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RULE §380.9188Suicide Alert for High-Restriction Facilities

  (1) Prior to transferring a youth on suicide alert to another high-restriction TJJD facility:

    (A) within 24 hours prior to transfer, a mental health professional at the sending facility sends a summary of the youth's suicidal and/or self-harming behavior, assessments, and treatment to the designated mental health professional and facility administrator or their designees at the receiving facility and any stopover facilities en route to the receiving facility; and

    (B) staff assigned to monitor the youth at the sending facility provide the suicide observation folder to the transporting staff.

  (2) A mental health professional at the receiving facility:

    (A) as soon as possible, but no later than four hours after the youth's arrival, reviews the transfer summary and initiates a suicide risk assessment;

    (B) places the youth on the facility's suicide alert list;

    (C) ensures the suicide observation log is provided to the staff assigned to monitor the youth; and

    (D) communicates with the designated mental health professional or designee regarding the plan for treatment and assessment.

  (3) Before the youth is moved to the assigned dorm or living unit at the receiving facility, staff responsible for supervising the youth and nursing staff are notified of the youth's suicide observation level.

(l) Moving a Youth on Suicide Alert to a Less Restrictive Placement.

  (1) Prior to moving a youth on suicide alert to a less restrictive placement (i.e., medium-restriction facility or home placement), the mental health professional:

    (A) provides the youth (or parent/guardian if the youth is under age 18) with a referral for follow-up care;

    (B) coordinates with appropriate clinical staff to schedule a follow-up appointment;

    (C) communicates observation level and precautions to facility staff, if applicable;

    (D) identifies emergency resources, if needed; and

    (E) notifies the youth's parole officer, if applicable.

  (2) Mental health records are sent to the receiving mental health provider upon request.

(m) Reduction of Observation Level and Removal from Suicide Alert.

  (1) The observation level for a youth on suicide alert may be lowered or discontinued only after a suicide risk assessment by a mental health professional. If the assessing mental health professional is not licensed to practice independently, the decision to lower or discontinue a youth's observation level may be made only in consultation with the designated mental health professional.

  (2) A mental health professional may lower a youth's suicide observation level by no more than one level every 24 hours unless otherwise approved by the designated mental health professional on a case-by-case basis.

  (3) Only a mental health professional or the designated mental health professional may authorize removal of a youth's name from the suicide alert list. Only youth on the lowest available observation level may be removed from suicide alert.

  (4) The mental health professional notifies appropriate staff when a youth's observation level is lowered and when a youth is removed from suicide alert. Infirmary staff notify the psychiatric provider of all such changes for youth on the psychiatric caseload.

  (5) The youth's parent or guardian is notified when the youth is removed from suicide alert (with the youth's consent if the youth is age 18 or older).

  (6) Upon removal from suicide alert, the mental health professional identifies in the treatment plan any needed follow-up mental health services.

(n) Training.

  (1) All staff who have regular, direct contact with youth (including, but not limited to, security, direct care, nursing, mental health, and education staff) receive initial training in suicide prevention and response during new-hire training. Training addresses topics including, but not limited to:

    (A) identifying the warning signs and symptoms of suicidal and/or self-harming behavior;

    (B) high-risk periods for suicidal and/or self-harming behavior;

    (C) juvenile suicide research, to include the demographic and cultural parameters of suicidal behavior, incidence, and precipitating factors;

    (D) responding to suicidal youth and youth experiencing mental health symptoms;

    (E) communication between correctional and health care personnel;

    (F) referral procedures;

    (G) housing, observation, and suicide alert procedures; and

    (H) follow-up monitoring of youth who engage in suicidal behavior, self-harming behavior, and/or suicidal ideation.

  (2) All staff who have regular, direct contact with youth receive annual suicide prevention training.

  (3) Staff designated to conduct suicide screenings receive annual training from a mental health professional regarding suicide alert policy, suicide indicators, and suicide screening.

  (4) All training described by this subsection shall be accompanied by a test or demonstration to establish competency in the subject matter.

(o) Post-Incident Debriefing and Analysis.

  (1) After a completed suicide or a life-threatening suicide attempt, the facility administrator or designee coordinates a debriefing with appropriate facility staff as soon as possible after the situation has been stabilized, in accordance with agency procedures.

  (2) After a completed suicide, the executive director or designee may dispatch a critical incident support team to provide counseling for youth and staff, coordination of facility activities, and assistance with follow-up care.

  (3) After a completed suicide, the medical director conducts a morbidity and mortality review in coordination with appropriate clinical staff. The medical director may conduct a morbidity and mortality review after a life-threatening suicide attempt.

  (4) After a completed suicide or a life-threatening suicide attempt, a critical incident review is convened to determine if the incident reveals system-wide deficiencies and to recommend improvements to agency policies, operational procedures, the physical plant, and/or training requirements.

  (5) In the event of a completed suicide, all actions, notifications, and reports required under §385.9951 of this title must be completed.

Source Note: The provisions of this §380.9188 adopted to be effective December 1, 2009, 34 TexReg 8543; transferred effective June 4, 2012, as published in the Texas Register June 22, 2012, 37 TexReg 4639; amended to be effective April 15, 2015, 40 TexReg 1976; amended to be effective August 1, 2023, 48 TexReg 2380; amended to be effective July 15, 2024, 49 TexReg 5152

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