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RULE §289.229Radiation Safety Requirements for Accelerators, Therapeutic Radiation Machines, Simulators, and Electronic Brachytherapy Devices

      (vi) what improvements are needed to prevent recurrence;

      (vii) actions taken to prevent recurrence;

      (viii) whether the registrant notified the patient, or the patient's responsible relative or guardian (this person will be subsequently referred to as "the patient"); and if not, why not; and

      (ix) if the patient was notified, what information was provided to the patient; and

    (D) furnish the following to the patient within 15 days after discovery of the event if the patient was notified:

      (i) a copy of the report that was submitted to the agency; or

      (ii) a brief description of both the event and the consequences, as they may affect the patient, provided a statement is included that the report submitted to the agency can be obtained from the registrant.

  (2) Each registrant shall retain a record of each event in accordance with subsection (l) of this section for inspection by the agency. The record shall contain the following:

    (A) the names of all individuals involved (including the prescribing physician, allied health personnel, the patient, and the patient's referring physician);

    (B) the patient's identification number;

    (C) a brief description of the event;

    (D) why it occurred;

    (E) the effect on the patient;

    (F) what improvements are needed to prevent recurrence; and

    (G) the actions taken to prevent recurrence.

  (3) Aside from the notification requirement, nothing in subsection (i) of this section and paragraphs (1) and (2) of this subsection shall affect any rights or duties of registrants, and physicians in relation to each other, patients, or the patient's responsible relatives or guardians.

(k) Additional requirements for electronic brachytherapy devices.

  (1) Technical requirements for electronic brachytherapy devices.

    (A) The timer shall:

      (i) have a display provided at the treatment control panel and a pre-set time selector;

      (ii) activate with the production of radiation and retain its reading after irradiation is interrupted. After irradiation is terminated and before irradiation can be reinitiated, it shall be necessary to reset the elapsed time indicator to zero;

      (iii) terminate irradiation when a pre-selected time has elapsed, if any dose monitoring system present has not previously terminated irradiation;

      (iv) permit selection of exposure times as short as 1 second;

      (v) not permit an exposure if set at zero; and

      (vi) be accurate to within 1.0% of the selected value or 1 second, whichever is greater.

    (B) The control panel, in addition to the displays required in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph, shall have the following:

      (i) an indication of whether electrical power is available at the control panel and if activation of the x-ray tube is possible;

      (ii) means for indicating x-rays are being produced;

      (iii) means for indicating x-ray tube potential and current; and

      (iv) means for terminating an exposure at any time.

    (C) All emergency buttons/switches shall be clearly labeled as to their functions.

  (2) Surveys, calibrations, and spot checks.

    (A) Surveys shall be performed as follows.

      (i) All facilities having electronic brachytherapy device(s) shall have an initial survey made by a licensed medical physicist, with a specialty in therapeutic radiological physics, who shall provide a written report of the survey to the registrant. Additional surveys shall be done as follows:

        (I) when making any change in the portable shielding;

        (II) when making any change in the location where the electronic brachytherapy device is used within the treatment room; and

        (III) when relocating the electronic therapy device.

      (ii) The registrant shall maintain a copy of the initial survey report and all subsequent survey reports in accordance with subsection (l) of this section for inspection by the agency.

      (iii) The survey report shall indicate all instances where the installation is in violation of applicable requirements of this chapter.

    (B) Calibrations shall be performed as follows.

      (i) Calibration procedures shall be in writing, or documented in an electronic reporting system, and shall have been developed by a licensed medical physicist with a specialty in therapeutic radiological physics.

      (ii) The registrant shall make calibration measurements required by this section in accordance with any current recommendations from a recognized, national professional association (such as the American Association of Physicists in Medicine Report Number 152) for electronic brachytherapy, when available. Equivalent alternative methods are acceptable. In the absence of a protocol by a national professional association, published protocol included in the device manufacturer operator's manual should be followed.

      (iii) The calibration of the electronic brachytherapy device shall be performed after change of the x-ray tube or replacement of components that could cause a change in the radiation output. The calibrations shall be such that the dose at a reference point in water or plastic phantom can be calculated to within an uncertainty of 5.0%.

      (iv) The calibration of the radiation output of the electronic brachytherapy device shall be performed by a licensed medical physicist with a specialty in therapeutic radiological physics who is physically present at the facility during such calibration.

      (v) The calibration of the therapeutic electronic brachytherapy device shall include verification that the electronic brachytherapy device is operating in compliance with the design specifications.

      (vi) Calibration of the radiation output of the electronic brachytherapy device shall be performed with a calibrated dosimetry system. The dosimetry calibration shall be traceable to a national standard. The calibration interval shall not exceed 24 months.

      (vii) Records of calibration measurements shall be maintained by the registrant in accordance with subsection (l) of this section for inspection by the agency.

      (viii) A copy of the latest calibrated absorbed dose rate measured on the electronic brachytherapy device shall be available at a designated area within the therapy facility housing the electronic brachytherapy device.

    (C) Spot check procedures.

      (i) Spot check procedures shall be in writing, or documented in an electronic reporting system, and shall have been developed by a licensed medical physicist with a specialty in therapeutic radiological physics.

      (ii) If a licensed medical physicist does not perform the spot check measurements, the results of the spot check measurements shall be reviewed by a licensed medical physicist with a specialty in therapeutic radiological physics within 2 treatment days and a record made of the review.

      (iii) The written spot check procedures shall specify the operating instructions that shall be carried out whenever a parameter exceeds an acceptable tolerance as established by the licensed medical physicist.

      (iv) The certified physician or licensed medical physicist shall prevent the clinical use of a malfunctioning device until the malfunction identified in the spot check has been evaluated and corrected or, if necessary, the equipment repaired.

      (v) Records of the written spot checks and any necessary corrective actions shall be maintained by the registrant in accordance with subsection (l) of this section for inspection by the agency. A copy of the most recent spot check shall be available at a designated area within the therapy facility housing that therapeutic radiation system.

      (vi) Spot checks shall be obtained using a dosimetry system satisfying the requirements of subparagraph (B)(vi) of this paragraph.

(l) Records for agency inspection. The registrant shall maintain the following records at the time intervals specified, for inspection by the agency. The records may be maintained in electronic format.

Attached Graphic

Source Note: The provisions of this §289.229 adopted to be effective October 1, 2000, 25 TexReg 9474; amended to be effective December 29, 2011, 36 TexReg 8835

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