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RULE §289.227Use of Radiation Machines in the Healing Arts

    (B) images stored in digital form.

  (6) Radiation protocol committee (RPC) for CT systems.

    (A) Development of a RPC.

      (i) Each registrant utilizing CT systems shall develop a RPC in accordance with the following:

        (I) The registrant may establish a system-wide committee if the registrant has more than one site.

        (II) One or more registrants may form a cooperative RPC as long as each facility has a representative on the committee.

        (III) If the registrant has already established a radiation safety committee, the requirements of this subsection may be delegated to that committee if the members meet the requirements of subparagraph (B) of this paragraph.

        (IV) The committee shall meet as often as necessary to conduct business but no less than once every 14 months.

        (V) Interim meetings may be conducted by electronic means.

      (ii) The registrant shall make a record of each RPC meeting to include the date, names of individuals in attendance, minutes of the meeting, and any action taken. The registrant shall maintain the record in accordance with subsection (s)(1) of this section for inspection by the agency.

    (B) Members required for the RPC. Members shall include but not be limited to the following individuals:

      (i) a radiologist or radiation oncologist;

      (ii) a licensed medical physicist;

      (iii) the RSO; and

      (iv) other individuals as deemed necessary by the registrant.

    (C) Establish and implement CT system protocols.

      (i) The RPC shall establish and implement written protocols, or protocols documented in an electronic reporting system, that include but are not limited to the following.

        (I) A method to be used to monitor the radiation output.

        (II) A recommended reference level for CT procedures performed.

        (III) Actions to be taken for cases when the reference level was exceeded which may include patient follow-up.

        (IV) A review of the established protocols at an interval not to exceed 14 months.

      (ii) The registrant shall make and maintain a record of each RPC protocol in accordance with subsection (s)(1) of this section for inspection by the agency. If the RPC revises a protocol, the registrant shall maintain the previous documentation after the revision in accordance with subsection (s)(1) of this section for inspection by the agency.

    (D) Procedures for maintaining records.

      (i) The registrant shall make and maintain a record of radiation output information so the radiation dose to the skin may be estimated in accordance with established protocols. The record shall include the following:

        (I) patient identification;

        (II) type and date of examination;

        (III) identification of the CT system used; and

        (IV) if the CT system is capable of calculating and displaying these values:

          (-a-) CTDI vol ;

          (-b-) DLP; or

          (-c-) recommendations as identified in "Comprehensive Methodology for the Evaluation of Radiation Dose in X-ray Computed Tomography. Report of American Association of Physicists in Medicine, Task Group 111; The Future of CT Dosimetry, February 2010," may be used to meet compliance with this subsection.

      (ii) The registrant shall maintain records required by this subparagraph in accordance with record retention policies of the facility.

(o) Equipment performance evaluation (EPE).

  (1) Frequency of EPE. For x-ray, fluoroscopic, and CT systems, an EPE shall be performed at the frequency listed in the following table.

Attached Graphic

  (2) Performance of EPE. For all x-ray systems an EPE shall be performed by or under the supervision of a licensed medical physicist:

    (A) within 30 days after initial installation of new machines;

    (B) within 30 days after reinstallation of a machine; or

    (C) within 30 days after repair of a machine component that would effect the radiation output that includes but is not limited to the timer, tube, and power supply.

  (3) Records of EPE results. Records of the test results shall include:

    (A) measurements and numerical readings;

    (B) indicate a pass or fail for each test; and

    (C) be reviewed and signed by the licensed medical physicist.

  (4) Correction of EPE results.

    (A) Any items not meeting the specifications of the EPE shall be corrected or repaired. The correction or repair shall begin within 30 days following the EPE and shall be performed according to a plan designated by the registrant. Correction or repair shall be completed no longer than 90 days from discovery unless authorized by the agency.

    (B) The registrant shall make and maintain records of corrections or repairs in accordance with subsection (s)(1) of this section for inspection by the agency.

  (5) Calibrated dosimetry system. The registrant shall ensure that measurements of the radiation output of an x-ray system are performed with a calibrated dosimetry system in accordance with subsection (i)(14) of this section.

  (6) EPE for x-ray systems.

    (A) Timer. The accuracy of the timer shall meet the manufacturer's specifications. If the manufacturer's specifications are not obtainable, the timer accuracy shall be plus or minus 10% of the indicated time with testing performed at 0.5 second.

    (B) Exposure reproducibility. Exposure reproducibility shall meet the requirements of subsection (l)(4) of this section.

    (C) Linearity. mR/mAs (mGy/mAs) stations shall meet the requirements of subsection (l)(5) of this section.

    (D) kVp. If the registrant possesses documentation of the appropriate manufacturer's kVp specifications, the radiation machine shall meet those specifications. If the registrant does not possess documentation of the appropriate manufacturer's kVp specifications, the indicated kVp shall be accurate to within plus or minus 10% of the indicated setting at no less than 3 points over the usual operating range of the machine.

    (E) Tube stability. The x-ray tube shall remain physically stable during exposures. In cases where tubes are designed to move during exposure, the registrant shall assure proper and free movement of the unit.

    (F) Collimation. The following items shall meet the requirements of subsection (l)(1) of this section:

      (i) numerical indicators of x-ray field size;

      (ii) light field versus x-ray field congruence;

      (iii) automatic and semi-automatic collimators unless disabled; and

      (iv) center of x-ray field alignment with center of image receptor.

    (G) Entrance exposure (air kerma) limits. Entrance exposure (air kerma) limits shall meet the requirements specified in subsection (j) of this section and shall be determined for all examinations specified in Table I of subsection (j) of this section, that are performed by the registrant.

  (7) EPE for fluoroscopic systems and spot film devices. Fluoroscopic systems shall meet the requirements of subsections (i)(14) and (m)(1)(C) and (3) of this section.

  (8) EPE for CT systems. CT systems shall meet the requirements of subsections (i)(14) and (n)(1)(H) of this section.

(p) Automatic and manual film processing for facilities and mobile services.

  (1) Films shall be developed in accordance with the time-temperature relationships recommended by the film manufacturer. The specified developer temperature for automatic processing and the time-temperature chart for manual processing shall be posted near the film processing area. If the registrant determines an alternate time-temperature relationship is more appropriate for a specific facility, that time-temperature relationship shall be documented and posted.

  (2) Chemicals shall be replaced according to the chemical manufacturer's or supplier's recommendations or at an interval not to exceed 3 months.

  (3) Darkroom light leak tests shall be performed at intervals not to exceed 6 months.

  (4) Lighting in the film processing/loading area shall be maintained with the filter, bulb wattage, and distances recommended by the film manufacturer for that film emulsion or with products that provide an equivalent level of protection against fogging.


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