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RULE §3.98Standards for Management of Hazardous Oil and Gas Waste

generation site during the month(s) of the reporting year that the site was classified as a small or large quantity generation site, and shall include the following information:

    (A) the name of the generator followed by the generator's P-5 operator number in parentheses, the EPA ID number for the generation site, and the address of the generation site or other site-identifying information (such as the lease number, unit number, or T-4 number (in the case of pipelines));

    (B) the calendar year covered by the report;

    (C) the name, EPA ID number, if any, and address for each authorized facility within the United States to which hazardous oil and gas waste was shipped during the year;

    (D) the name and EPA ID number of each transporter used during the year for shipments to an authorized facility within the United States;

    (E) a description, EPA hazardous waste number (from 40 CFR, Part 261, Subpart C or D), United States DOT hazard class, and quantity of each hazardous oil and gas waste shipped to an authorized facility within the United States. This information must be listed by the EPA ID number of each facility to which hazardous oil and gas waste was shipped. If the waste was shipped to an authorized facility that does not have an EPA ID number, the type of facility (reclamation or recycling) must be designated on the report;

    (F) a description of the efforts undertaken during the year to reduce the volume and toxicity of hazardous oil and gas waste generated; and

    (G) a description of the changes in volume and toxicity of hazardous oil and gas waste actually achieved during the year in comparison to previous years, to the extent such information is available.

  (2) Exception Reports.

    (A) An LQG who does not receive a copy of the manifest with the handwritten signature of the owner or operator of the designated facility within 35 days from the date the hazardous oil and gas waste was accepted by the initial transporter for shipment must contact the transporter and, if necessary, the owner or operator of the designated facility to determine the status of the hazardous oil and gas waste shipment.

    (B) An LQG must submit an exception report to the commission if he or she has not received a copy of the manifest with the handwritten signature of the owner or operator of the designated facility within 45 days from the date the hazardous oil and gas waste was accepted by the initial transporter for shipment. The exception report must include:

      (i) a legible copy of the manifest for that shipment of hazardous oil and gas waste for which the generator does not have confirmation of delivery; and

      (ii) a letter signed by the generator explaining the efforts taken to locate the hazardous oil and gas waste and the results of those efforts.

    (C) An SQG who does not receive confirmation of delivery of hazardous oil and gas waste by receipt of a copy of the manifest with the handwritten signature of the owner or operator of the designated facility within 60 days from the date the hazardous oil and gas waste was accepted by the initial transporter for shipment, must submit to the commission an exception report. The exception report must include:

      (i) a legible copy of the manifest for which the generator does not have confirmation of delivery; and

      (ii) a notation, either typed or handwritten, indicating that the generator has not received confirmation of delivery of the shipment to the designated facility.

    (D) In the case of interstate shipments of hazardous oil and gas waste for which a manifest has not been returned within 45 days of acceptance of the hazardous oil and gas waste for shipment by the initial transporter, an LQG or SQG shall notify the appropriate regulatory agency of the state in which the designated facility is located, and the appropriate regulatory agency of each state in which the shipment may have been delivered, that the manifest has not been received. If a state required to be notified under this section has not received interim or final authorization pursuant to the RCRA, the LQG or SQG shall notify the administrator that the manifest has not been returned.

  (3) Additional Reporting. The commission may require any generator of hazardous oil and gas waste to furnish additional reports concerning the quantities and disposition of hazardous oil and gas waste generated.

(v) Additional Requirements Applicable to International Shipments.

  (1) Exports.

    (A) Any person who exports hazardous oil and gas waste to a foreign country must comply with the requirements of 40 CFR, Part 262, Subpart E.

    (B) Primary exporters of hazardous oil and gas waste generated within the State of Texas must submit to the commission a copy of the annual report submitted to the administrator in compliance with 40 CFR, §262.56.

  (2) Imports. Any person who imports hazardous oil and gas waste generated outside the United States into the State of Texas shall be considered the generator of such hazardous oil and gas waste for the purposes of this section. Such person must comply with the applicable provisions of this section, except that:

    (A) the name and address of the foreign generator and the importer's name, address, and EPA ID number shall be substituted on the manifest in place of the generator's name, address, and EPA ID number;

    (B) the importer or the importer's agent must sign and date the certification and obtain the signature of the initial transporter in place of the generator's certification statement on the manifest; and

    (C) the importer shall use the manifest form prescribed by the TCEQ.

(w) Standards Applicable to Transporters of Hazardous Oil and Gas Waste. The following standards apply to persons who transport hazardous oil and gas waste generated by LQGs and SQGs. The requirements of this subsection do not apply in the case of hazardous oil and gas waste generated by CESQGs.

  (1) Scope.

    (A) This subsection establishes standards for persons transporting hazardous oil and gas waste from the generation site to any designated facility. The provisions of this section do not apply with respect to on-site movements of hazardous oil and gas waste.

    (B) In addition to the provisions of this subsection, a transporter must comply with standards applicable to generators of hazardous oil and gas waste if he or she mixes hazardous oil and gas wastes of different DOT shipping descriptions by placing them into a single container. If a transporter mixes a hazardous oil and gas waste with a hazardous waste that is not considered a hazardous oil and gas waste, the transporter must comply with the standards applicable to generators of hazardous wastes found at Title 30, Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 335, Subchapter C (the TCEQ's standards for generators of hazardous waste).

  (2) Permits and EPA ID Numbers. No transporter may transport hazardous oil and gas waste unless he or she has an EPA ID number. The transporter may obtain an EPA ID number by filing the prescribed form (currently EPA Form 8700-12) with the appropriate regulatory entity (either EPA, TCEQ, the commission, or another state).

  (3) Transfer Facility Requirements. No transporter may store manifested hazardous oil and gas waste at a transfer facility for any period of time unless:

    (A) the hazardous oil and gas waste is packaged in containers that meet the requirements of subsection (p) of this section (relating to packaging); and

    (B) the hazardous oil and gas waste is stored at the transfer facility for no longer than ten days.

  (4) Manifest Requirements.

    (A) A transporter may not accept hazardous oil and gas waste for shipment from a generator unless it is accompanied by a manifest signed in accordance with the provisions of subsection (o)(4) of this section (relating to use of the manifest).

    (B) Before transporting hazardous oil and gas waste, the transporter must sign and date the manifest acknowledging acceptance of the hazardous oil and gas waste from the generator. The transporter must return a signed copy of the manifest to the generator before leaving the generation site.

    (C) The transporter must ensure that the manifest accompanies the shipment of hazardous oil and gas waste. In the case of exports, the transporter must ensure that a copy of the EPA Acknowledgment of Consent is attached to the manifest.

    (D) A transporter may not accept hazardous oil and gas waste for export from a primary exporter or other person if:

      (i) the transporter knows that the shipment does not conform to the EPA Acknowledgment of Consent; or

      (ii) except in the case of shipments by rail, an EPA Acknowledgment of Consent is not attached to the manifest (or shipping paper in the case of exports by water (bulk shipment)).

    (E) A transporter who delivers a hazardous oil and gas waste to another transporter or to the designated facility must:


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