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RULE §35.2General Requirements

  (1) The herd of which the reactor or the suspect was a part shall be placed under quarantine or hold order. When brucellosis infection is diagnosed in a herd, a quarantine will be placed on the herd. Any herd with fence line or across the road contact with the quarantined herd will be evaluated by a USDA or TAHC epidemiologist who will determine whether the herd should be placed under hold order. Other adjacent or high risk herds may be placed under hold order.

  (2) All cattle in the herd except steers and spayed heifers are included in the quarantine or hold order. Any movement of quarantined cattle shall conform to subsections (h) and (i) of this section concerning identification and movement of reactor, exposed, or suspect cattle. Release of the quarantine will be as described in paragraph (7) of this subsection.

  (3) An initial test of the herd which contained the reactor(s) or the suspect(s) and/or any other affected, adjacent or high risk herds will be conducted in accordance with subsection (d) of this section within a specified time set by state-federal personnel upon consultation with each herd owner unless waived by epidemiologist. If the Executive Director determines, based on epidemiological principles, that immediate action is necessary, the time for testing may be set without consultation with the herd owner.

  (4) The results of the initial herd test of the herd which contained the reactor(s) or the suspect(s) and/or any other affected, adjacent or high risk herds will be used to determine the need for, and development of an individual herd plan for prevention or elimination of brucellosis in that herd. The plan shall be developed by a State-Federal veterinarian of the brucellosis control program in consultation with the herd owner or caretaker and his veterinarian (if so requested by the owner). The plan developed by the Commission shall be final and the owner or caretaker will be provided a copy. Any proposed herd plan which has identified special management requirements will be reviewed by a State-Federal epidemiologist who will either support or modify the plan. A regional epidemiologist may waive vaccinating cattle over twelve months of age in infected herds. The terms and conditions of a herd plan may be amended in writing by the Commission upon good cause.

  (5) The plan will consist of the following.

    (A) Testing Procedures.

      (i) All sexually intact female cattle four months of age and older and all bulls 18 months of age and older in the herd shall be presented for testing or retesting at intervals stated in the herd plan until the quarantine is released.

      (ii) All cattle to be added to the herd shall be tested prior to commingling with the herd.

      (iii) All stray cattle found in the herd shall be presented for testing.

      (iv) Cattle identified as reactors shall be removed in accordance with subsection (j) of this section.

      (v) Heifers born in the herd shall be removed in accordance with subsection (k) of this section.

    (B) Vaccination Procedures.

      (i) All nonvaccinated heifers shall be presented as soon as possible after they reach the age of four months and before the age of 12 months to be tested for brucellosis and vaccinated with an approved B. abortus vaccine. In the event heifers tested at the time of vaccination disclose reactor level titers, they will be classified and handled as reactors.

      (ii) All female cattle over 12 months of age shall be presented to be adult vaccinated with an approved B. abortus vaccine within ten days of their negative serological test.

      (iii) Replacement female cattle over 12 months of age shall be presented within ten days after a negative test, to be adult vaccinated prior to their addition to an already vaccinated herd. The epidemiologist will determine if adult vaccination of replacements must continue if the quarantine extends past 18 months, or if only calfhood vaccinates may be added.

      (iv) Previously vaccinated negative female cattle shall be presented for revaccination with an approved B. abortus vaccine as determined by the epidemiologist.

  (6) A person may protest an initial test or a herd plan for the prevention or elimination of brucellosis in each herd classified as affected, adjacent, or high risk due to a reactor or suspect animal, after consultation with the state-federal veterinarian of the Brucellosis Control Program.

    (A) To protest, the herd owner must request a meeting, in writing, with the executive director of the commission within 15 days of receipt of the herd plan or notice of an initial test and set forth a short, plain statement of the issues that shall be the subject of the protest, after which:

      (i) the meeting will be set by the executive director no later than 21 days from receipt of the request for a meeting;

      (ii) the meeting or meetings shall be held in Austin; and

      (iii) the executive director shall render his decision in writing within 14 days from date of the meeting.

    (B) Upon receipt of a decision or order by the executive director which the herd owner wishes to appeal, the herd owner may file an appeal within 15 days in writing with the chairman of the commission and set forth a short, plain statement of the issues that shall be the subject of the appeal.

    (C) The subsequent hearing will be conducted pursuant to the provisions of the Administrative Procedure and Texas Register Act, and Chapter 32 of this title (relating to Hearing and Appeal Procedures).

    (D) If the executive director determines, based on epidemiological principles, that immediate action is necessary, the executive director may shorten the time limits, as set out in subparagraphs (A) and (B) of this paragraph, to not less than five days. The herd owner must be provided with written notice of any time limits so shortened.

  (7) Requirements for Quarantine Release.

    (A) A herd is eligible for quarantine release following a minimum of three consecutive herd blood tests that are classified as negative. The first negative test shall be conducted at least 30 days after the last reactor is removed from the herd. The second negative test shall be conducted at least 120 days after the last reactor is removed from the herd. The third negative test shall be conducted a minimum of 12 months after the last reactor is removed from the herd.

    (B) Heifers born in the herd and were removed from the herd and kept separately shall remain under quarantine until they test negative 30 days following calving.

    (C) On the releasing test, official vaccinates that demonstrate suspect titers on the approved supplemental test shall be classified as suspects. After Strain 19 vaccinated suspects are stabilized, the remainder of the herd may be released from quarantine. These suspects shall remain under a hold order.

    (D) To obtain a quarantine release, the owner/caretaker shall retest all cattle 18 months of age and over except steers and spayed heifers in units not under quarantine. The retest must be conducted not less than six months after the removal of the last reactor from the quarantined unit. This retest, together with the third negative test of the quarantined unit, may be used for herd certification if conducted no more than 14 months following a negative herd test after the removal of the last reactor. A designated brucellosis epidemiologist may exempt units from these retest requirements.

    (E) Epidemiological data may be considered in the release of the quarantine.

(m) Official vaccination requirements.

  (1) All official vaccinations will be conducted by approved personnel only.

  (2) Calfhood vaccinated animals shall be permanently identified. If the animal is already identified with an official eartag before vaccination, an additional official eartag is not required. Vaccination tattoos must be applied to the right ear. For Brucella abortus Strain 19 vaccinates, the tattoo will include the U.S. Registered Shield and "V" which will be preceded by a number indicating the quarter of the year and followed by a number corresponding to the last digit of the year in which the vaccination was done. For Brucella abortus Strain RB 51 vaccinates, the tattoo will include the U.S. Registered Shield and "V," which will be preceded by a letter "R" and followed by a number corresponding to the last digit of the year in which the vaccination was done. Official vaccination (orange) eartags must be applied to the right ear unless the animal is already identified with an official eartag. If the cattle or bison are registered by a breed association recognized by VS, individual animal registration tattoos or individual animal registration brands may be used for identifying animals in place of official eartags.


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