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RULE §355.103Specifications for Allowable and Unallowable Costs

        (I) a contracted provider is required by a lending institution or other lender to purchase such insurance to guarantee the outstanding loan balance;

        (II) the lending institution or other lender must be designated as the beneficiary of the insurance policy; and

        (III) upon the death of the insured, the proceeds are restricted to paying off the balance of the loan.

      (iii) Allowable insurance premiums are limited to premiums equivalent to that of a decreasing term life insurance policy needed to pay off the outstanding loan balance or that portion of the premium which can be equated to the premium for a similar face amount of a decreasing term life policy. In addition, the loan must be reasonable and necessary and must meet the criteria for allowable loans and interest expense as stated in subsection (b)(11) of this section.

      (iv) Provider-paid premiums related to insurance on the lives of owners-employees, officers, and key employees where the individual's relatives or his estate are the beneficiary are considered to be employee benefits to the individual and are allowable costs to the extent such employee benefits are allowable. Provider-paid premiums related to insurance on the lives of owners-employees, officers, and key employees where required by a financial institution and the financial institution is the beneficiary is allowable.

    (H) Insurance costs pertaining to unallowable costs. Insurance costs pertaining to items of unallowable costs are themselves unallowable costs.

    (I) Board of directors' or trustees insurance. Errors and omissions insurance (liability) on members of boards of directors or trustees is an allowable cost.

  (14) Dues or contributions to organizations.

    (A) Allowable dues and contributions to organizations. Costs are allowable for membership in professional associations directly and primarily concerned with the provision of services for which the provider is contracted. Allowable costs of memberships in such organizations include initiation fees, dues, and subscriptions to related professional periodicals. Allowable costs related to meetings and conferences whose primary purpose is to disseminate information for the advancement of contracted client care or the efficient operation of the contracted program include reasonable travel costs in accordance with paragraph (15)(B) of this subsection and reasonable registration fees and other costs incidental to those functions. Travel costs incurred by members of the board of directors of professional associations that are directly and primarily concerned with the provision of services for which the provider has contracted are allowable in accordance with paragraph (15)(B) of this subsection. Dues or licensing fees related to maintaining the professional accreditation or license of an employee are allowable to the extent that the professional accreditation or license is directly related to and necessary for the performance of that employee's functions.

    (B) Unallowable dues and contributions to organizations. Dues to nonprofessional organizations are unallowable. Assessments whose purpose is to fund lawsuits or any legal action against the state or federal government are unallowable. Portions of dues based on revenue or for the purposes of lobbying, or campaign contributions are unallowable costs. Costs of membership in civic organizations whose primary purpose is the promotion and implementation of civic objectives are unallowable. Dues or contributions made to any type of political, social, fraternal, or charitable organization are unallowable. Chamber of Commerce dues are unallowable. Franchise fees are not considered dues or contributions to organizations.

    (C) Dues to purchasing organizations or buying clubs. Allowable dues to purchasing organizations or buying clubs are limited to the pro-rata amount representing purchases made for use in providing contracted services.

  (15) Training and travel costs.

    (A) Staff training costs.

      (i) Staff training costs refer to costs associated with educational activities for provider staff. To qualify as an allowable staff training cost, the training must:

        (I) have a direct relationship with the employee's job responsibilities, thereby increasing the quality of contracted client care or the efficient operation of the contracted provider. Management training, if it is designed to enhance quality or improve administration and is relevant to the contracted service, is an allowable cost. The following apply to staff training costs.

          (-a-) Non-related party staff. Costs of tuition, books, and related fees for courses required to complete the designated degree or certification are allowable. The degree or certification must be necessary to the provision of contracted client services of the contracted provider. An example would be any course required to be taken by a licensed vocational nurse (LVN) working toward a degree as a registered nurse (RN) where RN services are necessary to deliver services as required under the contract.

          (-b-) Related party staff. Allowable costs are restricted to specific courses which have a direct relationship with the employee's job responsibilities. Examples of allowable staff training costs include tuition, books, and related fees for an accounting course for a bookkeeper and a management course for a supervisor. However, a history course for a bookkeeper, even though it may be a requirement for a college degree in accounting or business, is unallowable.

        (II) be located within the state of Texas unless the purpose of the training is for staff training in contracted client care-related services or quality assurance which is not available in the state of Texas. All costs for training outside the continental United States are unallowable costs. For further guidelines regarding adequate documentation, refer to §355.105(b)(2)(B)(vi) of this title.

      (ii) Staff training may be conducted within the provider setting or off-site. It may be operated by the contracted provider, provided by an accredited academic or technical institution, or conducted by a recognized professional organization for the particular training activity. Workshops on particular contracted client services, health applications, on-the-job safety, data processing, accounting, the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) programmatic or cost related training, supervisory techniques, and other administrative activities are examples of allowable types of training. Costs of orientation, on-the-job training, and in-service training are recognized as normal operating costs and are allowable training costs.

      (iii) For staff training conducted within the provider setting, allowable training costs include, but are not limited to, instructor and consultant fees, training supplies, and visual aids. For off-site training, allowable costs include costs such as allowable travel costs, registration fees, seminar supplies, and classroom costs. For additional guidelines regarding allowable travel costs, please refer to subparagraph (B) of this paragraph.

      (iv) Staff training costs must be reported as net costs, having been offset by any reimbursement from grants, tuitions, or donations received for staff educational purposes.

      (v) For information regarding nursing facility nurse aide training, refer to paragraph (20)(K) of this subsection and program-specific reimbursement methodology rules.

      (vi) For guidelines on allowability for client prevocational, vocational, and educational costs, refer to program-specific reimbursement methodology rules for guidelines on allowability.

    (B) Travel costs.

      (i) Maximum allowable travel costs for allowable activities are as follows:

        (I) 150% of the limits established by the Texas Legislature for non-exempt state employees, with respect to hotel costs and per diem rates; and

        (II) the maximum allowable mileage reimbursement amount set by the Texas Legislature for non-exempt state employees.

      (ii) Out-of-state travel costs are unallowable, unless the purpose of the travel is for staff training in contracted client-care-related services or in quality assurance which is not available in the state of Texas; the purpose of delivering direct contracted client services within 25 miles of the Texas border with adjoining states or Mexico; or the purpose for the travel is to conduct business related to contracted client services in Texas and the travel is between Texas and the contracted provider's central office. All costs for travel outside the continental United States are unallowable costs, with the singular exception of travel required for the delivery of direct contracted client services within 25 miles of the Texas-Mexico border.

      (iii) Expenses for private aircraft are allowable only if:

        (I) written documentation supporting the calculations for expenses for private aircraft and commercial alternatives, and flight logs are maintained as specified in §355.105(b)(2)(B)(iii) of this title; and


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