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RULE §289.257Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Material

    (D) not be collected on waste disposed of at a federal waste disposal facility.

  (2) Fee assessments are suspended from imposition against a party state compact waste generator when the amount in the department's Radiation and Perpetual Care Account attributable to those fees reaches $500,000. If the amount in that account attributable to those fees is reduced to $350,000 or less, the fee is reinstated until the amount reaches $500,000.

  (3) Money expended from the department's Radiation and Perpetual Care Account to respond to accidents involving LLRW shall be reimbursed to the department's Radiation and Perpetual Care Account by the responsible shipper or transporter according to this section.

  (4) For purposes of this subsection, "shipper" means a person who generates low-level radioactive waste and ships or arranges with others to ship the waste to a disposal site.

  (5) This subsection does not relieve a generator from liability for a transportation accident involving LLRW.

(ee) Appendices for determination of A1 and A2.

  (1) Values of A1 and A2. Values of A1 and A2 for individual radionuclides, which are the bases for many activity limits elsewhere in these rules are given in Table 257-3 of paragraph (6) of this subsection. The curie (Ci) values specified are obtained by converting from the terabecquerel (TBq) value. The TBq values are the regulatory standard. The curie values are for information only and are not intended to be the regulatory standard. Where values of A1 or A2 are unlimited, it is for radiation control purposes only. For nuclear criticality safety, some materials are subject to controls placed on fissile material.

  (2) Values of radionuclides not listed.

    (A) For individual radionuclides whose identities are known, but are not listed in Table 257-3 of paragraph (6) of this subsection, the A1 and A2 values contained in Table 257-5 of paragraph (8) of this subsection may be used. Otherwise, the licensee shall obtain prior department or NRC approval of the A1 and A2 values for radionuclides not listed in Table 257-3 of paragraph (6) of this subsection, before shipping the material.

    (B) For individual radionuclides whose identities are known, but that are not listed in Table 257-4 of paragraph (7) of this subsection, the exempt material activity concentration and exempt consignment activity values contained in Table 257-5 of paragraph (8) of this subsection may be used. Otherwise, the licensee shall obtain prior department or NRC approval of the exempt material activity concentration and exempt consignment activity values, for radionuclides not listed in Table 257-4 of paragraph (7) of this subsection, before shipping the material.

    (C) The licensee shall submit requests for prior approval, described in subparagraphs (A) and (B) of this paragraph to the department or the NRC.

  (3) Calculations of A1 and A2 for a radionuclide not in Table 257-3 of paragraph (6) of this subsection. In the calculations of A1 and A2 for a radionuclide not in Table 257-3 of paragraph (6) of this subsection, a single radioactive decay chain, in which radionuclides are present in their naturally occurring proportions, and in which no daughter radionuclide has a half-life either longer than 10 days, or longer than that of the parent radionuclide, shall be considered as a single radionuclide, and the activity to be taken into account and the A1 and A2 value to be applied shall be those corresponding to the parent radionuclide of that chain. In the case of radioactive decay chains in which any daughter radionuclide has a half-life either longer than 10 days, or greater than that of the parent radionuclide, the parent and those daughter radionuclides shall be considered as mixtures of different radionuclides.

  (4) Determination for mixtures of radionuclides whose identities and respective activities are known. For mixtures of radionuclides whose identities and respective activities are known, the following conditions apply.

    (A) For special form radioactive material, the maximum quantity transported in a Type A package is as follows:

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    (B) For normal form radioactive material, the maximum quantity transported in a Type A package is as follows:

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    (C) If the package contains both special and normal form radioactive material, the activity that may be transported in a Type A package is as follows:

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    (D) Alternatively, an A1 value for mixtures of special form material may be determined as follows:

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    (E) Alternatively, an A2 value for mixtures of normal form material may be determined as follows:

Attached Graphic

    (F) The exempt activity concentration for mixtures of nuclides may be determined as follows:

Attached Graphic

    (G) The activity limit for an exempt consignment for mixtures of radionuclides may be determined as follows:

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  (5) Determination when individual activities of some of the radionuclides are not known.

    (A) When the identity of each radionuclide is known, but the individual activities of some of the radionuclides are not known, the radionuclides may be grouped and the lowest A1 or A2 value, as appropriate, for the radionuclides in each group may be used in applying the formulas in paragraph (4) of this subsection. Groups may be based on the total alpha activity and the total beta/gamma activity when these are known, using the lowest A1 or A2 values for the alpha emitters and beta/gamma emitters.

    (B) When the identity of each radionuclide is known but the individual activities of some of the radionuclides are not known, the radionuclides may be grouped and the lowest [A] (activity concentration for exempt material) or A (activity limit for exempt consignment) value, as appropriate, for the radionuclides in each group may be used in applying the formulas in paragraph (4) of this subsection. Groups may be based on the total alpha activity and the total beta/gamma activity when these are known, using the lowest [A] or A values for the alpha emitters and beta/gamma emitters, respectively.

  (6) A1 and A2 values for radionuclides. The following Table 257-3 contains A1 and A2 values for radionuclides.

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  (7) Exempt material activity concentrations and exempt consignment activity limits for radionuclides. The following Table 257-4 contains exempt material activity concentrations and exempt consignment activity limits for radionuclides:

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  (8) General values for A1 and A2. The following Table 257-5 contains general values for A1 and A2:

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  (9) Activity-mass relationships for uranium. The following Table 257-6 contains activity-mass relationships for uranium:

Attached Graphic

(ff) Appendices for the requirements for transfers of LLRW intended for disposal at licensed land disposal facilities and manifests.

  (1) Manifest. A waste generator, collector, or processor who transports, or offers for transportation, LLRW intended for ultimate disposal at a licensed LLRW land disposal facility shall prepare a manifest reflecting information requested on applicable NRC Forms 540 (Uniform Low-Level Radioactive Waste Manifest (Shipping Paper)) and 541 (Uniform Low-Level Radioactive Waste Manifest (Container and Waste Description)) and, if necessary, on an applicable NRC Form 542 (Uniform Low-Level Radioactive Waste Manifest (Manifest Index and Regional Compact Tabulation)) or their equivalent. NRC Forms 540 and 540A shall be completed and shall physically accompany the pertinent LLRW shipment. Upon agreement between shipper and consignee, NRC Forms 541, 541A, and 542 and 542A may be completed, transmitted, and stored in electronic media with the capability for producing legible, accurate, and complete records on the respective forms. Licensees are not required by the department to comply with the manifesting requirements of this section when they ship:

    (A) LLRW for processing and expect its return (i.e., for storage in accordance with their license) before disposal at a licensed land disposal facility;

    (B) LLRW that is being returned to the licensee who is the waste generator or generator, as defined in this section; or


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