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RULE §3.340Qualified Research

  (2) Application of the Four-Part Test to business components. The Four-Part Test is applied separately to each business component of the taxpayer. Any plant process, machinery, or technique for commercial production of a business component is treated as a separate business component from the business component being produced.

  (3) Shrink-back rule. The Four-Part Test is first applied at the level of the discrete business component used by the taxpayer in a trade or business of the taxpayer. If the requirements of the Four-Part Test are not met at that level, then they are applied at the next most significant subset of elements of the business component. This shrinking back of the product continues until either a subset of elements of the product that satisfies the requirements of the Four-Part Test is reached, or the most basic element of the product is reached and such element fails to satisfy any part of the Four-Part Test.

  (4) Software development as qualified research. In determining if software development activities constitute qualified research, the comptroller shall consider the facts and circumstances of each activity.

    (A) Application of Four-Part Test to software development activities.

      (i) A taxpayer must prove that a software development activity is qualified research and meets all the requirements of the Four-Part Test under paragraph (1) of this subsection, even if the activity is likely to qualify as described in subparagraph (B) of this paragraph.

      (ii) A taxpayer may prove that a software development activity described as unlikely to qualify in subparagraph (C) of this paragraph, is qualified research by providing evidence that the activity meets all the requirements of the Four-Part Test under paragraph (1) of this subsection.

    (B) Software development activities likely to qualify. Types of activities likely to qualify include, but are not limited to:

      (i) developing the initial release of an application software product that includes new constructs, such as new architectures, new algorithms, or new database management techniques;

      (ii) developing system software, such as operating systems and compilers;

      (iii) developing specialized technologies, such as image processing, artificial intelligence, or speech recognition; and

      (iv) developing software as part of a hardware product where the software interacts directly with that hardware in order to make the hardware/software package function as a unit.

    (C) Software development activities unlikely to qualify. Types of activities unlikely to qualify include, but are not limited to:

      (i) maintaining existing software applications or products;

      (ii) configuring purchased software applications;

      (iii) reverse engineering of existing applications;

      (iv) performing studies, or similar activities, to select vendor products;

      (v) detecting flaws and bugs directed toward the verification and validation that the software was programmed as intended and works correctly;

      (vi) modifying an existing software business component to make use of new or existing standards or devices, or to be compliant with another vendor's product or platform;

      (vii) developing a business component that is substantially similar in technology, functionality, and features to the capabilities already in existence at other companies;

      (viii) upgrading to newer versions of hardware or software or installing vendor-fix releases;

      (ix) re-hosting or porting an application to a new hardware such as from mainframe to PC, or software platform, such as Windows to UNIX, or rewriting an existing application in a new language, such as rewriting a COBOL mainframe application in C++;

      (x) writing hardware device drivers to support new hardware, such as disks, scanners, printers, or modems;

      (xi) performing data quality, data cleansing, and data consistency activities, such as designing and implementing software to validate data fields, clean data fields, or make the data fields consistent across databases and applications;

      (xii) bundling existing individual software products into product suites, such as combining existing word processor, spreadsheet, and slide presentation software applications into a single suite;

      (xiii) expanding product lines by purchasing other products;

      (xiv) developing interfaces between different software applications;

      (xv) developing vendor product extensions;

      (xvi) designing graphic user interfaces;

      (xvii) developing functional enhancements to existing software applications/products;

      (xviii) developing software as an embedded application, such as in cell phones, automobiles, and airplanes;

      (xix) developing software utility programs, such as debuggers, backup systems, performance analyzers, and data recovery;

      (xx) changing from a product based on one technology to a product based on a different or newer technology; and

      (xxi) adapting and commercializing technology developed by a consortium or open software group.

(d) Excluded research activities. Qualified research does not include the activities described in this subsection.

  (1) Research after commercial production. Any research conducted after the beginning of commercial production of the business component.

    (A) Activities are conducted after the beginning of commercial production of a business component if such activities are conducted after the component is developed to the point where it is ready for commercial sale or use or meets the basic functional and economic requirements of the taxpayer for the component's sale or use.

    (B) The following activities are deemed to occur after the beginning of commercial production of a business component:

      (i) preproduction planning for a finished business component;

      (ii) tooling-up for production;

      (iii) trial production runs;

      (iv) troubleshooting involving detecting faults in production equipment or processes;

      (v) accumulating data relating to production processes;

      (vi) debugging flaws in a business component; and

      (vii) any activities that involve the use of an item for which the taxpayer claimed the manufacturing exemption under Tax Code, §151.318.

    (C) In cases involving development of both a product and a manufacturing or other commercial production process for the product, the research after commercial production exclusion applies separately for the activities relating to the development of the product and the activities relating to the development of the process. For example, even after a product meets the taxpayer's basic functional and economic requirements, activities relating to the development of the manufacturing process may still constitute qualified research, provided that the development of the process itself separately satisfies the requirements of this section, and the activities are conducted before the process meets the taxpayer's basic functional and economic requirements or is ready for commercial use.

    (D) Clinical testing of a pharmaceutical product prior to its commercial production in the United States is not treated as occurring after the beginning of commercial production even if the product is commercially available in other countries. Additional clinical testing of a pharmaceutical product after a product has been approved for a specific therapeutic use by the Food and Drug Administration and is ready for commercial production and sale is not treated as occurring after the beginning of commercial production if such clinical testing is undertaken to establish new functional uses, characteristics, indications, combinations, dosages, or delivery forms for the product. A functional use, characteristic, indication, combination, dosage, or delivery form shall be considered new only if such functional use, characteristic, indication, combination, dosage, or delivery form must be approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

    (E) Examples.

      (i) Example 1. A taxpayer is a tire manufacturer and develops a new material to use in its tires. The taxpayer conducts research to determine the changes that will be necessary for it to modify its existing manufacturing processes to manufacture the new tire. The taxpayer determines that the new tire material retains heat for a longer period of time than the materials it currently uses for tires, and, as a result, the new tire material adheres to the manufacturing equipment during tread cooling. The taxpayer evaluates several alternatives for processing the treads at cooler temperatures to address this problem, including a new type of belt for its manufacturing equipment to be used in tread cooling. Such a belt is not commercially available. Because the taxpayer is uncertain of the belt design, Cont'd...

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