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RULE §291.121Remote Pharmacy Services

      (viii) Drugs dispensed at the remote site through a telepharmacy system shall only be delivered to the patient or patient's agent at the remote site.

    (E) Quality assurance program. A pharmacy that provides remote pharmacy services through a telepharmacy system at a remote site shall operate according to a written program for quality assurance of the telepharmacy system which:

      (i) requires continuous supervision of the telepharmacy system at all times the site is open to provide remote pharmacy services; and

      (ii) establishes mechanisms and procedures to routinely test the operation of the telepharmacy system at a minimum of every six months and whenever any upgrade or change is made to the system and documents each such activity.

    (F) Policies and procedures.

      (i) A pharmacy that provides pharmacy services through a telepharmacy system at a remote site shall operate according to written policies and procedures. The policy and procedure manual shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

        (I) a current list of the name and address of the pharmacist-in-charge and personnel designated by the pharmacist-in-charge to have:

          (-a-) access to the area where drugs are stored at the remote site; and

          (-b-) operate the telepharmacy system;

        (II) duties which may only be performed by a pharmacist;

        (III) if the remote site is located at a remote healthcare site, a copy of the written contact or agreement between the provider pharmacy and the healthcare facility which outlines the services to be provided and the responsibilities and accountabilities of each party in fulfilling the terms of the contract or agreement in compliance with federal and state laws and regulations;

        (IV) date of last review/revision of policy and procedure manual; and

        (V) policies and procedures for:

          (-a-) security;

          (-b-) operation of the telepharmacy system;

          (-c-) sanitation;

          (-d-) storage of drugs;

          (-e-) dispensing;

          (-f-) supervision;

          (-g-) drug and/or device procurement;

          (-h-) receiving of drugs and/or devices;

          (-i-) delivery of drugs and/or devices; and

          (-j-) recordkeeping.

      (ii) A pharmacy that provides remote pharmacy services through a telepharmacy system at a remote site shall, at least annually, review its written policies and procedures, revise them if necessary, and document the review.

      (iii) A pharmacy providing remote pharmacy services through a telepharmacy system shall maintain a written plan for recovery from an event which interrupts the ability of a pharmacist to electronically supervise the telepharmacy system and the dispensing of prescription drugs at the remote site. The written plan for recovery shall include:

        (I) a statement that prescription drugs shall not be dispensed at the remote site, if a pharmacist is not able to electronically supervise the telepharmacy system and the dispensing of prescription drugs;

        (II) procedures for response when a telepharmacy system is experiencing downtime; and

        (III) procedures for the maintenance and testing of the written plan for recovery.

  (6) Additional operational standards for remote dispensing sites.

    (A) A pharmacist employed by a provider pharmacy shall make at least monthly on-site visits to a remote site. The remote site shall maintain documentation of the visit.

    (B) A pharmacist employed by a provider pharmacy shall be physically present at a remote dispensing site when the pharmacist is providing services requiring the physical presence of the pharmacist, including immunizations.

    (C) A remote dispensing site shall be staffed by an on-site pharmacy technician who is under the continuous supervision of a pharmacist employed by the provider pharmacy.

    (D) All pharmacy technicians at a remote dispensing site shall be counted for the purpose of establishing the pharmacist-pharmacy technician ratio of the provider pharmacy which, notwithstanding Section 568.006 of the Act, may not exceed three pharmacy technicians for each pharmacist providing supervision.

    (E) A pharmacy technician working at a remote dispensing site must:

      (i) have worked at least one year at a retail pharmacy during the three years preceding the date the pharmacy technician begins working at the remote dispensing site; and

      (ii) have completed a training program on the proper use of a telepharmacy system.

    (F) A pharmacy technician at a remote dispensing site may not perform sterile or nonsterile compounding. However, a pharmacy technician may prepare commercially available medications for dispensing, including the reconstitution of orally administered powder antibiotics.

  (7) Records.

    (A) Maintenance of records.

      (i) Every record required under this section must be:

        (I) accessible by the provider pharmacy and be available, for at least two years for inspecting and copying by the board or its representative and to other authorized local, state, or federal law enforcement agencies; and

        (II) supplied by the provider pharmacy within 72 hours, if requested by an authorized agent of the Texas State Board of Pharmacy. If the pharmacy maintains the records in an electronic format, the requested records must be provided in an electronic format if specifically requested by the board or its representative. Failure to provide the records set out in this section, either on site or within 72 hours, constitutes prima facie evidence of failure to keep and maintain records in violation of the Act.

      (ii) The remote site shall maintain original prescription drug orders for medications dispensed from a remote site using a telepharmacy system in the manner required by §291.34(b) of this title and the provider pharmacy shall have electronic access to all prescription records.

      (iii) If prescription drug records are maintained in a data processing system, the system shall have a workable (electronic) data retention system which can produce a separate audit trail of drug usage by the provider pharmacy and by each remote site for the preceding two years as specified in §291.34(e) of this title.

    (B) Prescriptions. Prescription drug orders shall meet the requirements of §291.34(b) of this title.

    (C) Patient medication records. Patient medication records shall be created and maintained at the remote site or provider pharmacy in the manner required by §291.34(c) of this title. If such records are maintained at the remote site, the provider pharmacy shall have electronic access to those records.

    (D) Inventory.

      (i) A provider pharmacy shall:

        (I) keep a record of all drugs ordered and dispensed by a remote site separate from the records of the provider pharmacy and from any other remote site's records;

        (II) keep a perpetual inventory of all controlled substances that are received and dispensed or distributed from each remote site. The perpetual inventory shall be reconciled, by a pharmacist employed by the provider pharmacy, at least monthly.

      (ii) As specified in §291.17 of this title, a provider pharmacy shall conduct an inventory at each remote site. The following is applicable to this inventory.

        (I) The inventory of each remote site and the provider pharmacy shall be taken on the same day.

        (II) The inventory of each remote site shall be included with, but listed separately from, the drugs of other remote sites and separately from the drugs at the provider pharmacy.

        (III) A copy of the inventory of the remote site shall be maintained at the remote site.

(d) Remote pharmacy services using automated dispensing and delivery systems.

  (1) Purpose. The purpose of this section is to provide standards for the provision of pharmacy services by a Class A or Class C pharmacy in a facility that is not at the same location as the Class A or Class C pharmacy through an automated dispensing and delivery system.

  (2) Definitions. The following words and terms, when used in this section, shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise. All other words and terms shall have the meanings defined in the Act.

    (A) Automated dispensing and delivery system--A mechanical system that dispenses and delivers prescription drugs to patients at a remote delivery site and maintains related transaction information.


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