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RULE §330.17LIDDA Administrative Functions

(a) Local planning.

  (1) A LIDDA must conduct local planning in accordance with THSC, §533.0352, and ensure involvement of the local advisory committee and other stakeholders.

  (2) A LIDDA must participate in the local CRCG when an individual has complex needs and requires multiagency services.

  (3) A LIDDA must coordinate with local agencies to build an integrated service delivery system that ensures broad access to and information about community services, identifies the LIDDA's safety net functions, and maximizes the utilization of existing resources while avoiding duplication of effort and gaps in services.

(b) Quality management. A LIDDA must develop a quality management program to monitor the performance of general revenue services providers and the LIDDA's compliance with the performance contract.

(c) Utilization management. A LIDDA must have:

  (1) procedures describing how it authorizes general revenue services; and

  (2) methods for evaluating the effectiveness of the authorization procedures.

(d) Information systems. A LIDDA must have information systems that:

  (1) capture valid and reliable data; and

  (2) accurately report required data to funding sources (for example, the Medicaid administration contractor, DADS, and other state and local agencies).

(e) Network management. A LIDDA must develop and manage a network of qualified providers that offer an array of general revenue services described in the performance contract.

  (1) If the LIDDA is a provider of general revenue services, the LIDDA must have written procedures describing the qualifications and expectations of staff members.

  (2) If a provider of general revenue services is a contractor of the LIDDA, the LIDDA must:

    (A) ensure that the contract is procured and complies with the requirements of Subchapter B of this chapter (relating to Contracts Management for Local Authorities);

    (B) have a process for resolving complaints from contract providers; and

    (C) provide appropriate technical assistance and training to ensure that contract providers understand their contractual obligations (for example, documentation and billing).

(f) Consideration of public input, ultimate cost-benefit, and client care issues. In accordance with THSC §533.035(c), a LIDDA must consider public input, ultimate cost-benefit, and client care issues to ensure individual choice and the best use of public money in:

  (1) assembling a network of general revenue services providers;

  (2) making recommendations relating to the most appropriate and available treatment alternatives for individuals in the need of services and supports; and

  (3) procuring services for a local service area, including a request for proposal or open-enrollment procurement method.

(g) Interest list management.

  (1) A LIDDA must contact individuals on the HCS Program interest list and the TxHmL Program interest list as required by and in accordance with the performance contract.

  (2) A LIDDA must have policies and procedures for:

    (A) registering individuals on the LIDDA's interest list for general revenue services that complies with the requirements set forth in the Texas Government Code, §531.0931, related to military members and their dependents; and

    (B) periodically contacting the individuals on the interest list.

(h) Qualifications and availability of staff members.

  (1) Criminal history and registry clearances. A LIDDA must conduct criminal history and registry clearances for job and volunteer applicants in accordance with Chapter 4, Subchapter K, of this title (relating to Criminal History and Registry Clearances).

  (2) Availability of staff members. A LIDDA must ensure the continuous availability of trained and qualified staff members to ensure the provision of service coordination and general revenue services.

  (3) Qualifications of a staff member who is a service coordinator. A LIDDA must ensure that a staff member who is a service coordinator meets the qualifications set forth in §2.559 of this chapter (relating to Minimum Qualifications) contained in Subchapter L (relating to Service Coordination for Individuals with an Intellectual Disability).

  (4) Qualifications of a staff member other than a service coordinator.

    (A) A LIDDA must ensure that a staff member who is not a service coordinator and who directly provides general revenue services is at least 18 years of age and:

      (i) has a high school diploma or a certificate recognized by a state as the equivalent of a high school diploma; or

      (ii) has documentation of a proficiency evaluation of experience and competence to perform the job tasks that includes:

        (I) written competency-based assessment of the ability to document service delivery and observations of an individual; and

        (II) at least three personal references from persons not related by blood or marriage that indicate the ability to provide a safe, healthy environment for an individual.

    (B) A LIDDA must:

      (i) document the required education and work experience for a staff member who is not a service coordinator and who directly provides general revenue services and the supervisor of such staff member by position classification, by position category, or by individual position; and

      (ii) ensure that a supervisor of a staff member who is not a service coordinator and who directly provides general revenue services has a minimum of one year experience working directly with people with intellectual disability or other developmental disabilities (for example, work experience, volunteer experience, or personal experience as a family member).

    (C) A LIDDA must ensure that a staff member who is not a service coordinator and who directly provides general revenue services and the supervisor of such staff member have required state certification or licensure.

  (5) Required competencies and skills relating to health, safety, and support needs of individuals.

    (A) A LIDDA must identify in writing the required competencies and skills for a staff member by position classification, position category, or individual position that meet the health, safety, and support needs of individuals and include:

      (i) time frames and frequency for the staff member to demonstrate competency; and

      (ii) a method for measuring the competency and skills of the staff member.

    (B) A LIDDA must maintain documentation that a staff member has demonstrated competencies and skills required by subparagraph (A) of this paragraph.

Source Note: The provisions of this §330.17 adopted to be effective December 1, 2008, 33 TexReg 9512; amended to be effective January 8, 2012, 36 TexReg 9345; amended to be effective November 15, 2015, 40 TexReg 7821; transferred effective July 15, 2024, as published in the June 14, 2024, issue of the Texas Register, 49 TexReg 4433

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