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RULE §355.8065Disproportionate Share Hospital Reimbursement Methodology

  (4) If a hospital's DSH payments are being held in reserve on the date of the last payment in the DSH program year, and no request for review is pending under paragraph (5) of this subsection, the amount of the payments is not restored to the hospital, but is divided proportionately among the hospitals receiving a last payment.

  (5) Hospitals that have DSH payments held in reserve may request a review by HHSC.

    (A) The hospital's written request for a review must:

      (i) be sent to HHSC's Director of Hospital Finance, Provider Finance Department;

      (ii) be received by HHSC within 15 calendar days after notification that the hospital's DSH payments are held in reserve; and

      (iii) contain specific documentation supporting its contention that it is in compliance with the conditions of participation.

    (B) The review is:

      (i) limited to allegations of noncompliance with conditions of participation;

      (ii) limited to a review of documentation submitted by the hospital or used by HHSC in making its original determination; and

      (iii) not conducted as an adversarial hearing.

    (C) HHSC will conduct the review and notify the hospital requesting the review of the results.

(l) Recovery and redistribution of DSH funds. As described in subsection (o) of this section, HHSC will recoup any overpayment of DSH funds made to a hospital, including an overpayment that results from HHSC error or that is identified in an audit. Recovered funds will be redistributed as described in subsection (p) of this section.

(m) Failure to provide supporting documentation. HHSC will exclude data from DSH calculations under this section if a hospital fails to maintain and provide adequate documentation to support that data.

(n) Voluntary withdrawal from the DSH program.

  (1) HHSC will recoup all DSH payments made during the same DSH program year to a hospital that voluntarily terminates its participation in the DSH program. HHSC will redistribute the recouped funds according to the distribution methodology described in subsection (l) of this section.

  (2) A hospital that voluntarily terminates from the DSH program will be ineligible to receive payments for the next DSH program year after the hospital's termination.

  (3) If a hospital does not apply for DSH funding in the DSH program year following a DSH program year in which it received DSH funding, even though it would have qualified for DSH funding in that year, the hospital will be ineligible to receive payments for the next DSH program year after the year in which it did not apply.

  (4) The hospital may reapply to receive DSH payments in the second DSH program year after the year in which it did not apply.

(o) Audit process.

  (1) Independent certified audit. HHSC is required by the Social Security Act (Act) to annually complete an independent certified audit of each hospital participating in the DSH program in Texas. Audits will comply with all applicable federal law and directives, including the Act, the Omnibus Budget and Reconciliation Act of 1993 (OBRA '93), the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003 (MMA), pertinent federal rules, and any amendments to such provisions.

    (A) Each audit report will contain the verifications set forth in 42 CFR §455.304(d).

    (B) The sources of data utilized by HHSC, the hospitals, and the independent auditors to complete the DSH audit and report include:

      (i) The Medicaid cost report;

      (ii) Medicaid Management Information System data; and

      (iii) Hospital financial statements and other auditable hospital accounting records.

    (C) A hospital must provide HHSC or the independent auditor with the necessary information in the time specified by HHSC or the independent auditor. HHSC or the independent auditor will notify hospitals of the required information and provide a reasonable time for each hospital to comply.

    (D) A hospital that fails to provide requested information or to otherwise comply with the independent certified audit requirements may be subject to a withholding of Medicaid disproportionate share payments or other appropriate sanctions.

    (E) HHSC will recoup any overpayment of DSH funds made to a hospital that is identified in the independent certified audit as described in this subsection and will redistribute the recouped funds to DSH providers in accordance with subsection (p) that received interim payments, subject to the hospital-specific limits, as described in subsections (q) and (l) of this section.

    (F) Review of preliminary audit finding of overpayment.

      (i) Before finalizing the audit, HHSC will notify each hospital that has a preliminary audit finding of overpayment.

      (ii) A hospital that disputes the finding or the amount of the overpayment may request a review in accordance with the following procedures.

        (I) A request for review must be received by the HHSC Provider Finance Department in writing by regular mail, hand delivery or special mail delivery, from the hospital within 30 calendar days of the date the hospital receives the notification described in clause (i) of this subparagraph.

        (II) The request must allege the specific factual or calculation errors the hospital contends the auditors made that, if corrected, would change the preliminary audit finding.

        (III) All documentation supporting the request for review must accompany the written request for review or the request will be denied.

        (IV) The request for review may not dispute the federal audit requirements or the audit methodologies.

      (iii) The review is:

        (I) limited to the hospital's allegations of factual or calculation errors;

        (II) solely a data review based on documentation submitted by the hospital with its request for review or that was used by the auditors in making the preliminary finding; and

        (III) not an adversarial hearing.

      (iv) HHSC will submit to the auditors all requests for review that meet the procedural requirements described in clause (ii) of this subparagraph.

        (I) If the auditors agree that a factual or calculation error occurred and change the preliminary audit finding, HHSC will notify the hospital of the revised finding.

        (II) If the auditors do not agree that a factual or calculation error occurred and do not change the preliminary audit finding, HHSC will notify the hospital that the preliminary finding stands and will initiate recoupment proceedings as described in this section.

  (2) Additional audits. HHSC may conduct or require additional audits.

(p) Redistribution of Recouped Funds. Following the recoupments described in subsection (o) of this section, HHSC will redistribute the recouped funds to eligible providers. To receive a redistributed payment, the hospital must be in compliance with all requirements during the program year, meet the audit requirements described in subsection (o) of this section, and have already received a DSH payment in that DSH year of at least one dollar. For purposes of this subsection, an eligible provider is a provider that has room remaining in its final remaining Hospital-specific limit (HSL) calculated in the audit findings described in subsection (o) of this section after considering all DSH payments made for that program year. Recouped funds from state providers will be redistributed proportionately to eligible state providers based on the percentage that each eligible state provider's remaining final HSL (calculated in the audit findings as described in subsection (o) of this section) is of the total remaining final HSL (calculated in the audit findings described in subsection (o) of this section) of all eligible state providers. Recouped funds from non-state providers may be redistributed proportionately to state providers or eligible non-state providers as follows.

  (1) For DSH program years 2011-2017 (October 1, 2011 - September 30, 2017) and for DSH program years 2020 and after (October 1, 2019 and after), HHSC will use the following methodology to redistribute recouped funds:

    (A) the non-federal share will be returned to the governmental entity that provided it during the program year;

    (B) the federal share will be distributed proportionately among all non-state providers eligible for additional payments that have a source of the non-federal share of the payments; and

    (C) the federal share that does not have a source of non-federal share will be returned to CMS.

  (2) For DSH program years 2018-2019 (October 1, 2017 - September 30, 2019), HHSC will use the following methodology to redistribute recouped funds.


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