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RULE §5.61Approval and Certification of Certain Payment, SPRS, and USPS Documents

    (D) A state agency may not adopt a policy, procedure, or rule that conflicts with this paragraph.

  (3) Release of USPS or SPRS documents into USPS or SPRS for processing.

    (A) A state agency may request USPS or SPRS to process a batch of the agency's USPS or SPRS documents only by releasing the batch on-line according to this section and the procedures adopted by the comptroller.

    (B) A batch that a state agency has released must be released again by the agency if:

      (i) a transaction within the batch is altered after its original release; or

      (ii) a transaction is added to the batch after its original release.

    (C) An individual may approve a USPS or SPRS document only if:

      (i) the individual begins an on-line session in USPS or SPRS by entering the individual's user identification number and password; and

      (ii) USPS or SPRS determines that the user identification number and password belong to an individual who USPS or SPRS recognizes as authorized to approve the agency's USPS or SPRS documents.

    (D) USPS or SPRS recognizes an individual as authorized to release a state agency's USPS or SPRS documents only if the comptroller has given the individual the necessary security to release those documents.

    (E) A state agency that wants an individual to have release capabilities for the agency's USPS or SPRS documents must properly request necessary security for the individual from the comptroller. The comptroller will grant the request only if the comptroller determines that the individual:

      (i) has inherent authority to approve USPS or SPRS documents and the requirements of subsection (f)(2) of this section have been satisfied; or

      (ii) the individual has been designated to approve the agency's USPS or SPRS documents, the requirements of subsection (j) of this section have been satisfied, and the individual's designation has not been revoked according to subsection (k) of this section.

  (4) Legal significance of releasing batches of USPS or SPRS documents into USPS or SPRS for processing.

    (A) The on-line release of a batch of USPS or SPRS documents into USPS or SPRS for processing constitutes the electronic approval of all those documents.

    (B) An individual who releases a batch of USPS or SPRS documents into USPS or SPRS for processing is responsible for the truth and accuracy of the following statement with respect to each document and transaction in the batch: "I approve each document in this batch. Employees at my state agency have determined that each document complies with applicable law, including the General Appropriations Act (GAA) and the rules of the comptroller of public accounts. For each document that involves the payment of compensation to a state officer or employee, employees at my state agency have determined that: the payroll is correct and unpaid; and that any salary supplementation report required by the GAA to be filed with the comptroller of public accounts and the secretary of state has been filed. For each document that does not involve the payment of compensation to a state officer or employee, employees at my state agency have determined that: the goods and services covered by the document comply with the requirements under which they were purchased; and that the invoices for the goods or services are correct. For each transaction that involves the reimbursement of a meal expense incurred during non-overnight travel, employees at my state agency have determined that the information included in the transaction has been approved by the claimant. My state agency has authorized me to make this statement for the agency, and I accept responsibility for it." An individual who does not want to be responsible for this statement about a batch may not release the batch. An individual may not both release a batch and avoid responsibility for the statement.

    (C) The chief fiscal officer of a state agency shall ensure that each individual who is authorized or designated to approve the agency's USPS or SPRS documents understands this paragraph. The agency's executive director or head of agency, as applicable, shall ensure that the chief fiscal officer satisfies this requirement. However, the failure of the chief fiscal officer, the executive director, or the head of agency to comply with a requirement of this subparagraph does not relieve any individual from responsibility for the truth and accuracy of the statement in subparagraph (B) of this paragraph.

    (D) A state agency may not adopt a policy, procedure, or rule that conflicts with this paragraph.

  (5) Disclosure of user identification numbers and passwords. An individual may not disclose the individual's user identification number or password, or both, to any individual or entity. Therefore, an individual may not authorize another individual to release a batch of payment, SPRS, or USPS documents by using the first individual's user identification number and password. Penal Code, §33.02(b) criminalizes the intentional or knowing disclosure of a password or personal identification number to an individual or entity without the effective consent of the computer owner.

(p) Non-electronic approvals of paper payment documents.

  (1) Special definition. In this subsection, "payment document" means only a paper payment document.

  (2) General requirements. A state agency may provide non-electronic approval of a payment document only if the comptroller consents to that approval method.

  (3) Requirements of other subsections. In addition to this subsection, subsections (a) - (o) of this section govern all aspects of non-electronic approvals of payment documents, with the exceptions specified in those subsections.

  (4) Method for providing approvals.

    (A) The non-electronic approval of a payment document must be provided through the original signature of an individual who is authorized or designated to approve the document.

    (B) An individual's original signature on a payment document is a valid approval of that document only if the signature matches the individual's signature on the appropriate signature card or, if adopted by the comptroller, on the form used in lieu of signature cards.

  (5) Reapprovals. If a payment document is altered in any manner after an individual has properly approved the document, then the document must be properly approved again.

(q) Non-electronic approvals of payment documents submitted to USAS electronically and of USPS or SPRS documents.

  (1) Special definition. In this subsection, "payment document" means only a payment document that is submitted to USAS electronically.

  (2) General requirements. A state agency may provide non-electronic approval of a payment, SPRS, or USPS document only if the comptroller consents to that approval method.

  (3) Requirements of other subsections. In addition to this subsection, subsections (a) - (o) of this section govern all aspects of non-electronic approvals of payment and USPS or SPRS documents, with the exceptions specified in those subsections.

  (4) Method for providing approvals.

    (A) The non-electronic approval of a payment, SPRS, or USPS document must be provided through the original signature of an individual who is authorized or designated to approve the document.

    (B) An individual's original signature on a payment, SPRS, or USPS document is a valid approval of that document only if the signature matches the individual's signature on the appropriate signature card or, if adopted by the comptroller, on the form used in lieu of signature cards.

  (5) Reapprovals. If a payment, SPRS, or USPS document is altered in any manner after an individual has properly approved the document, then the document must be properly approved again.

  (6) When the release of a payment, SPRS, or USPS document does not constitute approval of that document.

    (A) If the comptroller has consented to the contract, a state agency may contract with an individual not employed by the agency or with another entity to:

      (i) release the agency's payment documents into USAS for processing;

      (ii) release the agency's USPS or SPRS documents into USPS or SPRS for processing; or

      (iii) release the agency's payment documents into USAS for processing and the agency's USPS or SPRS documents into USPS or SPRS for processing.

    (B) The release of a payment, SPRS, or USPS document under subparagraph (A) of this paragraph does not constitute approval of the document. The document may be approved only according to paragraph (4) of this subsection.

    (C) The comptroller may consent to a contract described by subparagraph (A) of this paragraph if:

      (i) the comptroller is satisfied that the state agency whose payment, SPRS, or USPS documents are being released has statutory authority to enter into the contract;


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