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RULE §350.74Development of Risk-Based Exposure Limits

      (iii) the notice by publication of the public meeting shall only be published once and shall be placed in a Sunday edition, if available.

    (I) The executive director's decision on the request for a variance from the default exposure factors shall occur at least 15 calendar days after any public meeting or if no public meeting is held, at least 45 days after the date of the initial published notice. The executive director's decision shall be based upon property-specific data; historical, current, and probable future land use; redevelopment potential; and compatibility with surrounding land use. The executive director shall not consider the costs incurred for any actions taken by the person in anticipation that the variance would be approved by the executive director.

    (J) At the same time that the executive director's decision is mailed to the person requesting the variance, a copy of this decision shall also be mailed to all persons identified in subparagraph (E) of this paragraph. The notice of the executive director's decision shall explain the method for submitting a motion for reconsideration of the executive director's decision by the commission.

    (K) The person requesting the variance and persons identified in subparagraph (E) of this paragraph may file with the chief clerk a motion to overturn related to the request for variance, in accordance with §50.139 of this title (relating to Motion to Overturn Executive Director's Decision).

    (L) A person who receives a variance from the default exposure factors shall comply with the institutional control requirements in §350.111(b), (b)(12), or (13) of this title (relating to Use of Institutional Controls), as applicable, and provide proof of compliance with the institutional control requirements within 90 days of the approval by the executive director of the response action completion report.

  (3) The person shall not vary the following exposure factors shown in the figure in subsection (a) of this section.

    (A) averaging time for residents for noncarcinogens (AT.A.res and AT.C.res) or carcinogens (ATc);

    (B) body weight for adults and children (BW.A, BW.C, BW(0<6) , BW(6<18) , and BW(18<30) );

    (C) exposure duration for residents (ED.A.res, ED.C.res, ED(0<6) , ED(6<18) , and ED(18<30) );

    (D) exposure frequency for residents (EF.res);

    (E) ingestion rate for soil, water, or vegetables (IRsoil.AgeAdj.res, IRsoil.C.res, IRsoil.w, IRw.AgeAdj.res, IRw.C.res, IRw.w, IRabg.AgeAdj.res, IRbg.AgeAdj.res, IRabg.C.res, IRbg.C.res);

    (F) toxicity modifying factor (MF);

    (G) skin surface area (SA.C.res, SA(0<6) , SA(6<18) , SA (18<30) , SA.w);

    (H) soil-to-skin adherence factors (AF.C.res, AF (0<6) , AF(6<18) , AF (18<30) , and AF.w).

Source Note: The provisions of this §350.74 adopted to be effective September 23, 1999, 24 TexReg 7436; amended to be effective March 19, 2007, 32 TexReg 1526; amended to be effective May 14, 2020, 45 TexReg 3130

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