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RULE §5.4001Plan of Operation

to the association by the Department after review of annual statements, other reports, and required statistics; provided, however, that if at the time of such assessment the Department has not furnished to the association information necessary to compute a member's participation during the preceding calendar year, then each member's participation shall be based upon information furnished to the association from the last calendar year in which such information is available and, upon obtaining the necessary information from the Department, the association shall reassess or refund to each member such amounts as are necessary to properly reflect such member's participation; provided, further, that a member shall be entitled to receive the following credit for insurance, similar to catastrophe insurance, written in such catastrophe areas.

      (i) Participation in the association for policies after January 1, 1988. Procedure for determining the percent of participation respecting association policies with inception dates on or after January 1, 1988, for members of the association reflecting credit for voluntary premiums written in the designated areas. (All premiums are for the most recent preceding calendar year ending December 31, as furnished by the Department.) Column 1(a): Statewide net direct premiums for extended coverage and other allied lines. Column 1(b): Statewide net direct premiums for extended coverage and other allied lines portion of the multiple peril line. Column 1(c): Statewide net direct premiums for homeowners and farm and ranch owners. Column 2: The sum of the statewide net direct premiums at 90% of the extended coverage and other allied lines, and 50% of the homeowners and farm and ranch owner's, or such percentage as may be determined in accordance with subsection (a)(2)(i)(III) of this section (90% of Column 1(a) plus 90% of Column 1(b) plus 50% of Column 1(c)). Column 3: Each company's percentage of the net direct premiums as described in Column 2, which is the basis for indicating normal required participation in the association prior to credits for voluntary writings in the designated areas. Column 4: Total windstorm and hail premiums in the designated areas (association premiums plus voluntary premiums). Column 5: Normal company quota of total windstorm and hail premiums (Column 3 x Column 4). Column 6: Each company's voluntary writings in the designated areas multiplied by the same percentages as shown in Column 2. Note: Maximum credit shall be limited to company's normal quota. Column 7: Each company's maximum possible allocation after applying credits for voluntary writings (Column 5 minus Column 6). Negative allocation to be shown as zero. Column 8: Percentage participation of each member company in the association, prior to application of offset. Note: The offset figure measures the excess premiums developed by the maximum credit in Column 6. Column 9: Percentage participation of each member company in the association.

Attached Graphic

      (ii) The Department shall furnish to the association the amount of net direct premiums of each member company written on property in this state and the aggregate net direct premiums written on property in this state by all member companies during the preceding calendar year as reported by member companies to the Department. Within a reasonable time after the receipt of same from the Department, the association shall notify each member company, in writing, sent by certified mail, the amount of the net direct premiums written on property in this state during the preceding calendar year by the member company to whom notice is given, including the net direct premiums of similar insurance voluntarily written in the catastrophe areas, upon which such company's percentage of participation will be determined. Such notice shall state that such notification, and the content thereof, is an act, ruling, or decision of the association and that the member company to whom such notice is given shall be entitled to appeal therefrom within 30 days from the date of such act, ruling, or decision as shown on said notice in accordance with the Insurance Code §2210.551. Thereafter, the association shall determine the percentage of participation for each member company in the manner provided in the plan of operation and shall notify each member company thereof, in writing, sent by certified mail. Such notice shall state that such notification, and the content thereof, is an act, ruling, or decision of the association insofar as the mathematical determination of the percentage of participation is concerned and that the member company to whom such notice is given shall be entitled to appeal therefrom within 30 days from the date of such act, ruling, or decision as shown on said notice in accordance with the Insurance Code §2210.551.

      (iii) To assist the association in determining each member insurer's percentage of participation as soon as possible in the calendar year, each member insurer shall furnish to the association on or before March 1 of each year a copy of its Exhibit of Premiums and Losses (Statutory Page 14 Data) for the State of Texas that is filed annually with the Department as part of the insurer's Texas Fire and Casualty Annual Statement Form 2.

    (C) Notice of assessment. Notice of assessment shall be sent to each member, within 30 days of the meeting of the board of directors at which such assessment was levied, by certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed to the office of such member as it appears on the books of the Association. Such notice shall state the member's allocated amount of assessment and shall inform each member of the sanctions imposed by subparagraph (D) of this paragraph for the failure to pay such assessment within the time prescribed by this section. Such notice shall also state that such notification, and the content thereof, is an act, ruling, or decision of the association insofar as the amount of the assessment for such company is concerned and that a member company to whom such notice is given shall be entitled to appeal therefrom within 30 days from the date of such act, ruling, or decision as shown on said notice, in accordance with the Insurance Code §2210.551; provided, however, that the right of appeal provided for herein shall not include the subject matter of any act, ruling, or decision of the association determining the amount of net direct premiums of such member company or the percentage of participation for such member company when notice of the amount of such net direct premiums or such percentage of participation has previously been given by the association in accordance with subparagraph (B)(ii) of this paragraph. The time period for an appeal of an act, ruling, or decision of the association respecting net direct premiums or percentage of participation is computed from the date of the act, ruling, or decision of the association respecting same.

    (D) Failure to pay assessment.

      (i) Each member shall remit to the association payment in full of its assessed amount of any assessment levied by the board of directors within 30 days of receipt of notice of assessment. If the association has not received payment in full of a member's allocated amount of assessment within 40 days of notice of the receipt by the member of the notice of assessment, then the association shall report to the Commissioner the fact that such assessment has not been paid, and the Commissioner shall immediately issue an order suspending such member's certificate of authority to transact the business of insurance in the State of Texas until such time as the association certifies to the Commissioner that such assessment has been paid in full. Removal of a member's certificate of authority to transact business in the State of Texas by the Commissioner shall in no way affect the right of the association to proceed against such member in any court of law or equity in the United States for any remedy provided by law or contract to the association, including, but not limited to, the right to collect such member's assessment. In addition to any other remedy provided herein, the board of directors may offset assessments due from a member against any amounts in any account of such delinquent member.

      (ii) A member by mailing payment of its allocated amount of assessment, as provided herein, shall not thereby waive any right it may have to contest the computation of its allocated amount of assessment. Such contest shall not, however, toll the time within which assessments shall be paid or the report to be made to the Commissioner or the action to be taken by the Commissioner upon receipt of such report, all as set out in clause (i) of this subparagraph.

    (E) Inability to pay assessment by reason of insolvency. In the event a member of the association is placed in temporary or permanent receivership under order of a court of competent jurisdiction based upon a finding of insolvency, and such member has been designated an impaired insurer by the Commissioner, and in the event it is necessary to obtain additional funds to provide for operating expenses and losses in the year the insurer is declared impaired, the aggregate net amount not recovered from such insolvent insurer shall be reallocated among the remaining members of the association in accordance with the method of determining participation as determined in the plan of operation.

  (3) Use of funds.

    (A) All monies collected or received by the association are required to be expended in the following ways and in the following sequence:


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