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RULE §289.255Radiation Safety Requirements and Licensing and Registration Procedures for Industrial Radiography

    (B) Radiographic exposure devices, source changers, or transport containers that contain radioactive material may not be stored in residential locations. This section does not apply to storage of radioactive material in a vehicle in transit for use at temporary job sites, if the licensee complies with paragraph (9)(G) of this subsection and if the vehicle does not constitute a permanent storage location as described in paragraph (1)(B)(iv) of this subsection.

  (5) Performance requirements for industrial radiography equipment. Equipment used in industrial radiographic operations shall meet the following minimum criteria.

    (A) Each radiographic exposure device, source assembly, sealed source, and associated equipment shall meet the criteria set forth by ANSI N432-1980. This publication is available online at http://pbadupws.nrc.gov/docs/ML0508/ML050840139.pdf and may be purchased from the American National Standards Institute, Inc., 25 West 43rd Street, New York, New York 10036; Telephone (212) 642-4900.

      (i) All newly manufactured radiographic exposure devices and associated equipment acquired by licensees after September 1, 1993, shall comply with the requirements of this section.

      (ii) All radiographic exposure devices and associated equipment in use after January 1, 1996, shall comply with the requirements of this section.

      (iii) In lieu of subparagraph (A) of this paragraph, equipment used in industrial radiographic operations need not comply with §8.9.2(c) of the Endurance Test in ANSI N432-1980, if the prototype equipment has been tested using a torque value representative of the torque that an individual using the radiography equipment can realistically exert on the lever or crankshaft of the drive mechanism.

    (B) Engineering analysis may be submitted by a licensee to demonstrate the applicability of previously performed testing on similar individual radiography equipment components. Upon review, the agency may find this an acceptable alternative to actual testing of the component in accordance with subparagraph (A) of this paragraph.

    (C) In addition to the requirements specified in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph the following requirements apply to radiographic exposure devices, source changers, source assemblies and sealed sources.

      (i) Radiographic exposure devices intended for use as Type B transport containers shall meet the applicable requirements of §289.257 of this title.

      (ii) Modification of radiographic exposure devices, source changers, source assemblies, and associated equipment is prohibited, unless the design of any replacement component, including source holder, source assembly, controls or guide tubes would not compromise the design safety features of the system.

    (D) In addition to the requirements specified in subparagraphs (A) - (C) of this paragraph, radiographic exposure devices, source assemblies, and associated equipment that allow the source to move outside the device shall meet the following criteria.

      (i) The source assembly shall be designed so that the source will not become disconnected if cranked outside the guide tube. The source assembly shall be such that it cannot be unintentionally disconnected under normal and reasonably foreseeable abnormal conditions.

      (ii) The control cable shall be positively connected to the source assembly before the source assembly can be driven out of the fully shielded position in a radiographic exposure device or source changer.

      (iii) The radiographic exposure device shall automatically secure the source assembly when it is cranked back into the fully shielded position within the radiographic exposure device. This securing system shall only be released by means of a deliberate operation on the radiographic exposure device.

      (iv) The outlet nipple and control cable fittings of each radiographic exposure device shall be equipped with safety plugs or covers that will protect the source assembly from damage and from other foreign matter, such as water, mud, or sand, during storage and transportation.

      (v) Each sealed source or source assembly shall have attached to it or engraved on it, a durable, legible, visible label with the words "DANGER. RADIOACTIVE." The label may not interfere with the safe operation of the exposure device or associated equipment.

      (vi) Guide tubes shall be used when moving the source out of the radiographic exposure device.

      (vii) Guide tubes shall be able to withstand a crushing test that closely approximates the crushing forces that are likely to be encountered during use, and be able to withstand a kinking resistance test that closely approximates the kinking forces that are likely to be encountered during use.

      (viii) An exposure head, endcap, or similar device designed to prevent the source assembly from extending beyond the end of the guide tube shall be attached to the outermost end of the guide tube during radiographic operations.

      (ix) The guide tube exposure head connection shall be able to withstand the tensile test for control units as specified in ANSI N432-1980.

      (x) Source changers shall provide a system for ensuring that the source will not be accidentally withdrawn from the changer when connecting or disconnecting the control cable to or from a source assembly.

  (6) Leak testing, repair, opening, and replacement of sealed sources and devices. Leak testing, repair, opening, and replacement of sealed sources and devices shall be performed according to the following criteria.

    (A) Leak testing of sealed sources shall be done in accordance with §289.201(g) of this title, except records of leak tests shall be maintained in accordance with subsection (v)(1) of this section.

    (B) The replacement, leak testing analysis, repair, opening, or any modification of a sealed source shall be performed only by persons specifically authorized to do so by the agency, the NRC, or another agreement state.

    (C) Each exposure device using DU shielding and an "S" tube configuration shall be tested for DU contamination.

      (i) Tests for DU contamination shall be performed at intervals not to exceed 12 months.

      (ii) The analysis shall be capable of detecting the presence of 0.005 microcuries (185 Bq) of radioactive material on the test sample and shall be performed by a person specifically authorized by the agency, the NRC, or an agreement state to perform the analysis.

      (iii) Should such testing reveal the presence of DU contamination, the exposure device shall be removed from use until an evaluation of the wear of the S-tube has been made.

      (iv) Should the evaluation reveal that the S-tube is worn through, the device may not be used again.

      (v) DU shielded devices do not have to be tested for DU contamination while in storage and not in use.

      (vi) The device shall be tested for DU contamination before using or transferring such a device, if the interval of storage exceeds 12 months.

    (D) A record of the DU leak test shall be made and maintained in accordance with subsection (v)(1) of this section.

  (7) Labeling and storage.

    (A) Each transport container shall have permanently attached to it a durable, legible, clearly visible label(s) that has, as a minimum, the standard trefoil radiation caution symbol conventional colors, for example, magenta, purple or black on a yellow background, having a minimum diameter of 25 millimeters, and the following wording "CAUTION. RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL. NOTIFY CIVIL AUTHORITIES (OR NAME OF COMPANY)" or "DANGER. RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL. NOTIFY CIVIL AUTHORITIES (OR NAME OF COMPANY)." In addition, transport containers shall meet applicable requirements of the DOT.

    (B) Radiographic exposure devices, source changers, and storage containers shall be physically secured to prevent tampering or removal by unauthorized personnel. The licensee shall store radioactive material in a manner that will minimize danger from explosion or fire.

    (C) The licensee shall lock and physically secure the transport package containing radioactive material in the transporting vehicle to prevent accidental loss, tampering, or unauthorized removal.

    (D) The licensee's name and city or town of an authorized use site listed on the license shall be prominently displayed with a durable, clearly visible label(s) on both sides of all vehicles used to transport radioactive material for temporary job site use.

    (E) The licensee shall ensure that each radiographic exposure device has attached to it a durable, legible, clearly visible label bearing the following:

      (i) chemical symbol and mass number of the radionuclide in the device;

      (ii) activity and the date on which this activity was last measured;

      (iii) manufacturer, model and serial number of the sealed source;

      (iv) licensee's name, address, and telephone number; and


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