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RULE §3.599Margin: Research and Development Activities Credit

    (B) subject to paragraph (4) of this subsection, the amount of qualified research expenses incurred by the acquired taxable entity or unit during the portion of the period on which the report is based that precedes the date of the acquisition.

  (2) A taxable entity that sells or otherwise transfers to another taxable entity a controlling interest in another taxable entity, or in a separate unit of a taxable entity, during a period on which a report is based may not claim a credit under this section for qualified research expenses incurred by the transferred taxable entity or unit during the period if:

    (A) the taxable entity that makes the sale or transfer is ineligible for the credit under subsection (f) of this section; or

    (B) the acquiring taxable entity claims a credit under this section for the corresponding period.

  (3) If during any of the three tax periods following the period in which a sale or other transfer described by paragraph (2) of this subsection occurs, the taxable entity that sold or otherwise transferred the controlling interest reimburses the acquiring taxable entity for research activities conducted on behalf of the taxable entity that made the sale or other transfer, the amount of the reimbursement is:

    (A) included as qualified research expenses incurred by the taxable entity that made the sale or other transfer for the tax period during which the reimbursement was paid, subject to paragraph (5) of this subsection; and

    (B) excluded from the qualified research expenses incurred by the acquiring taxable entity for the tax period during which the reimbursement was paid.

  (4) An acquiring taxable entity may not include on a report the amount of qualified research expenses otherwise authorized by paragraph (1)(B) of this subsection if the taxable entity that made the sale or other transfer described by paragraph (2) of this subsection received an exemption under Tax Code, §151.3182 during the portion of the period on which the acquiring taxable entity's report is based that precedes the date of the acquisition.

  (5) A taxable entity that makes a sale or other transfer described by paragraph (2) of this subsection may not include on a report the amount of reimbursement otherwise authorized by paragraph (3)(A) of this subsection if the reimbursement is for research activities that occurred during a tax period in which the entity that makes a sale or other transfer received an exemption under Tax Code, §151.3182.

(i) Combined reporting.

  (1) The combined group is the taxable entity for purposes of calculating and reporting this credit.

  (2) A credit under this section for qualified research expenses incurred by a member of a combined group must be claimed on the combined report for the group required by Tax Code, §171.1014. The total qualified research expenses of each member of the combined group shall be added together to determine the total credit claimed on the combined report.

  (3) When the membership of a combined group changes, the credit carryforward under subsection (l) of this section will be determined as follows:

    (A) For the purposes of this paragraph, the carryforward attributable to a member of a combined group for each prior report year is determined by multiplying the total credit carryforward available for that report year by a fraction, the numerator of which is the qualified research expenses paid or incurred by the member during that report year, and the denominator of which is the total qualified research expenses paid or incurred by the combined group during that report year.

    (B) If a combined group loses a member, the credit carryforward will be attributed to each member of the combined group that was included on the report for the report year to which the carryforward relates. Each member of the combined group that has a carryforward attributed to it under this subparagraph, including the member that leaves the combined group, may continue to use that carryforward on its future franchise tax reports.

    (C) If a taxable entity that was not part of a combined group when it created a credit carryforward later joins a combined group, any credit carryforward it had previously established may be claimed on the combined group's future franchise tax reports.

    (D) If a taxable entity, including a member of a combined group, is a non-surviving entity in a merger transaction, any credit carryforward established by the non-surviving entity may be claimed on the surviving entity's future franchise tax reports.

    (E) If a taxable entity, including a member of a combined group, is terminated, dissolved, or otherwise loses its status as a legal entity, the credit carryforward attributable to that taxable entity may not be claimed on any future franchise tax report. This subparagraph does not apply if subparagraph (D) of this paragraph or subsection (m) of this section applies.

    (F) If all of the assets of a member of a combined group are conveyed, assigned or transferred in a manner that qualifies under subsection (m) of this section, the carryforward attributable to that member may be conveyed, assigned, or transferred as part of that transaction.

    (G) A combined group may only use a credit carryforward attributable to a member under subparagraphs (B), (C), or (D) of this paragraph if that member is part of the combined group on the last day of the accounting period on which that report is based.

  (4) A combined group with any qualified research expenses under higher education contracts in a tax period may include all of its qualified research expenses in the calculations under subsection (g)(3) and (4) of this section, even if not all of the members of the combined group have qualified research expenses that are related to higher education contracts.

(j) Tiered partnership reporting.

  (1) An upper tier entity and a lower tier entity may claim a credit under this section for qualified research expenses; however, an upper tier entity and a lower tier entity cannot claim a credit under this section for the same qualified research expense.

  (2) An upper tier entity that includes the total revenue of a lower tier entity for purposes of computing its taxable margin as authorized by Tax Code, §171.1015 (Reporting for Certain Partnerships in Tiered Partnership Arrangement) may claim the credit under this section for qualified research expenses incurred by the lower tier entity to the extent of the upper tier entity's ownership interest in the lower tier entity.

(k) Limitation. The total credit claimed under this section for a report, including the amount of any carryforward credit under subsection (l) of this section, may not exceed 50% of the amount of franchise tax due for the report before any other applicable tax credits.

(l) Carryforward.

  (1) If a taxable entity is eligible for a credit that exceeds the limitation under subsection (k) of this section, the taxable entity may carry the unused credit forward for not more than 20 consecutive reports.

  (2) Research and development credits, including credit carryforwards, are considered to be used in the following order:

    (A) a credit carryforward of unused research and development credits accrued under Tax Code, Chapter 171, Subchapter O (Tax Credit for Certain Research and Development Activities), before its repeal on January 1, 2008, and claimed as authorized by §3.593 of this title (relating to Margin: Franchise Tax Credits);

    (B) a credit carryforward under this section; and

    (C) a current year credit.

  (3) If a taxable entity claims a carryforward on a report within the statute of limitations, the comptroller may verify that the credit that established the carryforward was based on qualified research activities, even if the statute of limitations for the year in which the credit was created has expired. This verification will not result in an adjustment to tax, penalty, or interest for any report year for which the statute of limitations has expired. The verification may result in an adjustment to the carryforward for all periods within the unexpired statute of limitations and for all future periods in which the taxable entity may claim the carryforward.

  (4) For application of the carryforward to combined groups, see subsection (i)(3) of this section.

(m) Assignment prohibited. A taxable entity may not convey, assign, or transfer the credit allowed under this section to another entity unless all of the assets of the taxable entity are conveyed, assigned, or transferred in the same transaction. The conveyance, assignment, or transfer of an ownership interest in the taxable entity is not a conveyance, assignment, or transfer of the credit by the taxable entity.

(n) Application for credit.


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