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RULE §355.8065Disproportionate Share Hospital Reimbursement Methodology

    (E) Each governmental entity that owns and operates a transferring public hospital is responsible for funding the non-federal share of the DSH payments from the rural private hospital pool to rural private hospitals. If an entity transfers less than the suggested amount, HHSC will reduce the rural private hospitals' payments to the level supported by the amount of the intergovernmental transfer.

    (F) Any remaining funds from the percentage allocation described in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph and any undistributed funds from this pool will be redistributed back into the pool two secondary payment as described in paragraph (4) of this subsection.

  (9) Pass Three - If any portion non-federal share of the available DSH funds is not fully funded, the remaining allocation will be available to non-urban public hospitals that met the funding requirements described in paragraph (2)(C)(iii)(I) of this subsection.

    (A) For each non-urban public hospital that met the funding requirements described in paragraph (2)(C)(iii)(I) of this subsection, HHSC will determine the projected payment amount plus any previous payment amounts for the program year calculated in accordance with paragraphs (4) - (8) of this subsection, as appropriate.

    (B) HHSC will subtract each hospital's projected payment amount plus any previous payment amounts for the program year from subparagraph (A) of this paragraph from each hospital's state payment cap to determine the maximum additional DSH allocation.

    (C) The governmental entity that owns the hospital or leases the hospital may provide the non-federal share of funding through an intergovernmental transfer to fund up to the maximum additional DSH allocation calculated in subparagraph (B) of this paragraph. These governmental entities will be queried by HHSC as to the amount of funding they intend to provide through an intergovernmental transfer for this additional allocation. The query may be conducted through e-mail, through the various hospital associations or through postings on the HHSC website.

    (D) Prior to processing any full or partial DSH payment that includes an additional allocation of DSH funds as described in this paragraph, HHSC will determine if such a payment would cause total DSH payments for the full or partial payment to exceed the available DSH funds for the payment as described in subsection (b)(2) of this section. If HHSC makes such a determination, it will reduce the DSH payment amounts non-urban public hospitals are eligible to receive through the additional allocation as required to remain within the available DSH funds for the payment. This reduction will be applied proportionally to all additional allocations. HHSC will:

      (i) determine remaining available funds by subtracting payment amounts for all DSH hospitals calculated in paragraphs (4) - (8) of this subsection from the amount in subsection (g)(3) of this section;

      (ii) determine the total additional allocation supported by an intergovernmental transfer by summing the amounts supported by intergovernmental transfers identified in subparagraph (C) of this paragraph;

      (iii) determine an available proportion statistic by dividing the remaining available funds from clause (i) of this subparagraph by the total additional allocation supported by an intergovernmental transfer from clause (ii) of this subparagraph; and

      (iv) multiply each intergovernmental transfer supported payment from subparagraph (C) of this paragraph by the proportion statistic determined in clause (iii) of this subparagraph. The resulting product will be the additional allowable allocation for the payment.

    (E) Non-urban public hospitals that do not meet the funding requirements of paragraph (2)(C)(iii)(I) of this subsection are not eligible for participation on Pass Three.

  (10) Reallocating funds if hospital closes, loses its license or eligibility, or files bankruptcy. If a hospital closes, loses its license, loses its Medicare or Medicaid eligibility, or files bankruptcy before receiving DSH payments for all or a portion of a DSH program year, HHSC will determine the hospital's eligibility to receive DSH payments going forward on a case-by-case basis. In making the determination, HHSC will consider multiple factors including whether the hospital was in compliance with all requirements during the program year and whether it can meet the audit requirements described in subsection (o) of this section. If HHSC determines that the hospital is not eligible to receive DSH payments going forward, HHSC will notify the hospital and reallocate that hospital's disproportionate share funds to state hospitals then amongst all DSH hospitals in the same category that are eligible for additional payments.

  (11) HHSC will give notice of the amounts determined in this subsection.

  (12) The sum of the annual payment amounts for state owned and non-state owned IMDs are summed and compared to the federal IMD limit. If the sum of the annual payment amounts exceeds the federal IMD limit, the non-state owned IMDs are reduced first on a pro-rata basis so that the sum is equal to the federal IMD limit. In the case that the non-state owned IMD payments are eliminated and the payments for the state owned IMD still exceed the federal IMD limit, then the state owned IMD payments will be reduced on a pro-rata basis until they equal the federal IMD limit.

  (13) For any DSH program year for which HHSC has calculated the hospital-specific limit described in §355.8066(c)(2) of this chapter, HHSC will compare the interim DSH payment amount as calculated in subsection (h) of this section to the hospital-specific limit.

    (A) HHSC will limit the payment amount to the hospital-specific limit if the payment amount exceeds the hospital's hospital-specific limit.

    (B) HHSC will redistribute dollars made available as a result of the capping described in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph to providers eligible for additional payments subject to the hospital-specific limits, as described in subsection (l) of this section.

(i) Hospital located in a state or federal natural disaster area. A hospital that is located in a county that is declared a state or federal natural disaster area and that was participating in the DSH program at the time of the natural disaster may request that HHSC determine its DSH qualification and interim reimbursement payment amount under this subsection for subsequent DSH program years. The following conditions and procedures will apply to all such requests received by HHSC.

  (1) The hospital must submit its request in writing to HHSC with its annual DSH application.

  (2) If HHSC approves the request, HHSC will determine the hospital's DSH qualification using the hospital's data from the DSH data year prior to the natural disaster. However, HHSC will calculate the one percent Medicaid minimum utilization rate, the state payment cap, and the payment amount using data from the DSH data year. The hospital-specific limit will be computed based on the actual data for the DSH program year.

  (3) HHSC will notify the hospital of the qualification and interim reimbursement.

(j) HHSC determination of eligibility or qualification. HHSC uses the methodology described in §355.8066(e) of this division to verify the data and other information used to determine eligibility and qualification under this section. The verification process includes:

  (1) notice to hospitals of the data provided to HHSC by Medicaid contractors; and

  (2) an opportunity for hospitals to request HHSC review of disputed data and other information the hospital believes is erroneous.

(k) Disproportionate share funds held in reserve.

  (1) If HHSC has reason to believe that a hospital is not in compliance with the conditions of participation listed in subsection (e) of this section, HHSC will notify the hospital of possible noncompliance. Upon receipt of such notice, the hospital will have 30 calendar days to demonstrate compliance.

  (2) If the hospital demonstrates compliance within 30 calendar days, HHSC will not hold the hospital's DSH payments in reserve.

  (3) If the hospital fails to demonstrate compliance within 30 calendar days, HHSC will notify the hospital that HHSC is holding the hospital's DSH payments in reserve. HHSC will release the funds corresponding to any period for which a hospital subsequently demonstrates that it was in compliance. HHSC will not make DSH payments for any period in which the hospital is out of compliance with the conditions of participation listed in subsection (e)(1) and (2) of this section. HHSC may choose not to make DSH payments for any period in which the hospital is out of compliance with the conditions of participation listed in subsection (e)(3) - (7) of this section.


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