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RULE §289.255Radiation Safety Requirements and Licensing and Registration Procedures for Industrial Radiography

  (13) All reciprocal recognition of licenses by the agency will be granted in accordance with §289.252(ee) of this title.

(v) Record/document requirements. Each licensee and registrant shall maintain the following records/documents at each site at the time intervals specified and make available to the agency for inspection.

  (1) Time requirements for record keeping. The following are time requirements for record keeping.

Attached Graphic

  (2) Records and documents required at additional authorized use/storage sites.

    (A) Each licensee or registrant maintaining additional authorized use/storage sites where industrial radiography operations are performed shall maintain copies of the following records and documents specific to that site available at each site for inspection by the agency for a period of three years:

      (i) a copy of the appropriate license or certificate of registration authorizing the use of licensed or registered sources of radiation;

      (ii) operating, safety, and emergency procedures in accordance with subsection (x)(3) of this section;

      (iii) applicable sections of this chapter as listed in the license or certificate of registration;

      (iv) records of receipt, transfer, and disposal of sources of radiation and devices using DU for shielding at the additional site in accordance with subsection (i) of this section;

      (v) records of the latest survey instrument calibrations in use at the site in accordance with subsection (j) of this section;

      (vi) records of the latest calibrations of alarming ratemeters and operational checks of pocket dosimeters and/or electronic personal dosimeters in accordance with subsection (p) of this section;

      (vii) inventories in accordance with subsection (k) of this section;

      (viii) utilization records for each radiographic exposure device and radiation machine dispatched from that location in accordance with subsection (l) of this section;

      (ix) records of equipment problems identified in daily checks of equipment in accordance with subsection (m) of this section, if applicable;

      (x) records of alarm systems and entrance control checks in accordance with subsection (n) of this section;

      (xi) training records in accordance with subsection (f) of this section;

      (xii) records of direct-reading dosimeter readings in accordance with subsection (p) of this section;

      (xiii) audits in accordance with subsections (t)(5)(A) - (C) and (u)(8)(A) - (C) of this section;

      (xiv) latest radiation survey records in accordance with subsections (t)(6)(D) and (u)(9)(I) of this section;

      (xv) records of interlock testing in accordance with subsections (t)(8)(A)(ii) and (u)(10)(C) of this section;

      (xvi) records of annual evaluation of cabinet x-ray systems in accordance with subsection (t)(7)(C) of this section;

      (xvii) records of leak tests for specific devices and sources at the additional site in accordance with subsection (u)(6) of this section;

      (xviii) shipping papers for the transportation of sources of radiation in accordance with §289.257 of this title;

      (xix) a copy of the NRC license, agreement state license, or state certificate of registration authorizing the use of sources of radiation, when operating under reciprocity in accordance with §289.226 of this title and §289.252 of this title; and

      (xx) individual monitoring records in accordance with subsection (p) of this section.

    (B) The following records required for each additional authorized use site in accordance with this subsection shall also be maintained at the main authorized site:

      (i) records of receipt, transfer, and disposal of sources of radiation and devices using DU for shielding at the additional site in accordance with subsection (i) of this section;

      (ii) inventories in accordance with subsection (k) of this section; and

      (iii) individual monitoring records in accordance with subsection (p) of this section.

  (3) Records required at temporary job sites. Each licensee and registrant conducting industrial radiography at a temporary job site shall have the following records available at that site for agency inspection:

    (A) a copy of the appropriate license or certificate of registration or equivalent document authorizing the use of sources of radiation;

    (B) operating, safety, and emergency procedures in accordance with subsection (x)(3) of this section;

    (C) applicable sections of this chapter as listed in the license or certificate of registration;

    (D) latest radiation survey records required in accordance with subsections (t)(6)(D) and (u)(9)(I) of this section for the period of operation at the site;

    (E) the daily pocket dosimeter records for the period of operation at the site;

    (F) utilization records for each radiographic exposure device or radiation machine used at that location in accordance with subsection (l) of this section;

    (G) the latest instrument calibration and leak test records for devices at the site. Acceptable records include tags or labels that are attached to the devices or survey instruments and decay charts for sources that have been manufactured within the last six months; and

    (H) a copy of the NRC license, agreement state license, or state certificate of registration authorizing the use of sources of radiation, when operating under reciprocity in accordance with §289.226 of this title or §289.252 of this title.

(w) Form of records.

  (1) Each record required by this section shall be legible throughout the specified retention period.

  (2) The record shall be the original or a reproduced copy or a microform provided that the copy or microform is authenticated by authorized personnel and that the microform is capable of reproducing a clear copy throughout the required retention period.

  (3) The record may also be stored in electronic media with the capability for producing legible, accurate, and complete records during the required retention period.

  (4) Records, such as letters, drawings, and specifications, shall include all pertinent information, such as stamps, initials, and signatures.

  (5) The licensee or registrant shall maintain adequate safeguards against tampering with and loss of records.

(x) Appendices.

  (1) Subjects to be included in training courses for radiographer trainees. Training provided to qualify individuals as radiographer trainees in compliance with subsection (e)(1)(A) of this section shall be presented on a formal basis. The training shall include the following subjects.

    (A) Fundamentals of radiation safety to include the following:

      (i) characteristics of radiation;

      (ii) units of radiation dose in rems (sieverts) and quantity of radioactivity in curies (becquerels);

      (iii) significance of radiation dose to include:

        (I) radiation protection standards;

        (II) biological effects of radiation dose;

        (III) hazards of exposure to radiation; and

        (IV) case histories of radiography accidents;

      (iv) levels of radiation from sources of radiation; and

      (v) methods of controlling radiation dose to include:

        (I) working time;

        (II) working distances; and

        (III) shielding.

    (B) Radiation detection instrumentation to include the following:

      (i) use, operation, calibration and limitations of radiation survey instruments;

      (ii) survey techniques; and

      (iii) use of individual monitoring devices.

    (C) Radiographic equipment to be used, including the following:

      (i) remote handling equipment;

      (ii) operation and control of radiographic exposure devices and sealed sources, including pictures or models of source assemblies (pigtails);

      (iii) storage and transport containers, source changers;

      (iv) operation and control of x-ray equipment;

      (v) collimators;

      (vi) storage, control, and disposal of radioactive material; and


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