quality. The following requirements apply to beam quality.

      (i) Half-value layer.

        (I) The half-value layer of the useful beam for a given x-ray tube potential shall not be less than the values shown in the following table. If it is necessary to determine such half-value layer at an x-ray tube potential that is not listed in the table, linear interpolation may be made.

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        (II) For capacitor energy storage equipment, compliance with the requirements of this subparagraph shall be determined with the maximum quantity of charge per exposure.

      (ii) Filtration controls.

        (I) For radiation machines that have variable kilovolt peak and variable filtration for the useful beam, a device shall link the kilovolt peak selector with the filters and shall prevent an exposure unless the minimum amount of filtration required by clause (i) of this subparagraph is in the useful beam for the given kilovolt peak that has been selected.

        (II) Any other radiation machine having removable filters shall be required to have the minimum amount of filtration as required by clause (i)(I) of this subparagraph permanently located in the useful beam during each exposure.

    (F) Multiple tubes. Where two or more radiographic tubes are controlled by one exposure switch, the tube or tubes that have been selected shall be clearly indicated before initiation of the exposure. This indication shall be both on the x-ray control panel and at or near the tube housing assembly that has been selected.

    (G) X-ray control. An x-ray control shall be incorporated into each radiation machine such that an exposure can be terminated by the operator at any time, except for exposures of 0.5 second or less. The exposure switch shall be of the continuous pressure type.


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