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RULE §3.599Margin: Research and Development Activities Credit

    (D) If a taxable entity performing research does retain substantial rights to the results of the research and the research is considered funded under subparagraph (A)(ii) of this paragraph, the research is only funded to the extent of the payments and fair market value of any property that the taxable entity becomes entitled to by performing the research. If the expenses related to the research exceed the amount the researcher is entitled to receive, the research is not considered funded with respect to the excess expenses. For example, a taxable entity performs research for another person. Based on the contract, the research activities are considered funded under subparagraph (A)(ii) of this paragraph because payments to the researcher are not contingent on the success of the research. The taxable entity retains substantial rights to the results of the research. The taxable entity is entitled to $100,000 under the contract but spent $120,000 on the research activities. In this case, the research is considered funded with respect to $100,000 and is not considered funded with respect to $20,000.

    (E) A taxable entity performing research for another person must identify any other person paying for the research activities and any person with substantial rights to the results of the research.

    (F) All agreements, not only research contracts, entered into between the taxable entity performing the research and the party funding the research shall be considered in determining the extent to which the research is funded.

    (G) The provisions of this paragraph shall be applied separately to each research project undertaken by the taxable entity.

(e) Eligibility for credit.

  (1) A taxable entity is eligible to claim a credit for the periods in which the taxable entity is engaged in qualified research and incurs qualified research expenses. The credit may be claimed on a franchise tax report for qualified research expenses incurred during the period on which the report is based.

  (2) A taxable entity has the burden of establishing its entitlement to, and the value of, the credit by clear and convincing evidence, including proof that the research activities meet the definition of qualified research, the amount of any qualified research expenses, and applying the shrink-back rule described in subsection (c)(3) of this section.

    (A) All qualified research expenses must be paid or incurred in connection with research activities that are qualified research.

    (B) All qualified research expenses must be supported by contemporaneous business records.

      (i) Contemporaneous business records for wages are records that were created and maintained during the period in which the taxable entity paid the employee to engage in qualified services. This includes, but is not limited to, payroll records, employee job descriptions, performance evaluations, calendars, and appointment books.

      (ii) Contemporaneous business records for supplies are records that were created and maintained during the period in which the supplies were purchased. This includes, but is not limited to, inventory records, invoices, purchase orders, and contracts.

      (iii) Contemporaneous business records for contract research expenses are records that were created and maintained during the period in which the contract research expenses were paid or incurred. This includes, but is not limited to, contracts and invoices.

  (3) An Internal Revenue Service audit determination of eligibility for the federal research and development credit under IRC, §41 (Credit for increasing research activities), whether that determination is that the taxable entity qualifies or does not qualify for the federal research and development credit, is not binding on the comptroller's determination of eligibility for the credit.

(f) Ineligibility for credit.

  (1) A taxable entity is not eligible to claim a credit on a franchise tax report for qualified research expenses incurred during the period on which the report is based if the taxable entity, or a member of the combined group, if the taxable entity is a combined group, received an exemption from sales and use tax under Tax Code, §151.3182 (Certain Property Used in Research and Development Activities; Reporting of Estimates and Evaluation) during that period.

  (2) A taxable entity that is not eligible to claim a credit under this subsection may carry forward an unused credit under subsection (l) of this section.

(g) Amount of credit.

  (1) Qualified research expenses in Texas. Subject to subsection (h) of this section, and except as provided by paragraphs (2), (3), and (4) of this subsection, the credit allowed for any report equals 5.0% of the difference between:

    (A) all qualified research expenses incurred during the period on which the report is based; and

    (B) 50% of the average amount of all qualified research expenses incurred during the three tax periods preceding the period on which the report is based.

  (2) Entities without qualified research expenses in each of the three preceding tax periods. Except as provided by paragraph (4) of this subsection, if the taxable entity has no qualified research expenses in one or more of the three tax periods preceding the period on which the report is based, the credit for the period on which the report is based equals 2.5% of the qualified research expenses incurred during that period.

  (3) Qualified research expenses under a higher education contract. Subject to subsection (h) of this section, and except as provided by paragraph (4) of this subsection, if the taxable entity contracts with one or more public or private institutions of higher education for the performance of qualified research and the taxable entity incurs qualified research expenses in Texas under the contract during the period on which the report is based, then the credit for the report equals 6.25% of the difference between:

    (A) all qualified research expenses incurred during the period on which the report is based; and

    (B) 50% of the average amount of all qualified research expenses incurred during the three tax periods preceding the period on which the report is based.

  (4) Entities with qualified research expenses under higher education contracts but without qualified research expenses in each of the three preceding tax periods. If the taxable entity incurs qualified research expenses in Texas under a contract with one or more public or private institutions of higher education for the performance of qualified research during the period on which the report is based, but the taxable entity has no qualified research expenses in one or more of the three tax periods preceding the period on which the report is based, then the credit for the period on which the report is based equals 3.125% of all qualified research expenses incurred during that period.

  (5) Same method of computing qualified research expenses required. Notwithstanding whether the statute of limitations for claiming a credit under this section has expired for any tax period used in determining the average amount of qualified research expenses under paragraph (1)(B) or (3)(B) of this subsection, the determination of which research expenses are qualified research expenses for purposes of computing that average must be made in the same manner as that determination is made for purposes of paragraph (1)(A) or (3)(A) of this subsection. The comptroller may verify the qualified research expenses used to compute the prior year average, even if the statute of limitations for the prior year has expired. This verification will not result in an adjustment to tax, penalty, or interest for any report year for which the statute of limitations is closed.

  (6) A taxable entity with any qualified research expenses under higher education contracts in a tax period may include all of its qualified research expenses in the calculations under paragraphs (3) and (4) of this subsection, even if not all of the qualified research expenses are related to higher education contracts. For taxable entities in a combined group, see subsection (i) of this section.

(h) Attribution of expenses following transfer of controlling interest.

  (1) If a taxable entity acquires a controlling interest in another taxable entity, or in a separate unit of another taxable entity, during a tax period with respect to which the acquiring taxable entity claims a credit under this section, then the amount of the acquiring taxable entity's qualified research expenses equals the sum of:

    (A) the amount of qualified research expenses incurred by the acquiring taxable entity during the period on which the report is based; and


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