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RULE §289.202Standards for Protection Against Radiation from Radioactive Materials

  (7) Any licensee shipping byproduct material as defined in §289.201(b)(19)(C) - (E) of this title intended for ultimate disposal at a land disposal facility licensed under Title 10, CFR, Part 61, shall document the information required on the NRC's Uniform Low-Level Radioactive Waste Manifest and transfer this recorded manifest information to the intended consignee in accordance with §289.257(gg) of this title.

(gg) Discharge by release into sanitary sewerage.

  (1) A licensee may discharge licensed material into sanitary sewerage if each of the following conditions is satisfied:

    (A) the material is readily soluble, or is readily dispersible biological material, in water;

    (B) the quantity of licensed radioactive material that the licensee releases into the sewer in one month divided by the average monthly volume of water released into the sewer by the licensee does not exceed the concentration listed in Table III of subsection (ggg)(2) of this section; and

    (C) if more than one radionuclide is released, the following additional conditions must also be satisfied:

      (i) the fraction of the limit in Table III of subsection (ggg)(2) of this section represented by discharges into sanitary sewerage determined by dividing the actual monthly average concentration of each radionuclide released by the licensee into the sewer by the concentration of that radionuclide listed in Table III of subsection (ggg)(2) of this section; and

      (ii) the sum of the fractions for each radionuclide required by clause (i) of this subparagraph does not exceed unity; and

    (D) the total quantity of licensed radioactive material that the licensee releases into the sanitary sewerage in a year does not exceed 5 curies (Ci) (185 GBq) of hydrogen-3, 1 Ci (37 GBq) of carbon-14, and 1 Ci (37 GBq) of all other radioactive materials combined.

  (2) Excreta from individuals undergoing medical diagnosis or therapy with radioactive material are not subject to the limitations contained in paragraph (1) of this subsection.

(hh) Treatment by incineration. A licensee may treat licensed material by incineration only in the form and concentration specified in subsection (fff)(1) of this section or as authorized by the agency.

(ii) Discharge by release into septic tanks. No licensee shall discharge radioactive material into a septic tank system except as specifically approved by the agency.

(jj) Transfer for disposal and manifests.

  (1) The control of transfers of LLRW intended for disposal at a licensed low-level radioactive waste disposal facility, the establishment of a manifest tracking system, and additional requirements concerning transfers and recordkeeping for those wastes are found in §289.257(ff) of this title.

  (2) Each person involved in the transfer of waste for disposal including the waste generator, waste collector, and waste processor, shall comply with the requirements specified in §289.257(ff) of this title.

(kk) Compliance with environmental and health protection regulations. Nothing in subsections (ff), (gg), (hh), or (jj) of this section relieves the licensee from complying with other applicable federal, state, and local regulations governing any other toxic or hazardous properties of materials that may be disposed of in accordance with subsections (ff), (gg), (hh), or (jj) of this section.

(ll) General provisions for records.

  (1) Each licensee shall use the International System of Units (SI) units becquerel, gray, sievert, and coulomb per kilogram, or the special units curie, rad, rem, and roentgen, including multiples and subdivisions, and shall clearly indicate the units of all quantities on records required by this section. Disintegrations per minute may be indicated on records of surveys performed to determine compliance with subsections (ee)(4) and (ggg)(6) of this section. To ensure compatibility with international transportation standards, all limits in this section are given in terms of dual units: The SI units followed or preceded by United States (U.S.) standard or customary units. The U.S. customary units are not exact equivalents, but are rounded to a convenient value, providing a functionally equivalent unit. For the purpose of this section, either unit may be used.

  (2) Notwithstanding the requirements of paragraph (1) of this subsection, when recording information on shipment manifests, as required in §289.257 of this title, information must be recorded in SI units or in SI and units as specified in paragraph (1) of this subsection.

  (3) The licensee shall make a clear distinction among the quantities entered on the records required by this section, such as, total effective dose equivalent, total organ dose equivalent, shallow dose equivalent, lens dose equivalent, deep dose equivalent, or committed effective dose equivalent.

  (4) Records required in accordance with §289.201(d) of this title, and subsections (mm) - (oo) and (ss) - (uu) of this section shall include the date and the identification of individual(s) making the record, and, as applicable, a unique identification of survey instrument(s) used, and an exact description of the location of the survey. Records of receipt, transfer, and disposal of sources of radiation shall uniquely identify the source of radiation.

  (5) Copies of records required in accordance with §289.201(d) of this title, and subsections (mm) - (uu) of this section, and by license condition that are relevant to operations at an additional authorized use/storage site shall be maintained at that site in addition to the main site specified on a license.

(mm) Records of radiation protection programs.

  (1) Each licensee shall maintain records of the radiation protection program, including:

    (A) the provisions of the program; and

    (B) audits and other reviews of program content and implementation.

  (2) The licensee shall make, maintain, and retain the records required by paragraphs (1)(A) and (1)(B) of this subsection for inspection by the agency in accordance with subsection (ggg)(5) of this section.

(nn) Records of surveys.

  (1) Each licensee shall make, maintain, and retain records documenting the results of surveys and calibrations required by subsections (p) and (ee)(2) of this section and include a unique identification of survey instrument(s). The licensee shall maintain these records for inspection by the agency in accordance with subsection (ggg)(5) of this section.

  (2) Record of the calibration shall include:

    (A) the manufacturer's name, model and serial number of each calibrated source and/or device;

    (B) the complete date of the calibration; and

    (C) the name of the individual recording the information.

  (3) The licensee shall make, maintain, and retain each of the following records for inspection by the agency in accordance with subsection (ggg)(5) of this section:

    (A) the results of surveys to determine the dose from external sources of radiation used, in the absence of or in combination with individual monitoring data, in the assessment of individual dose equivalents; and

    (B) the results of measurements and calculations used to determine individual intakes of radioactive material and used in the assessment of internal dose; and

    (C) the results of air sampling, surveys, and bioassays required in accordance with subsection (x)(1)(C)(i) and (ii) of this section; and

    (D) the results of measurements and calculations used to evaluate the release of radioactive effluents to the environment.

(oo) Records of tests for leakage or contamination of sealed sources. Records of tests for leakage or contamination of sealed sources required by §289.201(g) of this title shall be kept in units of becquerel or microcurie and maintained and retained for inspection by the agency in accordance with subsection (ggg)(5) of this section.

(pp) Records of lifetime cumulative occupational radiation dose. The licensee shall make, maintain, and retain the records of lifetime cumulative occupational radiation dose as specified in subsection (k) of this section on RC Form 202-2 or equivalent and the records used in preparing RC Form 202-2 or equivalent for inspection by the agency in accordance with subsection (ggg)(5) of this section.

(qq) Records of planned special exposures.

  (1) For each use of the provisions of subsection (k) of this section for planned special exposures, the licensee shall maintain records that describe:

    (A) the exceptional circumstances requiring the use of a planned special exposure;

    (B) the name of the management official who authorized the planned special exposure and a copy of the signed authorization;

    (C) what actions were necessary;


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