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RULE §291.133Pharmacies Compounding Sterile Preparations

      (ii) of suitable composition so that surfaces that contact components, in-process material, or drug products shall not be reactive, additive, or absorptive so as to alter the safety, identity, strength, quality, or purity of the drug preparation beyond the desired result;

      (iii) cleaned and sanitized immediately prior to and after each use; and

      (iv) routinely inspected, calibrated (if necessary), or checked to ensure proper performance;

    (F) appropriate disposal containers for used needles, syringes, etc., and if applicable, hazardous waste from the preparation of hazardous drugs and/or biohazardous waste;

    (G) appropriate packaging or delivery containers to maintain proper storage conditions for sterile preparations;

    (H) infusion devices, if applicable; and

    (I) all necessary supplies, including:

      (i) disposable needles, syringes, and other supplies for aseptic mixing;

      (ii) disinfectant cleaning solutions;

      (iii) sterile 70% isopropyl alcohol;

      (iv) sterile gloves, both for hazardous and non-hazardous drug compounding;

      (v) sterile alcohol-based or water-less alcohol based surgical scrub;

      (vi) hand washing agents with bactericidal action;

      (vii) disposable, lint free towels or wipes;

      (viii) appropriate filters and filtration equipment;

      (ix) hazardous spill kits, if applicable; and

      (x) masks, caps, coveralls or gowns with tight cuffs, shoe covers, and gloves, as applicable.

  (9) Labeling.

    (A) Prescription drug or medication orders. In addition to the labeling requirements for the pharmacy's specific license classification, the label dispensed or distributed pursuant to a prescription drug or medication order shall contain the following:

      (i) the generic name(s) or the official name(s) of the principal active ingredient(s) of the compounded sterile preparation;

      (ii) for outpatient prescription orders other than sterile radiopharmaceuticals, a statement that the compounded sterile preparation has been compounded by the pharmacy. (An auxiliary label may be used on the container to meet this requirement); and

      (iii) a beyond-use date. The beyond-use date shall be determined as outlined in Chapter 797, Pharmacy Compounding--Sterile Preparations of the USP/NF, and paragraph (7)(G) of this subsection;

    (B) Batch. If the sterile preparation is compounded in a batch, the following shall also be included on the batch label:

      (i) unique lot number assigned to the batch;

      (ii) quantity;

      (iii) appropriate ancillary instructions, such as storage instructions or cautionary statements, including hazardous drug warning labels where appropriate; and

      (iv) device-specific instructions, where appropriate.

    (C) Pharmacy bulk package. The label of a pharmacy bulk package shall:

      (i) state prominently "Pharmacy Bulk Package--Not for Direct Infusion;"

      (ii) contain or refer to information on proper techniques to help ensure safe use of the preparation; and

      (iii) bear a statement limiting the time frame in which the container may be used once it has been entered, provided it is held under the labeled storage conditions.

  (10) Written drug information for prescription drug orders only. Written information about the compounded preparation or its major active ingredient(s) shall be given to the patient at the time of dispensing a prescription drug order. A statement which indicates that the preparation was compounded by the pharmacy must be included in this written information. If there is no written information available, the patient shall be advised that the drug has been compounded and how to contact a pharmacist, and if appropriate, the prescriber, concerning the drug. This paragraph does not apply to the preparation of radiopharmaceuticals.

  (11) Pharmaceutical Care Services. In addition to the pharmaceutical care requirements for the pharmacy's specific license classification, the following requirements for sterile preparations compounded pursuant to prescription drug orders must be met. This paragraph does not apply to the preparation of radiopharmaceuticals.

    (A) Primary provider. There shall be a designated physician primarily responsible for the patient's medical care. There shall be a clear understanding between the physician, the patient, and the pharmacy of the responsibilities of each in the areas of the delivery of care, and the monitoring of the patient. This shall be documented in the patient medication record (PMR).

    (B) Patient training. The pharmacist-in-charge shall develop policies to ensure that the patient and/or patient's caregiver receives information regarding drugs and their safe and appropriate use, including instruction when applicable, regarding:

      (i) appropriate disposition of hazardous solutions and ancillary supplies;

      (ii) proper disposition of controlled substances in the home;

      (iii) self-administration of drugs, where appropriate;

      (iv) emergency procedures, including how to contact an appropriate individual in the event of problems or emergencies related to drug therapy; and

      (v) if the patient or patient's caregiver prepares sterile preparations in the home, the following additional information shall be provided:

        (I) safeguards against microbial contamination, including aseptic techniques for compounding intravenous admixtures and aseptic techniques for injecting additives to premixed intravenous solutions;

        (II) appropriate storage methods, including storage durations for sterile pharmaceuticals and expirations of self-mixed solutions;

        (III) handling and disposition of premixed and self-mixed intravenous admixtures; and

        (IV) proper disposition of intravenous admixture compounding supplies such as syringes, vials, ampules, and intravenous solution containers.

    (C) Pharmacist-patient relationship. It is imperative that a pharmacist-patient relationship be established and maintained throughout the patient's course of therapy. This shall be documented in the patient's medication record (PMR).

    (D) Patient monitoring. The pharmacist-in-charge shall develop policies to ensure that:

      (i) the patient's response to drug therapy is monitored and conveyed to the appropriate health care provider;

      (ii) the first dose of any new drug therapy is administered in the presence of an individual qualified to monitor for and respond to adverse drug reactions; and

      (iii) reports of adverse events with a compounded sterile preparation are reviewed promptly and thoroughly to correct and prevent future occurrences.

  (12) Drugs, components, and materials used in sterile compounding.

    (A) Drugs used in sterile compounding shall be a USP/NF grade substances manufactured in an FDA-registered facility.

    (B) If USP/NF grade substances are not available shall be of a chemical grade in one of the following categories:

      (i) Chemically Pure (CP);

      (ii) Analytical Reagent (AR);

      (iii) American Chemical Society (ACS); or

      (iv) Food Chemical Codex.

    (C) If a drug, component or material is not purchased from a FDA-registered facility, the pharmacist shall establish purity and stability by obtaining a Certificate of Analysis from the supplier and the pharmacist shall compare the monograph of drugs in a similar class to the Certificate of Analysis.

    (D) All components shall:

      (i) be manufactured in an FDA-registered facility; or

      (ii) in the professional judgment of the pharmacist, be of high quality and obtained from acceptable and reliable alternative sources; and

      (iii) be stored in properly labeled containers in a clean, dry area, under proper temperatures.

    (E) Drug preparation containers and closures shall not be reactive, additive, or absorptive so as to alter the safety, identity, strength, quality, or purity of the compounded drug preparation beyond the desired result.

    (F) Components, drug preparation containers, and closures shall be rotated so that the oldest stock is used first.

    (G) Container closure systems shall provide adequate protection against foreseeable external factors in storage and use that can cause deterioration or contamination of the compounded drug preparation.


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