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RULE §421.67Event Files--Records, Data Fields and Codes

  (97) Other operating room gastrointestinal therapeutic procedures (requiring surgical or radiological procedures);

  (98) Endoscopy or endoscopic biopsy of the urinary tract;

  (99) Transurethral excision, drainage, or removal urinary obstruction (requiring surgical or radiological procedures);

  (100) Ureteral catheterization;

  (101) Nephrotomy or nephrostomy;

  (102) Nephrectomy, partial or complete;

  (103) Kidney transplant;

  (104) Genitourinary incontinence procedures (requiring surgical or radiological procedures);

  (105) Extracorporeal lithotripsy, urinary (requiring surgical or radiological procedures);

  (106) Indwelling catheter;

  (107) Procedures on the urethra (requiring surgical or radiological procedures);

  (108) Other diagnostic procedures of urinary tract (requiring surgical or radiological procedures);

  (109) Other non-operating room therapeutic procedures of urinary tract (requiring surgical or radiological procedures);

  (110) Other operating room therapeutic procedures of urinary tract (requiring surgical or radiological procedures);

  (111) Transurethral resection of prostate (TURP);

  (112) Open prostatectomy;

  (113) Circumcision;

  (114) Diagnostic procedures, male genital (requiring surgical or radiological procedures);

  (115) Other non-operating room therapeutic procedures, male genital (requiring surgical or radiological procedures);

  (116) Other operating room therapeutic procedures, male genital (requiring surgical or radiological procedures);

  (117) Oophorectomy, unilateral or bilateral;

  (118) Other operations on ovary (requiring surgical or radiological procedures);

  (119) Ligation of fallopian tubes (requiring surgical or radiological procedures);

  (120) Removal of ectopic pregnancy (requiring surgical or radiological procedures);

  (121) Other operations on fallopian tubes (requiring surgical or radiological procedures);

  (122) Hysterectomy, abdominal or vaginal (requiring surgical or radiological procedures);

  (123) Other excision of cervix or uterus;

  (124) Abortion (termination of pregnancy);

  (125) Dilatation and curettage (D&C), aspiration after delivery or abortion (requiring surgical or radiological procedures);

  (126) Diagnostic dilatation and curettage (D&C);

  (127) Repair of cystocele or rectocele, obliteration of vaginal vault (requiring surgical or radiological procedures);

  (128) Other diagnostic procedures, female organs (requiring surgical or radiological procedures);

  (129) Other non-operating room therapeutic procedures, female organs (requiring surgical or radiological procedures);

  (130) Other operating room therapeutic procedures, female organs (requiring surgical or radiological procedures);

  (131) Episiotomy;

  (132) Cesarean section;

  (133) Forceps, vacuum, or breech delivery (requiring surgical or radiological procedures);

  (134) Artificial Rupture of membranes to assist delivery (requiring surgical procedures);

  (135) Other procedures to assist delivery (requiring surgical or radiological procedures);

  (136) Diagnostic amniocentesis;

  (137) Fetal monitoring (requiring surgical or radiological procedures);

  (138) Repair of current obstetric laceration;

  (139) Other therapeutic obstetrical procedures (requiring surgical or radiological procedures);

  (140) Partial excision bone;

  (141) Bunionectomy or repair of toe deformities (requiring surgical or radiological procedures);

  (142) Treatment, facial fracture or dislocation (requiring surgical or radiological procedures);

  (143) Treatment, fracture or dislocation of radius and ulna (requiring surgical or radiological procedures);

  (144) Treatment, fracture or dislocation of hip and femur (requiring surgical or radiological procedures);

  (145) Treatment, fracture or dislocation of lower extremity (other than hip or femur) (requiring surgical or radiological procedures);

  (146) Other fracture and dislocation procedure (requiring surgical or radiological procedures);

  (147) Arthroscopy;

  (148) Division of joint capsule, ligament or cartilage;

  (149) Excision of semilunar cartilage of knee;

  (150) Arthroplasty knee;

  (151) Hip replacement, total or partial;

  (152) Arthroplasty other than hip or knee;

  (153) Arthrocentesis;

  (154) Injections and aspirations of muscles, tendons, bursa, joints and soft tissue (requiring surgical or radiological procedures);

  (155) Amputation of lower extremity;

  (156) Spinal fusion (requiring surgical or radiological procedures);

  (157) Other diagnostic procedures on musculoskeletal system (requiring surgical or radiological procedures);

  (158) Other therapeutic procedures on muscles and tendons (requiring surgical or radiological procedures);

  (159) Other operating room therapeutic procedures on bone (requiring surgical or radiological procedures);

  (160) Other operating room therapeutic procedures on joints (requiring surgical or radiological procedures);

  (161) Other non-operating room therapeutic procedures on musculoskeletal system (requiring surgical or radiological procedures);

  (162) Other operating room therapeutic procedures on musculoskeletal system (requiring surgical or radiological procedures);

  (163) Breast biopsy or other diagnostic procedures on breast (requiring surgical or radiological procedures);

  (164) Lumpectomy, quadrantectomy of breast;

  (165) Mastectomy;

  (166) Incision and drainage, skin and subcutaneous tissue (requiring surgical or radiological procedures);

  (167) Excision of skin lesion;

  (168) Suture of skin or subcutaneous tissue;

  (169) Skin graft;

  (170) Other diagnostic procedures on skin or subcutaneous tissue;

  (171) Other non-operating room therapeutic procedures on skin or breast (requiring surgical or radiological procedures);

  (172) Other operating room therapeutic procedures on skin or breast (requiring surgical or radiological procedures);

  (173) Other organ transplantation;

  (174) Computerized axial tomography (CT) scan head;

  (175) Computerized axial tomography (CT) scan chest;

  (176) Computerized axial tomography (CT) scan abdomen;

  (177) Other Computerized axial tomography (CT) scan;

  (178) Myelogram;

  (179) Mammography;

  (180) Routine chest X-ray;

  (181) Intraoperative cholangiogram;

  (182) Upper gastrointestinal X-ray;

  (183) Lower gastrointestinal X-ray;

  (184) Intravenous pyelogram;

  (185) Cerebral arteriogram;

  (186) Contrast aortogram;

  (187) Contrast arteriogram of femoral or lower extremity arteries;

  (188) Arteriogram or venogram (not heart or head);

  (189) Diagnostic ultrasound of head or neck;

  (190) Diagnostic ultrasound of heart (echocardiogram);

  (191) Diagnostic ultrasound of gastrointestinal tract;

  (192) Diagnostic ultrasound of urinary tract;

  (193) Diagnostic ultrasound of abdomen or retroperitoneum;

  (194) Other diagnostic ultrasound;

  (195) Magnetic resonance imaging;

  (196) Electroencephalogram (EEG) (requiring surgical or radiological procedures);

  (197) Swan-Ganz catheterization for monitoring;

  (198) Radioisotope bone scan;

  (199) Radioisotope pulmonary scan;

  (200) Radioisotope scan or function studies;

  (201) Other radioisotope scan;


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