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RULE §290.117Regulation of Lead and Copper

      (ii) A community system serving a population greater than 100,000 shall post and retain material on a publicly accessible website.

      (iii) The community system shall repeat the press release task in paragraph (2)(A)(vii) of this subsection twice every 12 months on a schedule agreed upon with the executive director.

    (B) Frequency and timing of public education activities for nontransient, noncommunity systems. A nontransient, noncommunity water system shall maintain the posting required by repeat the tasks contained in paragraph (3) of this subsection at least once during each calendar year in which the system exceeds the lead action level. Posted materials must remain posted until the system no longer exceeds the lead action level, and the executive director informs the system that the posting may be discontinued.

    (C) Extension to public education start date. A nontransient, noncommunity system may request, and the executive director can approve, an extension for starting public education beyond the 60-day requirement on a case-by-case basis. The request and approval must be made in writing prior to the 60-day deadline.

    (D) Discontinuing public education. A system may discontinue delivery of public education materials if the system has met the lead action level during the most recent six-month monitoring period conducted pursuant to subsection (c) of this section. Such a system shall recommence public education in accordance with this section if it subsequently exceeds the lead action level during any monitoring period.

  (5) Notifying the executive director of public education activities. Any water system that is subject to the public education requirements of this subsection shall, within ten days after the end of each period in which the system is required to perform public education, send written documentation to the executive director containing all the elements in this paragraph.

    (A) The system must provide documentation that the system has delivered the public education materials that meet the content requirements in paragraph (1) of this subsection and the delivery requirements in paragraph (2) or (3) of this subsection.

    (B) The system must provide a list of all the newspapers, radio stations, television stations, and facilities and organizations to which the system delivered public education materials during the period in which the system was required to perform public education tasks.

    (C) The system must resubmit certification of delivery of public education materials every time it distributes materials. Unless required by the executive director, a system that previously has submitted the information required by subparagraphs (A) and (B) of this paragraph need not resubmit the information as long as there have been no changes in the distribution list.

(l) Compliance determination. All applicable water systems shall determine compliance based on monitoring and reporting requirements established in this section or contained in 40 CFR Part 141, Subpart I.

  (1) Compliance determination with action levels of subsection (b) of this section for lead and copper shall be based on the 90th percentile as described in this paragraph.

    (A) The 90th percentile lead and copper levels shall be computed as provided in this subparagraph:

      (i) Determination of 90th percentile levels shall be obtained by ranking the results of lead and copper samples collected during a monitoring period in ascending order (lowest concentration is sample Number 1; highest concentration are samples Numbers 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and so on), up to the total number of samples collected.

      (ii) The number of samples collected during the monitoring period shall be multiplied by 0.9. The concentration of lead and copper in sample with the number yielded by this calculation is the 90th percentile level, for systems serving 100 or more people.

      (iii) For water systems serving fewer than 100 people, the 90th percentile level is computed by taking the average of the highest two sample results.

      (iv) For a public water system that has been allowed by the executive director to collect fewer than five samples in accordance with subsection (c)(1)(F) of this section, the sample result with the highest concentration is considered the 90th percentile value.

    (B) A sample invalidated under this section does not count toward determining lead or copper 90th percentile levels or toward meeting the minimum number of tap sample requirements.

    (C) Monitoring approved by the executive director and conducted by systems in addition to the minimum requirements of this section shall be considered by the executive director in making any determination of compliance.

    (D) The system is in compliance with the lead or copper action levels if the 90th percentile level of lead or copper, respectively, is equal to or less than the action levels specified in subsection (b)(1) of this section.

  (2) Compliance determination for water quality parameters. If a water system fails to meet the OWQP values or ranges approved by the executive director, it is out of compliance with this section. WQP confirmation sample results will be included in compliance determination.

    (A) A OWQP-range excursion occurs whenever the daily value for one or more WQPs measured at a sampling location is below a minimum value or outside a range approved by the executive director. The executive director has the discretion to delete results of obvious sampling errors from this calculation. Daily values are calculated as follows.

      (i) Water systems that collect more than one WQP measurement in one day must record the daily value as an average of all WQP values collected during the day regardless of whether the measurements are collected through continuous monitoring, grab sampling, or a combination of both.

      (ii) On days when only one measurement for the WQP is collected at the sampling location, the daily value shall be the result of that measurement.

      (iii) On days when no measurement is collected for the WQP at the sampling location, the daily value last calculated on the most recent day shall serve as the daily value.

    (B) Compliance periods for this paragraph are two six-month periods, January 1 to June 30, and July 1 to December 31. A water system is out of compliance with this subsection for a six-month period if the water system has OWQP excursions for any approved range for more than nine days during that period.

    (C) The results of any monitoring conducted in addition to the minimum requirements of this section shall be considered by the system and the executive director in making any determinations under this section.

    (D) The executive director may delete results of obvious sampling errors from this calculation.

  (3) Compliance determination for source water treatment. A system required to install and operate source water treatment for lead or copper under subsection (g) of this section is out of compliance if the level of lead or copper in any sample collected under subsection (d)(2)(D)(v) of this section is greater than the MPL designated by the executive director. The initial and confirmation sample shall be averaged in determining compliance. Any sample value below the method detection limit shall be considered to be zero. Any value above the method detection limit but below the PQL shall either be considered as the measured value or be considered one-half the PQL.

  (4) Compliance determination for public education. Failure to deliver public education materials required under subsection (k) of this section to customers is a public notification violation. Failure to certify delivery of public education materials to the executive director is a reporting violation.

  (5) Failure to conduct or report any requirements of this section shall constitute a monitoring, reporting or treatment technique violation and shall be a violation of these standards.

(m) Lead service line replacement. The provisions of 40 CFR §141.84 and §141.90(e) relating to lead service line replacement are adopted by reference. Any system exceeding the lead action level after implementation of applicable corrosion control and source water treatment requirements shall complete the lead service line replacement requirements contained in 40 CFR §141.84. Any such water system shall submit reports required under 40 CFR §141.90(e).

(n) Additional sampling. The executive director may require systems to sample at additional times or locations in order to ensure that systems maintain minimal levels of corrosion in the distribution system.

Source Note: The provisions of this §290.117 adopted to be effective September 13, 2000, 25 TexReg 8880; amended to be effective May 16, 2002, 27 TexReg 4127; amended to be effective February 19, 2004, 29 TexReg 1373; amended to be effective January 9, 2008, 33 TexReg 198; amended to be effective May 15, 2011, 36 TexReg 2860; amended to be effective March 30, 2017, 42 TexReg 1466

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