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RULE §289.255Radiation Safety Requirements and Licensing and Registration Procedures for Industrial Radiography

      (v) as a minimum, the standard radiation caution symbol as defined in §289.202 of this title, and the following wording "CAUTION. RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL--DO NOT HANDLE. NOTIFY CIVIL AUTHORITIES (OR NAME OF COMPANY)" or "DANGER. RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL--DO NOT HANDLE. NOTIFY CIVIL AUTHORITIES (OR NAME OF COMPANY)."

    (F) Each radiographic exposure device shall have a permanently stamped, legible, and clearly visible unique serial number.

  (8) Operating and internal audit requirements for the use of sealed sources of radiation.

    (A) Each licensee shall conduct an internal audit program to ensure that the requirements of this chapter, the conditions of the license, and the licensee's operating, safety, and emergency procedures are followed by radiographic personnel.

    (B) Each radiographer's and radiographer trainee's performance during an actual radiographic operation shall be audited and documented at intervals not to exceed six months.

    (C) If a radiographer or a radiographer trainee has not participated in a radiographic operation during the six months since the last audit, the radiographer or the radiographer trainee shall demonstrate knowledge of the training requirements of subsection (f)(1) of this section by an oral or written and practical examination administered by the licensee before these individuals can next participate in a radiographic operation.

    (D) The agency may consider alternatives in those situations where the individual serves as both radiographer and RSO.

    (E) In those operations where a single individual serves as both radiographer and RSO, and performs all radiography operations, an audit program is not required.

    (F) Each licensee shall provide annual refresher safety training, as defined in subsection (c) of this section, for each radiographer and radiographer trainee at intervals not to exceed 12 months.

    (G) Each licensee shall provide, as a minimum, two radiographic personnel for each exposure device in use for any industrial radiography conducted at a location other than at a permanent radiographic installation (shielded room, bay, or bunker) meeting the requirements of subsection (n)(1) of this section. If one of the personnel is a radiographer trainee, the other shall be a radiographer trainer authorized by the license.

    (H) Collimators shall be used in industrial radiographic operations that use crank-out devices except when physically impossible.

    (I) No individual other than a radiographer or a radiographer trainee who is under the personal supervision of a radiographer trainer shall manipulate controls or operate radiographic exposure devices and associated equipment used in industrial radiographic operations.

    (J) Radiographic operations shall not be conducted at storage sites unless specifically authorized by the license.

    (K) Records of annual refresher training and audits of job performance specified in this subsection shall be made and maintained in accordance with subsection (v)(1) of this section.

    (L) Records of annual refresher safety training and audits of job performance made in accordance with this subsection shall include the following:

      (i) list of the topics discussed during the refresher safety training;

      (ii) dates the annual refresher safety training was conducted;

      (iii) names of the instructors and attendees; and

      (iv) for audits of job performance, the records shall also include a list showing the items checked and any non-compliance observed by the RSO or designee.

  (9) Radiation surveys for the use of sealed sources of radiation.

    (A) No industrial radiographic operation shall be conducted unless at least one calibrated and operable radiation survey instrument, as described in subsection (j) of this section, is used at each site where radiographic exposures are made.

    (B) A survey with a radiation survey instrument meeting the requirements of subsection (j)(1) - (3) of this section shall be made after each radiographic exposure to determine that the sealed source has been returned to its fully shielded position, and before exchanging films, repositioning the exposure head, or dismantling equipment. The entire circumference of the radiographic exposure device shall be surveyed. If the radiographic exposure device has a source guide tube, the survey shall also include the source guide tube and any collimator.

    (C) All potential radiation areas where industrial radiographic operations are to be performed shall be posted in accordance with subsection (r) of this section, based on calculated dose rates, before industrial radiographic operations begin. An area survey shall be performed during the first radiographic exposure (for example, with the sealed source in the exposed position) to confirm that the requirements of subsection (r) of this section have been met.

    (D) Each time re-establishment of the restricted area is required, the requirements of subparagraph (C) of this paragraph shall be met.

    (E) The requirements of subparagraph (D) of this paragraph do not apply to pipeline industrial radiographic operations when the conditions of exposure including, but not limited to, the radiographic exposure device, duration of exposure, source strength, pipe size, and pipe thickness remain constant.

    (F) A lock-out survey, in which all accessible surfaces of the radiographic exposure device or source changer are surveyed, shall be performed.

    (G) Surveys shall be performed in the storage location to ensure that radiation levels do not exceed the limits specified in §289.202(n)(1) of this title. These surveys shall be performed initially with the maximum amount of radioactive material present in the storage location and thereafter at the time of the quarterly inventory and whenever storage conditions change.

    (H) A survey meeting the requirements of subparagraph (B) of this paragraph shall be performed on the radiographic exposure device and the source changer after every sealed source exchange.

    (I) Records of the surveys required by subparagraphs (C), (D), and (F) - (H) of this paragraph shall be made and maintained in accordance with subsection (v)(1) of this section. If a survey was used to determine an individual's exposure due to loss of personnel monitoring data, the records of the survey shall be maintained for agency inspection until disposal is authorized by the agency.

  (10) Requirements for shielded rooms containing sealed sources.

    (A) Shielded rooms containing sealed sources shall comply with all applicable requirements of this section.

    (B) Shielded rooms containing sealed sources shall be evaluated at intervals not to exceed one year to ensure compliance with the applicable requirements of this section and §289.202(n)(1) - (3) of this title.

    (C) Tests for proper operation of interlocks shall be conducted and recorded in accordance with subsection (n) of this section.

    (D) Records of evaluations required by subparagraph (B) of this paragraph shall be made and maintained in accordance with subsection (v)(1) of this section.

    (E) Records of interlock tests required by subparagraph (C) of this paragraph shall be made and maintained in accordance with subsection (v)(1) of this section.

  (11) Underwater, offshore platform, and lay-barge radiography.

    (A) Underwater, offshore platform, and/or lay-barge radiography shall not be performed unless specifically authorized in a license issued by the agency in accordance with paragraph (1) of this subsection.

    (B) In addition to the other requirements of this section, the following requirements apply to the performance of offshore platform or lay-barge radiography.

      (i) Cobalt-60 sources with activities in excess of 20 curies (nominal) (3.7 terabecquerels) and iridium-192 sources with activities in excess of 100 curies (nominal) (740 gigabecquerels) shall not be used in the performance of offshore platform or lay-barge radiography.

      (ii) Collimators shall be used for all industrial radiographic operations performed on offshore platforms or lay-barges.

  (12) Prohibitions.

    (A) Industrial radiography performed with a sealed source that is not fastened to or contained in a radiographic exposure device (fishpole technique) is prohibited unless specifically authorized in a license issued by the agency.

    (B) Retrieval of disconnected sources or sources that cannot be returned by normal means to a fully shielded position or automatically secured in the radiographic exposure device, shall not be performed unless specifically authorized by a license condition.


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