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RULE §5.46Deductions for Paying Membership Fees to Certain State Employee Organizations

    (A) The comptroller shall notify a state employee organization about the comptroller's approval or disapproval of the organization's request for certification by no later than the 30th day after the comptroller receives the request if the request is complete in all respects.

    (B) The comptroller shall notify each state agency of the comptroller's certification of a state employee organization by no later than the 30th day after the comptroller makes the certification.

(h) Effective date of certification. The first deduction to pay a membership fee to an eligible organization may be made from salary or wages paid on the first workday of the second month following the month in which the comptroller certifies the organization.

(i) Payments of deducted membership fees.

  (1) Payments by the comptroller through electronic funds transfers. The comptroller shall pay deducted membership fees to an eligible organization by electronic funds transfer.

  (2) Payments by institutions of higher education.

    (A) This paragraph applies only to membership fees in eligible organizations that have been deducted from salaries or wages that the comptroller does not pay directly to state employees of institutions of higher education.

    (B) An institution of higher education shall pay deducted membership fees to an eligible organization by electronic funds transfer unless it is infeasible to do so.

    (C) If it is infeasible for an institution of higher education to pay deducted membership fees to an eligible organization by electronic funds transfer, then the institution shall pay the fees by check. The check must be mailed or delivered to the organization by no later than the 20th calendar day of the month following the month when the salary or wages from which the deductions were made were earned. If the 20th calendar day of a month is not a workday, then the first workday following the 20th calendar day is the deadline for the mailing or delivery of checks.

  (3) Reconciliation.

    (A) An eligible organization shall reconcile the detail report provided by a state agency under subsection (l)(4) of this section with:

      (i) the amount of membership fees paid to the organization under this subsection; and

      (ii) the organization's membership information.

    (B) An eligible organization must submit to the agency, in a secure manner, a reconciling items report, which identifies:

      (i) any discrepancies between the detail report provided by a state agency under subsection (l)(4) of this section and the actual amount of membership fees received under this subsection; and

      (ii) the name of any employee listed in the detail report provided by a state agency under subsection (l)(4) of this section for whom the organization does not already have personal contact information.

    (C) The organization must ensure that the agency receives the organization's reconciling items report by no later than the 60th calendar day after the day on which the agency submitted the detail report to the organization. If the 60th calendar day is not a workday, the first workday following the 60th calendar day is the deadline.

    (D) A state agency that receives a reconciling items report from an eligible organization shall investigate the reconciling items described in the organization's reconciling items report, and notify the organization of the action to be taken to eliminate the reconciling items. A reconciling item may be eliminated by:

      (i) making a retroactive deduction if it is authorized by subsection (b)(7) of this section;

      (ii) recovering an excessive payment to an eligible organization of amounts deducted under this section from a subsequent payment to the organization;

      (iii) recovering an excessive payment to an eligible organization of amounts deducted under this section by obtaining a refund from the organization in accordance with subsection (k)(5) of this section;

      (iv) the agency making corrections to the detail report if the report is incorrect; or

      (v) providing the organization, in a secure manner, with personal contact information for each employee identified in the reconciling items report for whom the organization does not already have personal contact information.

    (E) If a state agency timely receives a reconciling items report that identifies the information described in paragraph (3)(B)(ii) of this subsection, the agency shall provide the information described in paragraph (3)(D)(v) of this subsection to the organization no later than the 10th calendar day after the day on which the agency received the organization's reconciling items report. If the 10th calendar day is not a workday, the first workday following the 10th calendar day is the deadline for providing the information.

  (4) Subordinate units of eligible organizations.

    (A) A chapter or other subordinate unit of an eligible organization may receive directly from the comptroller or an institution of higher education a payment of deducted membership fees if the fees were deducted under authorization forms that authorized the payment of the fees to the chapter or other subordinate unit of the organization.

    (B) A request to pay deducted membership fees to a chapter or subordinate unit instead of the parent eligible organization must be submitted to the comptroller by the organization.

    (C) The comptroller may grant a request under subparagraph (B) of this paragraph only if the membership fee structure of the chapter or subordinate unit is the same as the membership fee structure of the parent eligible organization.

    (D) The comptroller's granting of a request under subparagraph (B) of this paragraph is not a certification of the chapter or subordinate unit as an eligible organization.

    (E) The comptroller may require an eligible organization to submit proof that an entity is a chapter or other subordinate unit of the organization before a payment of deducted membership fees is paid directly to the entity. The comptroller may periodically require the organization to submit proof that the entity is still a chapter or other subordinate unit of the organization as a condition for continuing to pay deducted membership fees directly to the entity.

(j) Solicitation. This section does not prohibit the chief administrator of a state agency from permitting or prohibiting solicitation by eligible organizations on the premises of the agency.

(k) Responsibilities of eligible organizations.

  (1) Disseminating information.

    (A) An eligible organization is solely responsible for the dissemination of relevant information to its representatives and employees.

    (B) An eligible organization must ensure that its representatives and employees comply with the requirements of this section.

  (2) Notification to the comptroller. An eligible organization must notify the comptroller in writing immediately after a change occurs to:

    (A) the organization's name;

    (B) the street address of the headquarters of the organization;

    (C) the mailing address of the headquarters of the organization, if different from the street address;

    (D) the full name, title, telephone number, or mailing address of the organization's primary contact; or

    (E) the organization's electronic funds transfer information.

  (3) Primary contact. The individual that a state employee organization designates as its primary contact must represent the organization for the purposes of:

    (A) communicating with the comptroller, including receiving and responding to correspondence from the comptroller; and

    (B) disseminating information, including information about the requirements of this section, to representatives of the organization.

  (4) Texas identification number. The Texas identification number of an eligible organization must appear on all correspondence from the organization to the comptroller or a state agency.

  (5) Refunding excessive payments of amounts deducted under this section.

    (A) An eligible organization shall refund a payment of amounts deducted under this section to the extent the amount exceeds the amount that should have been paid to the organization if:

      (i) the organization receives a written request for the refund from a state agency;

      (ii) the agency provides reasonable evidence of the overpayment to the organization; and


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